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Whatever the reasons, I enjoyed being nude; it felt natural to me. I got the same kind of pleasure from being free of clothing that many people get from being well dressed  (Reasons Quotes) A restaurant wine list is praised and given awards for reasons that have little to do with its real purpose, as if it existed only to be admired passively, like a stamp collection. A wine list is good only when it functions well in tandem with a menu  (Reasons Quotes) I’ve decided that it’s possible to love someone for entirely selfless reasons, for all of their flaws and weaknesses, and still not succeed in having them love you back  (Reasons Quotes) Thinking? You’re not thinking. You’re reasoning without reasons, and that’s just another word for prejudice  (Reasons Quotes) There are many things given to us in this life for the wrong reasons. What we do with such blessings, that is the true test of a man  (Reasons Quotes) The reasons there are so many clichés about universes inside of dewdrops is because there are universes inside of dewdrops  (Reasons Quotes) Chips on shoulder, all that, everybody plays the game for different reasons. You’ve got to prove yourself every time you go out there. That’s the reality  (Reasons Quotes) The social intuitionist model offers an explanation of why moral and political arguments are so frustrating: because moral reasons are the tail wagged by the intuitive dog. A dog’s tail wags to communicate. You can’t make a dog happy by forcibly wagging its tail. And you can’t change people’s minds by utterly refuting their arguments  (Reasons Quotes) There isn’t a definite right and wrong anyway. Sometimes we do what seems wrong, but we have good reasons for doing it, so it’s not wrong after all  (Reasons Quotes) An individual can be truly moral only when they are their own master. From the moment when they awaken to a comprehension of that which is equitable and good it is for them to direct their own movements, to seek in the their conscience reasons for their actions, and to perform them simply, without either fearing punishment or looking for reward  (Reasons Quotes) We do a lot of things for reasons besides profit motive. We want to leave the world better than we found it  (Reasons Quotes) It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision  (Reasons Quotes) Thus, just as animals of many species, including man, are disposed to respond with fear to sudden movement or a marked change in level of sound or light because to do so has a survival value, so are many species, including man, disposed to respond to separation from a potentially caregiving figure and for the same reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Someone once asked me why people sing. I answered that they sing for many of the same reasons the birds sing. They sing for a mate, to claim their territory, or simply to give voice to the delight of being alive in the midst of a beautiful day. Perhaps more than the birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons I was so unhappy for years was because I never embraced my emotions and I was trying to stay in control  (Reasons Quotes) Reasons always came with a purpose, to give the appearance of a struggle between principle and desire. Principle had power only until you found what you had to have  (Reasons Quotes) There are many reasons for the decline in royal esteem. One is that so many of the royals are thick  (Reasons Quotes) Proust has listed a great many reasons why it is impossible to be happy, but, in the course of being happy, one finds it difficult to remember them  (Reasons Quotes) If you have a certain point of view and reasons that you think are valid, then whether it’s pro or anti, you can only and should only express those views you honestly hold  (Reasons Quotes) Sometimes stereotyping happens not because of any nefarious reasons but rather because people don’t know who you are or where you come from, so they go for the broad strokes about you, your culture, your faith, all that  (Reasons Quotes) I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed that it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption... For myself, as no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneous liberation from a certain political and economic system, and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom  (Reasons Quotes) Supersonic airplanes have carried men at more than 2,000 miles per hour and there are reasons to believe that this speed will be doubled by 1960 or so  (Reasons Quotes) In a world that’s gone hellishly mad we’ve always taken comfort in the fact that the faith of our fathers is the one thing that remains solid and unchanging. It occurs to very few of us that perhaps for the last 2,500 years the faith of our fathers has been one of the main reasons why our world has gone hellishly mad  (Reasons Quotes) Victory may now require a level of force deemed objectionable by civilized peoples, meaning that some, for justifiable reasons, may be reluctant to pursue it. But victory has not become an ossified concept altogether  (Reasons Quotes) When talented people write badly, it’s generally for one of two reasons: Either they’re blinded by an idea they feel compelled to prove of they’re driven by an emotion they must express. When talented people write well, it is generally for this reason: They’re moved by a desire to touch the audience  (Reasons Quotes) Of all the reasons for wanting to write, the only one that nurtures us through time is love of the work itself  (Reasons Quotes) I don’t see the problem with footballers taking their shirts off after scoring a goal? They enjoy it and the young ladies enjoy it too. I suppose that’s one of the main reasons women come to football games, to see the young men take their shirts off. Of course they’d have to go and watch another game because my lads are as ugly as sin  (Reasons Quotes) I’m not interested in what they have to say. I’m only interested in people that are interested in me for the right reasons  (Reasons Quotes) One of the main reasons wealth makes people unhappy is that it gives them too much control over what they experience. They try to translate their own fantasies into reality instead of tasting what reality itself has to offer  (Reasons Quotes) Sometimes I think we keep secrets for the wrong reasons. If we could instead find that right person to talk to we might find that talking about an embarrassing story or admitting our frailty might lead to a more authentic relationship with others or ourselves  (Reasons Quotes)
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