Reasonable Quotes

Text Quotes
This issue is not economic but political. I hope that all market participants interested in maintaining stable and reasonable world energy prices will finally make the right decision (Reasonable Quotes)
There is no way any rational, reasonable person can saythat the Bush Administration has been good for America (Reasonable Quotes)
We are to love God for Himself, because of a twofold reason; nothing is more reasonable, nothing more profitable (Reasonable Quotes)
To imagine the world without gods and religion is reasonable enough; to imagine mankind without them is an entirely different matter (Reasonable Quotes)
Everything happens for a reason. The sad truth is that some reasons aren’t reasonable enough to justify the cause (Reasonable Quotes)
Fight as hard as you can, and then understand there’s going to have to be some amount of reasonable compromise (Reasonable Quotes)
Falling in love is one of the activities forbidden that tiresome person, the consistently reasonable man (Reasonable Quotes)
Someday I’d like to be a father, not of a human child, but something more reasonable (Reasonable Quotes)
I’m in favor of any technology that makes my work available to the reading public at a reasonable price (Reasonable Quotes)
Notable American Women gives us, with great panache and in eerie detail, a world that is cruelly reasonable within the near-religious limitations of its weird laws and customs. It is a book as unique as it is wonderfully strange (Reasonable Quotes)
Puerto Rico has two divergent paths forward. After a reasonable transition period, it could become a state. Or it can become a sovereign nation (Reasonable Quotes)
A timely, interesting, educational approach to today’s wine picture. Wine still makes a feast out of a meal, but in times of not so plenty we will enjoy a bottle that is more reasonable. This tome is a must-read for wine lovers as well as the trade (Reasonable Quotes)
The theory behind representative government is that superior men-or at least men not inferior to the average in ability and integrity-are chosen to manage the public business, and that they carry on this work with reasonable intelligence and honest. There is little support for that theory in known facts (Reasonable Quotes)
Love is scary because it pulls you in with an intense force, a supermassive black hole which looks like nothing from the outside but from the inside challenges every reasonable thing you know. You lose yourself, like I lost myself, in the warmest of annihilations (Reasonable Quotes)
I do not think any reasonable person can doubt that in India, China and Japan, if the knowledge of birth control existed, the birthrate would fall very rapidly (Reasonable Quotes)
Parents who are cowed by temper tantrums and screaming defiance are only inviting more of the same. Young children become more cooperative with parents who confidently assert the reasons for their demands and enforce reasonable rules. Even if there are a few rough spots, relationships between parents and young children run more smoothly when the parent, rather than the child, is in control (Reasonable Quotes)
If you look at the world’s top 50 drugs being sold today, they are being marketed and sold by companies that did not invent them. I respect patents. I’ll pay a royalty. But I shouldn’t be denied the right to produce drugs for poor people at reasonable prices (Reasonable Quotes)
I think it’s highly likely that we’ll continue to have high-performance graphics capability in living rooms. I’m not sure we’re all going to put down our game controllers and pick up touch screens - which is a reasonable view, I’m just not sure I buy into it (Reasonable Quotes)
One thing about liberals: It doesn’t even occur to them that there is another side to an argument. They are so convinced of the righteousness of their own position that it doesn’t dawn on them that a reasonable person might have a different viewpoint (Reasonable Quotes)
The shelves of many evangelicals are full of books that point out the flaws in evolution, discuss it only as a theory, and almost imply that there’s a conspiracy here to avoid the fact that evolution is actually flawed. All of those books, unfortunately, are based upon conclusions that no reasonable biologist would now accept (Reasonable Quotes)
While it is quite reasonable for scientists to be skeptical of new ideas that do not fit within the accepted realm of scientific knowledge, the best science often emerges from situations where results carefully obtained do not fit within the accepted paradigms (Reasonable Quotes)
We don’t have real control over death. You could die of a heart attack, a building could fall on you, you could be in an accident, you could have a fatal disease. So, how should you conduct your life? You just go ahead and live, taking reasonable precautions - like handling the mail more carefully (Reasonable Quotes)
I like to think I set aspirational but reasonable goals and encourage my team to achieve them (Reasonable Quotes)
If people are going to do post-publication peer review, they need to abide by the same rules as they abide by for pre-publication peer review: not being ad hominem, being respectful, giving the author a chance to respond in a reasonable way. (Reasonable Quotes)
You arrive at Formula One being very skeptical, how far can your talent deal with all this, and then you understand those guys are human and pretty reasonable, and finally succeeding in winning your first race, in circumstance as such, it was just an amazing moment. (Reasonable Quotes)
I am proudly a liberal. I am also patriotic, reasonable, pro-American, and stand for family values. (Reasonable Quotes)
I have to write three books a year to make a reasonable living out of writing - unless, of course, she gets a major American film deal. Phryne has been optioned since the very first book, but to make a historical TV movie, it costs $30,000 a day extra for the historical detail to be correct, so most people aren’t doing it. (Reasonable Quotes)
I always thought that socialism here would be peculiarly American, with some reasonable, post-industrial evolution between working-class needs and market forces. It won’t be bloody like the Russian Revolution. (Reasonable Quotes)
America’s got quite reasonable tax rates from an employee point of view (Reasonable Quotes)
Men are rather reasoning than reasonable animals, for the most part governed by the impulse of passion. (Reasonable Quotes)