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When the show started out, it was like all of a sudden we had to do 35 episodes and we had just a month and a half to write them, and it took me a while to realize that I was in charge  (Realize Quotes) The modern period adds social ethics to religions agenda, for we now realize that social structures are not like laws of nature. They are human creations, so we are responsible for them  (Realize Quotes) I’m excited for people to realize that I’m 25 years old and not a teenager anymore... Even though I still look 18 and can’t get into a bar to save my life!  (Realize Quotes) And introduce an element of cynicism and darkness into it and just realize that we’re all vulnerable. We are humans. There is a finite end to this life and we’re all going to face it and a little silliness can help  (Realize Quotes) We all make mistakes and sometimes you say things and you really don’t realize what you’re saying at that moment  (Realize Quotes) She was intelligent enough to realize that her excitement was childish, but not mature enough to care  (Realize Quotes) For a good man to realize that it is better to be whole than to be good is to enter on a strait and narrow path compared to which his previous rectitude was flowery license  (Realize Quotes) People never realize how much work impacts there self esteem and sense of purpose until they leave a job  (Realize Quotes) It’s worth repeating here, though, because we are talking about mechanisms for resolving conflict and many people don’t realize it’s impossible to devise a foolproof scheme  (Realize Quotes) You have to celebrate the gifts because life is so hard and I think once you realize life’s gonna be hard, the good stuff really comes forward  (Realize Quotes) When you are old and realize that time is running out, you start imagining that you have the cure for all the ills of the world in your hand, and get frustrated because no one pays you any attention  (Realize Quotes) To realize the relative validity of one’s convictions and yet stand for them unflinchingly is what distinguishes a civilized man from a barbarian  (Realize Quotes) I’m starting to realize that touring really involves a lot of waiting around doing nothing  (Realize Quotes) Clearly, lied. Now if he is an unconscious liar, and doesn’t realize when he’s lying, then we’re really in trouble  (Realize Quotes) When will we realize that the fact that we can become accustomed to anything, however disgusting at first, makes it necessary to examine carefully everything we have become accustomed to  (Realize Quotes) People have said, you’ve turned your back on pediatrics. I said, no. It took me until I was in my 60s to realize that politics was a part of pediatrics  (Realize Quotes) Democracy demands that elected members be able to realize fully the role for which they have been chosen  (Realize Quotes) For many years I was the youngest among my mathematical friends. It makes me melancholy to realize that I now have become the oldest in most groups of scientists  (Realize Quotes) We’re just trying to make ourselves laugh. We realize critics are going to hate it, but it just makes fans like it more  (Realize Quotes) I have come to realize that all my trouble with living has come from fear and smallness within me  (Realize Quotes) I shed many a tear when the steam engines went out of style on the railroads. I’d like to seem them come back, but I realize the diesels are more efficient  (Realize Quotes) I would just stand there puzzled, then realize this would be a great place to make a show  (Realize Quotes) To realize that you do not understand is a virtue; not to realize that you do not understand is a defect  (Realize Quotes) There comes a point in life when you realize everything you know about yourself, it’s all just conditioning. It’s the rare man who truly know who he is  (Realize Quotes) The best way to realize the pleasure of feeling rich is to live in a smaller house than your means would entitle you to have  (Realize Quotes) It’s interesting, on your second day of existence, to realize that your father is going to blame all the future failures of his life on you  (Realize Quotes) I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant  (Realize Quotes) Cocooned inside our private dramas we often don’t realize life is rolling by us like it should  (Realize Quotes) Acting like someone you’re not is exactly what it takes to realize you’re capable of more than you ever knew  (Realize Quotes) I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that it is my duty... This is my highest and best use as a human  (Realize Quotes)
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