Realizing Quotes

Text Quotes
The feeling of being halfway through a show and just realizing that there’s nothing you can do to save it - it’s a horrible feeling. (Realizing Quotes)
We can summarize electricity, magnetism and gravity into equations one inch long, and that’s the power of field theory. And so I said to myself: I will create a field theory of strings. And when I did it one day, it was incredible, realizing that on a sheet of paper I can write down an equation which summarized almost all physical knowledge. (Realizing Quotes)
Americans are finally realizing that once you lose land, you can’t get it back (Realizing Quotes)
Home. That wonderful place I was lucky enough to revisit no matter how short a time finally realizing it’s not relegated to just one single place its wherever you make it. (Realizing Quotes)
I’m not implying that fantasy is for kids. I’m saying that more and more people are finally realizing that there’s more to fantasy stories than elves and wizards and goblin armies. (Realizing Quotes)
I was walking around trying to act cool, like I had no fear at all. But I was afraid, afraid that somebody would find out just how scared I was. Now I’m finally realizing that fear is the opposite of love. (Realizing Quotes)
The awakening is finally realizing that you are a part of God, like a single cell that finally sees it is a part of you. (Realizing Quotes)
I remember distinctly running through my neighborhood, thinking I knew how to get to ‘Sesame Street,’ and then finally finding myself among some scrub trees and realizing I don’t know where to go from here. I had to just mope back home. (Realizing Quotes)
I wanted to go to Sesame Street! I remember distinctly running through my neighborhood, thinking I knew how to get to Sesame Street, and then finally finding myself among some scrub trees and realizing I don’t know where to go from here. I had to just mope back home. (Realizing Quotes)
There are few things more disconcerting than realizing the first date you thought went so well was in fact a dud. (Realizing Quotes)
I do not see any other way of realizing our hopes about World Organization in five or six days. Even the Almighty took seven. (Realizing Quotes)
Fulfilling our destiny and realizing our potential all begins in our mind. That’s why the devil tries to bombard our thinking. (Realizing Quotes)
Humility means realizing that it’s fun to give everything away, particularly the things that you are most attached to. (Realizing Quotes)
As far as you are concerned the present is your point of action, focus and power, and from that point of volition you form both your future and past. Realizing this, you will understand that you are not at the mercy of a past over which you have no control. (Realizing Quotes)
You start realizing that maybe you’re the one night a month that people have out, and they don’t need to hear your political views or how dark you can get. They just want to laugh for an hour and go home. Once I wrapped my head around that, my act evolved accordingly. (Realizing Quotes)
This was life, I supposed, running and running and running, and realizing along the way that the phantom was getting closer. (Realizing Quotes)
To keep my head healthy, [I’m] trying to meditate every morning, which is something I’m sort of getting into more, realizing that it’s really positive to do every day. (Realizing Quotes)
Aggressive play is a vital asset of the world’s greatest golfers. However, it’s even more important to the average player. Attack this game in a bold, confident, and determined way, and you’ll make a giant leap toward realizing your full potential as a player. (Realizing Quotes)
I think the key to passion, to zeal, is gratitude. Or to put it another way, the fuel to motivate is gratitude, and gratitude comes by just backing up a little and realizing how much you’ve sinned against God. (Realizing Quotes)
If you’re very open to watching the world go by, with people’s different tics, you absorb it all without realizing it and find ways to put something into your character. I’m not sure I’m always aware I’m mimicking someone. (Realizing Quotes)
I could easily go one or two days without realizing that I’m so, so hungry. That’s the negative outcome of what I’ve become. (Realizing Quotes)
In a way, a certain amount of self-criticism is a good thing, because it keeps you humble. Realizing that no matter what success you’ve achieved, you can still make enemies makes you humble, too. (Realizing Quotes)
Relaxing with something as familiar as loneliness is good discipline for realizing the profundity of the unresolved moments of our lives. We are cheating ourselves when we run away from the ambiguity of loneliness.....Rather than persecuting yourself or feeling that something terribly wrong is happening, right there in the moment of sadness and longing, could you relax and touch the limitless space of the human heart? (Realizing Quotes)
I think people are realizing that engineering and science are extremely good degrees to get and you’ll be very highly paid once you’ve got them. (Realizing Quotes)
Grace gives without the receiver realizing how great the gift really is (Realizing Quotes)
Realizing you’re not anything special to the kids is always a great sort of reminder that you’re just a regular person. A regular, embarrassing old mom. (Realizing Quotes)
The trick to great romance is in overcoming adversity. In realizing that love is worth some uphill climbs. (Realizing Quotes)
I think this is one of the greatest gifts of this era: Because of the Internet, we can start to type a question into Google and watch the question auto-fill. In that moment, we know someone else has asked that same question. The gift of realizing you’re not alone is incredibly powerful. (Realizing Quotes)
The fact that there is always a positive side to life is the one thing that gives me a lot of happiness. This world is not perfect. There are problems. But things like happiness and unhappiness are relative. Realizing this gives you hope. (Realizing Quotes)
The ultimate goal of therapy... it’s too hard a question. The words come to me like tranquility, like fulfillment, like realizing your potential. (Realizing Quotes)