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Reasons Quotes

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One of the reasons I am happy now is that I did the work I had always dreamed of doing. But I didn’t start doing it seriously and professionally until I was forty years old  (Reasons Quotes) I think it’s a problem that people are considered immoral if they’re not religious. That’s just not true... If you do something for a religious reason, you do it because you’ll be rewarded in an afterlife or in this world. That’s not quite as good as something you do for purely generous reasons  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons my father... became a dentist was so he could always be home for dinner and spend weekends with his family. At one point he had thought about being a musician, but he said, I’m not going to do that because I’d be on the road all the time and I wouldn’t be with my family  (Reasons Quotes) Nursing is great for so many reasons, but there is one reason that means more than any poll results, amount of money, or job security: Nurses make a difference  (Reasons Quotes) It may be that it is not given to us to know when we are angels. We may only be given to know when others are. This may be one of the reasons we need each other so  (Reasons Quotes) A collection of errors does not make a truth: quality cannot stem from quantity – a value is not a weight. The reasons of the majority cannot be taken as good reasons  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons there are so many terms for conditions of ice is that the mariners observing it were often trapped in it, and had nothing to do except look at it  (Reasons Quotes) These are the best reasons to do anything in life. People who say things like this are the kind of people who change the world. Who prevent the world from ending. Or at least they can change the inner world of a reader and that is a sacred power  (Reasons Quotes) There are always going to be things you don’t like about yourself or reasons to compare yourself to others, but once you realize that you only get one you, it’s best to just love yourself  (Reasons Quotes) I appreciate and love women for many reasons, tall and small, plump and skinny, and crazy and demure. I see beauty in all of them  (Reasons Quotes) We want to be seen for who we really are, and each person has his own complex story and reasons for doing what they do  (Reasons Quotes) I don’t feel like I would be a good mentor. I don’t know what I have to offer in that respect. I do this for pretty selfish reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Ive spent my whole life working in a medium that was regarded with contempt largely because of historical reasons  (Reasons Quotes) All I want to do is model. The reason I’m coming back is for the same reasons that I became a model initially. It’s about the clothes and the creation of great pictures. I thought I was old and that I earned my retirement, and enough! It’s not enough. I want more. And I’m lucky that I still have that option  (Reasons Quotes) When everything in your life is right on track, it’s easy to believe that things happen for a reason. It’s easy to have faith. But when things start to go wrong, then it’s very hard to hold on to that faith. It’s hard not to wonder who’s reasons these things are happening for  (Reasons Quotes) There are three reasons to be in business. To make money, to have fun – and to make money  (Reasons Quotes) A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason enough in itself. One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon it is the journey that makes or unmakes you  (Reasons Quotes) There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment  (Reasons Quotes) So here are reasons why I talk to strangers: because I never know what might happen, because the world is full of surprises; because the very thing I am most worried about might turn into the thing I need most  (Reasons Quotes) People often criticize my films for being pessimistic; there are certainly many reasons for being pessimistic but I don’t see my films that way. They’re founded in the belief that revolution doesn’t belong on the cinema screen but outside in the world. Never mind if a film ends pessimistically but exposes certain mechanisms clearly enough to show people how they work and the ultimate effect is not pessimistic. My goal is to reveal such mechanisms in a way that makes people realize the necessity of changing their own reality  (Reasons Quotes) I happen to believe the world will change only when we change ourselves. And that starts with finding ourselves: learning to quiet the clamor in our minds and the voices of everyone around us and move toward what feels right – toward the things we know, for reasons we can’t explain, that we’re mean to do, the things that makes us feel alive  (Reasons Quotes) People are put into your life for seasons, for different reasons, and to teach you lessons  (Reasons Quotes) There are hundreds of good reasons for having a cat, but all you need is one  (Reasons Quotes) My greatest political asset, which professional politicians fear, is my mouth, out of which come all kinds of things one shouldn’t always discuss for reasons of political expediency  (Reasons Quotes) There’s a thousand reasons why I shouldn’t drink... but I can’t think of one right now  (Reasons Quotes) Why hate someone for the color of their skin when there are much better reasons to hate them  (Reasons Quotes) When we speak to drunkards, worldlings, or any ignorant, unconverted men, we disgrace them as in that condition to the utmost, and lay it on as plainly as we can speak, and tell them of their sin, and shame, and misery: and we expect, not only that they should bear all patiently, but take all thankfully, and we have good reasons for all this; and most that I deal with do take it patiently... But if we speak to a godly minister against his errors or any sin... if it be not more an applause than a reprehension, they take it as an injury almost insufferable  (Reasons Quotes) ... And so we go and I meet his parents. And it’s a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend’s boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health  (Reasons Quotes) In this world, there is one terrible thing, and that is that everyone has his reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Any girl who has flown at all grows used to the prejudice of most men pilots who will trot out any number of reasons why women can’t possibly be good pilots... The only way to show the disbelievers, the snickering hangar pilots, is to show them  (Reasons Quotes)
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