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As of today, we do not need expert reports by the authoritative analytical institutions to realise that the reasons for such a situation in our community lie in global inequality, poverty and illiteracy  (Reasons Quotes) A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action  (Reasons Quotes) People in millenniums ahead will know what we were like in the 1930’s and the thing that, the important major things that shaped our history at that time. This is as important for historic reasons as any other  (Reasons Quotes) As an actor, you may do things that aren’t politically correct. Unless you’re an actor who only does things for political reasons. I believe if we don’t do the good, bad, and the ugly, we’re not going to progress  (Reasons Quotes) You’re really creative when you’re in an environment that you don’t know how to handle. So collaborating was like that for me. I think that was one of the reasons why I knew I was gonna get a challenging reaction  (Reasons Quotes) Granted, there are times when, for business reasons, you do something that’s more mainstream. But even then, I try to find something that has a dark or subversive aspect  (Reasons Quotes) Youth doesn’t reason, it acts. The old man reasons and would like to make the others act in his place  (Reasons Quotes) I keep a guitar around while writing and will improvise music. I do this for several reasons, such as that it’s fun, and sometimes it helps me with the meter  (Reasons Quotes) I write the poems first, with only a few exceptions for odd reasons, where I’m given the illustration first  (Reasons Quotes) My job as an actress is to make things work and come up with reasons of my own and not just fill in the blanks for anybody else, you know what I mean?  (Reasons Quotes) The mark of a true crush... is that you fall in love first and grope for reasons afterward  (Reasons Quotes) It’s just such a great miracle when things do work, and they work for such a wild variety of crazy reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I’m not sure blogs are necessarily the best place to get a pulse on anything. People want to blog for a variety of reasons, and that may or may not be representative  (Reasons Quotes) So I think you have to marry for the right reasons, and marry the right person  (Reasons Quotes) I mean it’s easier to be in a demonstration if it’s a trip that’s one of the reasons why the whole thing fell apart in 1971, because it wasn’t a trip any longer  (Reasons Quotes) One of the things I have tried to do with this book and with all of them really is avoid that simple, easy, reductionist view of motivation and to show we do things for a complex net of reasons, a real braid of reasons  (Reasons Quotes) The question is not... if art is enough to fulfill my life, but if I am true to the path I have set for myself, if I am the best I can be in the things I do. Am I living up to the reasons I became a singer in the first place?  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons I wanted to teach deaf children was because it made me very sad that they spoke so clumsily and that they moved with less grace that I knew was possible of deaf people  (Reasons Quotes) I think one of the reasons I’m popular again is because I’m wearing a tie. You have to be different  (Reasons Quotes) We say of an animal that it is intelligent, and we say the same thing of a woman; but in neither case is it usually appropriate, clearly for very different reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I know one husband and wife who, whatever the official reasons given to the court for the break up of their marriage, were really divorced because the husband believed that nobody ought to read while he was talking and the wife that nobody ought to talk while she was reading  (Reasons Quotes) One of the paramount reasons for staying attractive is so you can have somebody to go to bed with  (Reasons Quotes) People marry for a variety of reasons and with varying results. But to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy  (Reasons Quotes) I can’t say why people lie; they just do. Everyone has their own reasons for not telling the truth  (Reasons Quotes) It was easy for me to leave acting for school, because I wasn’t really in it as an adolescent for fulfilling reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I always thought that one of the reasons why a painter likes especially to have other painters look at his or her work is the shared experience of having pushed paint around  (Reasons Quotes) There aren’t reasons why you like this song or this piece of music, or don’t like it. It’s just, it’s either right or wrong, you know?  (Reasons Quotes) It is not impossible to think that the minds of philosophers sometimes act like those of other mortals, and that, having once been determined by diverse circumstances to adopt certain views, they then look for and naturally find reasons to justify these views  (Reasons Quotes) I have found some of the best reasons I ever had for remaining at the bottom simply by looking at the men at the top  (Reasons Quotes) There are all sorts of reasons why I don’t do much work in the theatre, the main one being that after two performances I feel I’ve given all I can. I hate repetition, I really do. It’s like asking a painter to paint he same picture every day of his life  (Reasons Quotes)
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