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It’s important to fight for your character but at the same time realize there’s a bigger picture involved and, you know, this is a character that’s shared by everybody. It’s not just purely your own  (Realize Quotes) I didn’t want to think about a project that I couldn’t finish. That’s a kind of temptation. One has to realize one’s limitations. Why kid yourself? ?  (Realize Quotes) We are under [government’s] control, and if people don’t realize that, they haven’t looked around. And if they’re not paranoid, they haven’t thought about it  (Realize Quotes) When you start reading nonfiction books about piracy, you realize that it’s actually just a history of desperate people  (Realize Quotes) We all know that housing prices are going up, but what most people don’t realize is that this has become a family problem. Housing prices are rising twice as fast for families with kids  (Realize Quotes) I’m just a regular guy. I want people to realize that I embody the true American dream. I work hard. I went to school  (Realize Quotes) I’m not a genius. I just worked really, really hard, and I want our generation, our children and our future generations to realize that they can fulfill the same dreams  (Realize Quotes) I look back on some of my early reviews of others, and realize to my chagrin that I’ve been as guilty as anybody else on that front  (Realize Quotes) Everyone needs to realize why am I here? It comes in everyone’s life; you ask why am I here? What am I doing? Once you are able to answer that question for yourself honestly, you have smooth sailing  (Realize Quotes) I voted, always vote. It’s very important to me. My kids, I take them with me since they were little, so they realize it’s a responsibility  (Realize Quotes) It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them  (Realize Quotes) You get into pro ball and you realize all the guys were the best players on their teams. You have to keep moving forward  (Realize Quotes) College. I didn’t even realize it was carefree at the time, but looking back, that was the most carefree time ever  (Realize Quotes) I think throughout my life I’ve had an appreciation for how all of these things have to come together in order to realize and then sustain change  (Realize Quotes) I realize that the New York Times probably not written for the express purpose of driving me mad; I think of it as liberalism’s daily bulletin board  (Realize Quotes) A lot of my work comes through accidents or circumstances that just happen to present themselves. I have to realize that something is presenting itself. Otherwise it slips right by  (Realize Quotes) I don’t set out to do something weird, but if you see something a certain way and it’s a little left of center, and you can realize it, that’s a real thrill  (Realize Quotes) Most Americans take their freedom very seriously, but they don’t realize that not everyone is free  (Realize Quotes) Looking at the earth from afar you realize it is too small for conflict and just big enough for co-operation  (Realize Quotes) God is not saving the world; it is done. Our business is to get men and women to realize it  (Realize Quotes) I’m not a real smart guy. But I’ve got enough brains to realize that when I’m 60 years old and play a sport, that it’s downhill  (Realize Quotes) Most people don’t realize that two-thirds of the federal budget is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Pentagon. The U.S. government is an insurance company with an Army  (Realize Quotes) God does love you and that, hopefully, you get to the point that you realize that having a relationship with God should be first and foremost in your life  (Realize Quotes) I think that while you’re making the film it’s important to just keep your eye on the ball and make the best movie you can, and then realize that it’s out of your control  (Realize Quotes) It’s funny when you put music up against picture, and all your preconceptions go away, and you start over. You just realize that that doesn’t work at all  (Realize Quotes) I realize that life isn’t perfect - it can’t be perfect. I can drive myself nuts trying to make it perfect, or I can just have a lot of fun with the kids  (Realize Quotes) I think that you have to prepare yourself mentally for show business, because it is such a tough world. You don’t realize how hard it is until you’re actually in it and you’re actually on the show  (Realize Quotes) I don’t know if many people realize that Dolph Lundgren is a chemical engineer. He’s not a dumb blond guy. This guy is smart and he’s a martial artist  (Realize Quotes) Every time someone in your life dies, you realize you’re not invincible and you have to wonder if we’re celebrating life or if we’re mourning a death  (Realize Quotes) Few realize that the world of modern mathematics is rich with vivid images and provocative ideas  (Realize Quotes)
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