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Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don’t necessarily understand, just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk  (Reasons Quotes) There were some tragic cases of women whose love was abused, who for a certain time procured important documents or information, not knowing who for, what service they worked for, and for a variety reasons got jailed, were tried and sentenced  (Reasons Quotes) I think everything I have done in my life, my reasons at the time were right no matter how things worked out  (Reasons Quotes) The pains of disconcerted or frustrated habits, and the inherent pleasure there is in following them, are motives which nature has put into our wills without generally caring to inform us why; and she sometimes decrees, indeed, that her reasons shall not be ours  (Reasons Quotes) While there are practical and sometimes moral reasons for the decomposition of the family, it coincides neither with what most people in society say they desire nor, especially in the case of children, with their best interests  (Reasons Quotes) If you add something to a painting, never let it be for aesthetic reasons. Only let it be for reasons of expression  (Reasons Quotes) There are people who are excitable by nature and allow themselves to become angry for the most trivial of reasons. Judo can help such people learn to control themselves. Through training, they quickly realize that anger is a waste of energy, that it has only negative effects on the self and others  (Reasons Quotes) When an argument is over, how many weighty reasons does a man recollect which his heat and violence made him utterly forget?  (Reasons Quotes) Ideology is not the product of thought; it is the habit or the ritual of showing respect for certain formulas to which, for various reasons having to do with emotional safety, we have very strong ties of whose meaning and consequences in actuality we have no clear understanding  (Reasons Quotes) Nature, with her customary beneficence, has ordained that man shall not learn how to live until the reasons for living are stolen from him, that he shall find no enjoyment until he has become incapable of vivid pleasure  (Reasons Quotes) How desperately we wish to maintain our trust in those we love! In the face of everything, we try to find reasons to trust. Because losing faith is worse than falling out of love  (Reasons Quotes) Genius is not a single power, but a combination of great powers. It reasons, but it is not reasoning; it judges, but it is not judgment; imagines, but it is not imagination; it feels deeply and fiercely, but it is not passion. It is neither, because it is all  (Reasons Quotes) One of the great reasons for the popularity of strikes is that they give the suppressed self a sense of power. For once the human tool knows itself a man, able to stand up and speak a word or strike a blow  (Reasons Quotes) The truth simply is that’s all. It doesn’t need reasons: it doesn’t have to be right: it’s just the truth. Period  (Reasons Quotes) There may be here and there a worker who for certain reasons unexplainable to us does not join a union of labor. That is his right. It is his legal right, no matter how morally wrong he may be. It is his legal right, and no one can or dare question his exercise of that legal right  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center  (Reasons Quotes) No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it  (Reasons Quotes) In the whole course of our work at the theatre we have been, I may say, drenched with advice by friendly people who for years gave us the reasons why we did not succeed... All their advice, or at least some of it, might have been good if we had wanted to make money, to make a common place of amusement  (Reasons Quotes) I mean, I never liked being told what to do. It’s one of the reasons I dropped out of school  (Reasons Quotes) I don’t particularly like showing furniture on pedestals, but for whatever reasons you always have to in museums  (Reasons Quotes) We all feel disabled in some way. We all feel imperfect. It’s hard to be looked at for various reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I think maybe even one of the reasons I became an actor was actually to hide. I mean, it sounds paradoxical because, of course, people are standing up in a public place and encouraging other people to look at them. So that’s not the conventional definition of hiding  (Reasons Quotes) So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving  (Reasons Quotes) I guess it’s a kind of a goal for any actor to be the lead of a movie. Not for ego reasons, but because it is creatively the biggest challenge  (Reasons Quotes) There are definitely reasons to do certain things, but I like to stick to good director, good actor, good script  (Reasons Quotes) What I know now is that we’re all interconnected and that’s a really beautiful thing. We have links to everyone else in our lives and in the world. Different people have different journeys for different reasons. You can’t judge, but you can celebrate that there are connections everywhere  (Reasons Quotes) I believe in pulling together to make the country better right rather than pulling, tearing it apart for partisan reasons. I think the country comes first  (Reasons Quotes) Customers are a great way to finance a business for many reasons. First, customer financing is typically non dilutive. They want something from you other than equity in your business. Customers also help you fit your product to the market. And customers will help debug and improve the quality of the product  (Reasons Quotes) Not even I can see all ends, but I have been in this world long enough to know that a choice is not choice and breeds slow ills, even were it done for the highest reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I have had many successes and many failures in my life. My successes have always been for different reasons, but my failures have always been for the same reason: I said yes when I meant no  (Reasons Quotes)
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