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You realize as a director that when you are cutting a film, you want to have alternatives. You need color and choices. You don’t want four takes that are identical  (Realize Quotes) I worked out of desperation. I used to hit fast and run in hopes that people wouldn’t realize that I really couldn’t do anything  (Realize Quotes) We have to realize only in communication, in real knowledge, in real reaching out, can there be an understanding that there’s humanity everywhere, and that’s what I’m trying to do  (Realize Quotes) Once you start to realize that a film is the sum of its editing, then editing is the thing you’re always looking at  (Realize Quotes) When someone is force to realize that the road he’d been working hard to make progress on was no different from the place he’d started, and when he realized that he had in fact gone backward, all that person can do is face the pale sky and lament  (Realize Quotes) Many people think they could do much better if they only had the opportunity that they don’t realize they already have  (Realize Quotes) Setbacks in trying to realize the ideal do not prove that the ideal is at fault  (Realize Quotes) The great thing about knowing you’re wrong is the moment you realize it, you’re right  (Realize Quotes) I realize that as quick as you go up, you can really come down that quick. And we’ve seen it happen with others  (Realize Quotes) We tend to take things for granted that we’ve had for long periods of time. Take a moment to appreciate the person in your life. Realize why you are with them. Take a moment with them and really be in that moment completely  (Realize Quotes) In my brief glimpse of what is to come I realize how little I care to witness it. I have seen the future and I’m fairly relieved to say, it looks nothing like me  (Realize Quotes) One of the things you don’t always realize when youre younger is that not everything you try is going to work  (Realize Quotes) I forget, because it’s hard to realize that the same person who gives you so much love, and to whom you give so much in return, can go through the kinds of pain and suffering that nothing you do can alleviate  (Realize Quotes) This other war, the war upon destruction of natural assets is one that will never be finished. Our weakness in this vast war is largely ignorance, that most of our citizens do not realize what is going on under their very feet  (Realize Quotes) A work of art doesn’t dare you to realize it. It germinates and gestates by itself  (Realize Quotes) Life is not a search for experience, but for ourselves. Having discovered our own fundamental level we realize that it conforms to our own destiny and we find peace  (Realize Quotes) People have committed suicide because of their failure to realize the passions for love, power, fame, revenge. Cases of suicide because of a lack of sexual satisfaction are virtually nonexistent  (Realize Quotes) What a strange, demented feeling it gives me when I realize I have spent whole days before this ink stone, with nothing better to do, jotting down at random whatever nonsensical thoughts have entered my head  (Realize Quotes) I realize that I live on the bubble of insanity. I feel the weight of human suffering, loneliness and despair on me all the time. It’s not getting easier; if anything, it’s always right on the edge of my skin  (Realize Quotes) The minute I start to talk about acting, I realize that I can’t. You know, it’s an abstract thing, a little bit mysterious even if you do it for a living  (Realize Quotes) I talked about becoming stupid, but I’ve always been stupid. Fortunately I’ve been just smart enough to realize that I’m stupid  (Realize Quotes) To desire to be an artist is to desire to be a complete man in respect to some one function, to realize yourself utterly. A man is a poor thing who is content not to be an artist  (Realize Quotes) I think it is very important for you to do two things: act on your temporary conviction as if it was a real conviction; and when you realize that you are wrong, correct course very quickly  (Realize Quotes) Each man has in him the potential to realize the truth through his own will and endeavour and to help others to realize it  (Realize Quotes) Oh, love is very much a physical thing... I realize that it’s very complicated, and I’m sure it can’t be traced to individual neurons and hormones, but I think it’s very much a physiological sensation that takes place in the brain  (Realize Quotes) It’s hot rain and humid days and broken thermostats. It’s screaming and raging steam engines and wanting to take your clothes off just to feel a breeze. It’s the kind of kiss that makes you realize oxygen is overrated  (Realize Quotes) Even today few scientists and perhaps even fewer nonscientists realize that science is a method and nothing else  (Realize Quotes) When I didn’t have a family, I was much more of a workaholic... I still like to work, but I also want to be home with them. As you get older, you realize you need balance. If it’s not fun, what’s the point?  (Realize Quotes) I would dearly love to take up the brush again, but I realize that I am an old man and that I cannot set the world afire  (Realize Quotes) People who believe in painting... realize there is something greater than just coming up with an idea, and executing it  (Realize Quotes)
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