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We came to realize that a civilization which rode roughshod over the way of life of other peoples was incorporating evil in its own way of life  (Realize Quotes) Being young is greatly overestimated... Any failure seems so total. Later on you realize you can have another go  (Realize Quotes) One of the great problems facing men is their failure to realize the fact that a child possesses an active psychic life even when he cannot manifest it, and that the child must secretly perfect this inner life over a long period of time  (Realize Quotes) Real friends offer both hard truths and soft landings and realize that it’s sometimes more important to be nice than to be honest  (Realize Quotes) Nothing makes you realize you don’t know what you want more than getting what you want  (Realize Quotes) Often I am struck in amazement about a word: I suddenly realize that the complete arbitrariness of our language is but a part of the arbitrariness of our own world in general  (Realize Quotes) Language is power, in ways more literal than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality. Why don’t more of us realize the connection between language and power?  (Realize Quotes) It’s terrible to realize that you don’t learn how to live until you’re ready to die; and, then it’s too late  (Realize Quotes) I think people have put too much focus on me. I don’t think they realize the other weapons we have on this team. I don’t think they realize the great offensive line that we have  (Realize Quotes) A lot of people are writing poems and don’t realize it. They have this limited idea of how the poem should sound or what subjects it should address  (Realize Quotes) I realize that I can be with someone, but on a deeper level I’m not available to them at all. I have attention deficit disorder of the soul  (Realize Quotes) Only the highest souls realize and accept that he who sins is far more to be pitied, aye, and loved, if love is what the highest human passion should be, than is the one against whom the sinner has sinned  (Realize Quotes) We come to realize that other people’s welfare is just as important as our own. In helping them, we help ourselves. In helping ourselves, we help the world  (Realize Quotes) All the humiliating, tragicomic, heartbreaking things happened to me in my girlhood, and nothing makes me happier than to realize I cannot possibly relive my youth  (Realize Quotes) We are the only country in the world that trashes its old buildings. Too late we realize how very much we need them  (Realize Quotes) My friends, do we realize for what purpose we are convened? Do we fully understand that we aim at nothing less than an entire subversion of the present order of society, a dissolution of the whole existing social compact?  (Realize Quotes) Metaphysicians tell us that it is easier to get the body well than to get the mind to realize its wellness  (Realize Quotes) I used to consider myself as great as a pyramid, and now I realize that I am only a shadow that passes  (Realize Quotes) We must realize our own talents and, having realized, accept them; and play on them like a symphony in which all other instruments are harmonized to make a better universe  (Realize Quotes) Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations  (Realize Quotes) You have to accept the plan and realize that if you slip, and you might, you can’t use that as a reason to give up or stop  (Realize Quotes) I want people to see that the cosmic perspective is simultaneously honest about the universe we live in and uplifting, when we realize how far we have come and how wonderful is this world of ours  (Realize Quotes) You come to realize that life is short, and you have to step up. Don’t feel sorry for me. Much is expected of those who are strong  (Realize Quotes) Everybody hates lawyers, but they don’t realize judges are just lawyers with a promotion. Think about it  (Realize Quotes) It must be the ultimate punishment, don’t you think, to finally gain wisdom, only to realize that the consequences of your actions are irrevocable?  (Realize Quotes) Over the years since I left home, I have kept thinking about the people I grew up with and about our way of life. I realize how much the bond that held us had to do with food  (Realize Quotes) Everybody has a theme. You talk to somebody awhile, and you realize they have one particular thing that rules them. The best you can do is a variation on the theme, but that’s about it  (Realize Quotes) Since the whole village was poor, we didn’t realize our own poverty. I was happy  (Realize Quotes) It does get strange when you realize people will hang around for hours to get a glimpse of you doing scenes outside  (Realize Quotes) Sometimes some of the toughest things you deal with end up being the best things because you realize the people that you can rely on, that love you and support you through it  (Realize Quotes)
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