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Sometimes you think you know things, know things very deeply, only to realize you don’t know a damn thing  (Realize Quotes) Universities have come to realize that online is not a fad. The question is not whether to engage in this area but how to do it  (Realize Quotes) Working together in concert more smoothly not only helps us move more quickly; it changes the nature of what we can undertake. When we have the confidence that we can orchestrate the group effort required to realize them, we dare bigger dreams  (Realize Quotes) I came to realize in my late 20s that my velocity is not going to grow so I had to learn to utilize what I had  (Realize Quotes) Free yourself from happiness and unhappiness. Realize there is something beyond both and yet, revel in your time, revel in this world  (Realize Quotes) Conversation creates a new kind of network within organizations. Current networks are used for competitive advantage, but conversation is focused on encouraging people to realize their potential  (Realize Quotes) You thought you were found but you realize that you were lost, and someday you may discover that you’re lost now  (Realize Quotes) I don’t think people realize the risks they face every time they create a text, or post on a social network. Unless you expressly make the effort, everything you do online, including texting, has a shelf life of forever  (Realize Quotes) If I didn’t like you, I could take any or all of what I found and invent a context that lost you your job, your relationships, your degree. People are so vulnerable online and they don’t realize it. That is scary to me  (Realize Quotes) I realize that I’m black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and that’s everybody’s wish. I try to be a role model for black kids, white kids, yellow kids, green kids. This is what I felt was good about my personality  (Realize Quotes) Important thing to realize is the world is not here to make me happy. When you don’t demand that the situation, or place, or person should make you happy, then actually the situation, place, or person is quite satisfying  (Realize Quotes) People always form images of who others are, and they can be inflated images. People may not realize that the enormous energy and spiritual power that comes through a teacher, especially in a teaching situation, has nothing to do with that person  (Realize Quotes) When men realize that feminism is a universal good that affects them in very intimate ways then I think they really become allies and leaders  (Realize Quotes) Somehow, you realize you can kind of do anything in music. You don’t have to be good at a certain thing; you can just do whatever you want  (Realize Quotes) British press think entirely in clichés, and when they do come across creative work, they think that it must be based on something, because they don’t realize that you can create things that aren’t based on things  (Realize Quotes) If only people would realize that moral principles are like measles... They have to be caught. And only the people who’ve got them can pass on the contagion  (Realize Quotes) One thing I am convinced more and more is true, and that is this: The only way to be truly happy is to make others happy. When you realize that and take advantage of the fact, everything is made perfect  (Realize Quotes) The first person I learned I could make happy with laughter was my mother, whom I idolize. It was a powerful thing to realize. I knew I had found my life’s work  (Realize Quotes) My notes have a curious tendency, as I realize at last, to annihilate all they purport to record  (Realize Quotes) It’s also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that’s sitting right here right now... with its aches and it pleasures... is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive  (Realize Quotes) I was too young to take it all in. I was too young to even realize I was young. I was just living my life  (Realize Quotes) The trick is to realize that after giving your best, there’s nothing more to give... Win or lose the game is finished. It’s over. It’s time to forget and prepare for the next one  (Realize Quotes) Food is so fundamental, more so than sexuality, aggression, or learning, that it is astounding to realize the neglect of food and eating in depth psychology  (Realize Quotes) You do become more aware of your mortality as you get older. When you’re little, you jump on any wild horse. Then you get a little bit older and realize how fragile life is, and you’re more careful  (Realize Quotes) The poet who speaks out of the deepest instincts of man will be heard. The poet who creates a myth beyond the power of man to realize is gagged at the peril of the group that binds him. He is the true revolutionary: he builds a new world  (Realize Quotes) A character is never entirely white or black, there’s never entirely right or wrong. You have to realize sometimes you face something, and then you change your mind, or then you realize you were wrong  (Realize Quotes) I’d go onstage doing this thing, trying to fill this arena that I can’t fill because I don’t understand what this is. It’s like you’re given a job that’s beyond you. And it’s taken me years to realize what works in those big situations  (Realize Quotes) I was lucky with my parents, for my mom and my dad particularly, much more than my mom, who was very compassionate and loving to everyone. And then, as I got into my career, I started and other people started to realize that I was good at it  (Realize Quotes) I did come to realize that getting your first job is hard, but it’s not nearly as hard as getting your seventh job. That is hard. That’s when you really have to prove it to people  (Realize Quotes) I think people are happier when they have structure, you know? You realize that as you get older. You have to have rituals and structure  (Realize Quotes)
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