Rear Quotes

Text Quotes
I could serve coffee using my rear as a ledge (Rear Quotes)
You will eat my rear rockets and like it! Ohhhh yeahhh! (Rear Quotes)
I will take some savage woman, she shall rear my dusky race (Rear Quotes)
When you are getting kicked from the rear it means you are in front (Rear Quotes)
Delightful task! To rear the tender thought, to teach the young idea how to shoot (Rear Quotes)
The first thing to improve society is not banning abortion, but making sure that everyone who had a child is in the best position to be able to rear it (Rear Quotes)
Every hour you spend on your rear end... saps your energy and ruins your health (Rear Quotes)
Success and glory are in the advance, disaster and shame lurk in the rear (Rear Quotes)
Excuses are like rear ends. Everybody has one and they stink (Rear Quotes)
You touch me and I’ll kick you in the rear (Rear Quotes)
We blocked them inside the city. Their rear is blocked (Rear Quotes)
If you want to rear financial blessings, you have to sow financially (Rear Quotes)
Watch my life, pass me by, in the rear view mirror (Rear Quotes)
Books of the avant-garde either establish themselves as books of lasting value, or they slip from the rear guard into the discard, and I believe the writers I mentioned have not proven trivial (Rear Quotes)
Pride's chickens have bonny feathers, but they are an expensive brood to rear. They eat up everything, and are always lean when brought to market (Rear Quotes)
I merged those two words, black and feminist, because I was surrounded by black women who were very tough and who always assumed they had to work and rear children and manage homes (Rear Quotes)
Sometimes it ain't the drunk or the sinner who needs a shovel across the rear, it's the ones who could quote you chapter and verse about grace, but don't hand it out (Rear Quotes)
Ideal mankind would abolish death, multiply itself million upon million, rear up city upon city, save every parasite alive, until the accumulation of mere existence is swollen to a horror (Rear Quotes)
I don't know how you feel about old age... But in my case I didn't even see it coming. It hit me from the rear (Rear Quotes)
Every time Europe looks across the Atlantic to see the American Eagle, it observes only the rear end of an ostrich (Rear Quotes)
Man is flying too fast for a world that is round. Soon he will catch up with himself in a great rear end collision (Rear Quotes)
Keep you in the rear of your affection, out of the shot and danger of desire (Rear Quotes)
... You Americans do not rear children, you incite them; you give them food and shelter and applause (Rear Quotes)
Americans are the only people in the world known to me whose status anxiety prompts them to advertise their college and university affiliations in the rear window of their automobiles (Rear Quotes)
Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up (Rear Quotes)
Our educational system is like an automobile which has strong rear lights, brightly illuminating the past. But looking forward things are barely discernible (Rear Quotes)
Some tribes of birds will relieve and rear up the young and helpless, of their own and other tribes, when abandoned (Rear Quotes)
What I have is a bunch of really hungry, amazingly talented guys that can kick anybody’s rear end (Rear Quotes)
It is finer to bring one noble human being into the world and rear it well... than to kill ten thousand (Rear Quotes)
The moral effect of the thundering of one’s own artillery is most extraordinary, and many of us thought that we had never heard any more welcome sound than the deep roaring and crashing that started in at our rear (Rear Quotes)