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In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life. But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them  (Realize Quotes) When you really think about your hand you begin to realize its connection, to sense the hum of your own being passing through it. When we look at a piece of the universe we should feel the same  (Realize Quotes) We don’t realize that we face a frustrating situation in which we win every battle, but we lose the war  (Realize Quotes) I have committed myself to joy. I have come to realize that those who make space for joy, those who prefer nothing to joy, those who desire the utter reality, will most assuredly have it. We must not be afraid to announce it to refugees, slum dwellers, saddened prisoners, angry prophets. Now and then we must even announce it to ourselves. In this prison of now, in this cynical and sophisticated age, someone must believe in joy  (Realize Quotes) I used to want to pack as much as I could into my life, but now I realize it’s more about quality of life than quantity  (Realize Quotes) As you grow older you realize that art has an enormous effect. It’s frightening sometimes to think of the effect that we can have  (Realize Quotes) You must first realize the thing completely in your mind. Then grasp the brush, fix your attention so that you see clearly what you wish to paint; start quickly, move the brush, follow straight what you see before you, as the buzzard swoops down when the hare jumps out. If you hesitate one moment, it is gone  (Realize Quotes) I really don’t care about the response to my hair this is just how my hair is. I don’t take care of it, or comb it, or put anything in it, or style it or anything. When people comment on it, it is funny to me that it draws such attention. It makes me realize how insignificant that sort of thing is  (Realize Quotes) We can’t have everything! It took a lot of growing up for me to realize this unalterable fact and to discipline myself into accepting it  (Realize Quotes) When you realize that your history books and your science books and your literature books are not the result of experts sitting down and making it a wise decision, but of political pressure groups coming to the state textbook hearings, this is wrong  (Realize Quotes) As you go along, you realize you have ambitions but when you get there, you want something else, so you’re moving very quickly  (Realize Quotes) I had always functioned with dignity, wanting to appear intelligent, macho, never vulnerable or insecure. But now I realize that... a part of these comic characters is a fundamental part of me too  (Realize Quotes) Inspiration is there all the time. For everyone whose mind is not clouded over with thoughts whether they realize it or not  (Realize Quotes) The best companies are able to realize earnings in cash, not through calculations that belong in fantasyland  (Realize Quotes) Many hybrid owners realize how sharply fuel efficiency goes down over 55 mph because they get instant mileage feedback  (Realize Quotes) The isolated individual is not a real person. A real person is one who lives in and for others. And the more personal relationships we form with others, the more we truly realize ourselves as persons. It has even been said that there can be no true person unless there are two, entering into communication with one another  (Realize Quotes) I’ve come to realize that companionship and mild competition can help build quality and lay the ground for excellence  (Realize Quotes) You can’t teach anybody anything, only make them realize the answers are already inside them  (Realize Quotes) The modern naturalist must realize that in some of its branches his profession, while more than ever a science, has also become an art  (Realize Quotes) Anybody can do just about anything with himself that he really wants to and makes up his mind to do. We are all capable of greater things than we realize  (Realize Quotes) A soft, easy life is not worth living, if it impairs the fibre of brain and heart and muscle. We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage... For us is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out  (Realize Quotes) I trust that you will so live today as to realize that you are masters of your own destiny, masters of your fate; if there is anything you want in this world, it is for you to strike out with confidence and faith in self and reach for it  (Realize Quotes) I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but with a definite object of helping the people, especially those of my race, to know, to understand, and to realize themselves  (Realize Quotes) I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis. Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work  (Realize Quotes) One way to drive fear out of a relationship is to realize that your partner’s values are the same as yours, that what you care about is exactly what they care about. In my opinion, that drives fear out and makes for a great partnership, whether it’s a corporate partnership or a marriage  (Realize Quotes) The abuse of power manifests with phony spiritual teachers and phony gurus who tell you how to run your life and what to wear and what to eat, all that sort of stuff. They abuse. People don’t realize that, listen to them and ruin their lives  (Realize Quotes) Phony gurus make themselves objects of adoration and worship. Real spiritual teachers aren’t interested in adoration and worship. They like respect only because they realize respect will help the student  (Realize Quotes) What a man must do is realize that his continued belief in the inferiority of women is going to produce a type of karma that is going to hold him back, and already has  (Realize Quotes) You have developed the second attention much more than you realize and you use it more than you realize as a woman. That’s why I feel women can attain enlightenment more easily than men  (Realize Quotes) You’ve achieved cheerfulness the day you realize that no matter what’s happening around you, being anything other than cheerful will not make it better  (Realize Quotes)
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