Realize Quotes

Text Quotes
Anyone who has not known that inestimable privilege can possibly realize what good fortune it is to grow up in a home where there are grandparents (Realize Quotes)
Back then I confused passions and orgasms with love. It look me years to realize the two weren’t synonymous (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people to make them realize you don’t always have to be there, and that you’re not one to be taken for granted (Realize Quotes)
This long, solitary winter has made me realize I hate being by myself almost as much as I hate being with people (Realize Quotes)
You never truly realize how much you care about a person until they no longer care about you (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes you don’t realize how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you (Realize Quotes)
Take a deep breath, listen to your favorite song and realize everything is gonna be okay, nothing is permanent (Realize Quotes)
There comes a point in everyone’s life in which they must realize that it is time to really grow up, and make their life their own (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes you don’t realize you actually have experience until you need to use that experience (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes, when you give up on someone, it’s not because you don’t care anymore, but because you realize they don’t (Realize Quotes)
Being a strong person means knowing that in the end everything is going to be okay and if something is meant to be then you realize, no matter what, it will find a way (Realize Quotes)
May you never realize there aren’t enough hours in the day for everything I say I’m busy doing to avoid you (Realize Quotes)
Sorry I didn’t realize you wanted me to behave like a completely different person around your friends (Realize Quotes)
Those who are willing to take pain because they realize that there are no gains without it, are those who truly able to see success in lives (Realize Quotes)
You know life is worth the struggle when you look back, and realize what you have now is way better than before (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart for them to realize how much they need to fall back together (Realize Quotes)
High school made me realize that a lot of people will change just to fit in (Realize Quotes)
Happiness often comes from the smallest things we don’t even realize. Go find one; and be happy in an instant (Realize Quotes)
This is the point of the day when it all hits me and I am forced to realize that life actually sucks, nothing is perfect and everything hurts (Realize Quotes)
Never ignore someone who cares for you because someday you’ll realize you’ve lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones (Realize Quotes)
People only realize what they had after they lose it, so hold onto what you have and never let it go (Realize Quotes)
To know the truth of history is to realize its ultimate myth and its inevitable ambiguity (Realize Quotes)
You never realize how offensive your music is until your parents are sitting in the passenger seat (Realize Quotes)
Some people become afraid when they realize that they have someone of value in their lives because now they have to match that value (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes your heart needs a long restart to realize how it feels to be off your sleeve, and back in your own chest (Realize Quotes)
There’s a point in life when you start to realize who matters. Who never did. And who always will (Realize Quotes)
Best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while. And you will realize that you miss it and definitely love it (Realize Quotes)
Those of us who participate realize the incredible honor bestowed on us, but to really understand the true scope and depth of the movement requires more investigation and concentration (Realize Quotes)
It’s important to show gratitude for what you have. Don’t wait until it’s stripped away from you to realize it’s worth (Realize Quotes)
That moment when you burst out crying on your room and you realize that no one knows how unhappy you are (Realize Quotes)