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In other days people chose a church on the basis of their doctrinal convictions. Now, lacking doctrinal convictions, they choose for social reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I’m fascinated by politicians, because I suspect the huge majority of them go into it full of ideas and for the best possible reasons but end up being hijacked  (Reasons Quotes) If you truly love someone, don’t waste your time finding reasons to hate them. Spend it remembering why you love them in the first place  (Reasons Quotes) If it be admitted that a man, possessing absolute power, may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach? Men are not apt to change their character by agglomeration; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with the consciousness of their strength. And for these reasons I can never willingly invest any number of my fellow creatures with that unlimited authority which I should refuse to any one of them  (Reasons Quotes) My mom just wants to make sure that my heart is always in whatever I do and I’m in things for the right reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Choose life … I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?  (Reasons Quotes) He that aspires to be the head of a party will find it more difficult to please his friends than to perplex his foes. He must often act from false reasons which are weak, because he dares not avow the true reasons which are strong  (Reasons Quotes) The best advice that anyone can give you for choosing a specific career is never to accept someone else’s advice. Indeed, one of the biggest reasons for choosing the career you have chosen should be that no one told you to  (Reasons Quotes) It’s true that everything happens for a reason, but it is always our responsibility to choose the reasons  (Reasons Quotes) It is often said that everything happens for a reason, but you must embrace the perspective that it’s never a reason that is predetermined or out of your control. It is always your responsibility to choose the most empowering reasons for the occurrences of your life  (Reasons Quotes) Intelligence is important in psychology for two reasons. First, it is one of the most scientifically developed corners of the subject, giving the student as complete a view as is possible anywhere of the way scientific method can be applied to psychological problems. Secondly, it is of immense practical importance, educationally, socially, and in regard to physiology and genetics  (Reasons Quotes) I think that’s one of the reasons it’s nice to leave out a lot; it can become a lot more personal to people if there is room for them to put their own experiential time track on it  (Reasons Quotes) I can’t think of many reasons as to why, but gay men and straight women both share an inherent attraction to men, and attraction informs a large part of human nature  (Reasons Quotes) We’re attracted to bad guys, and we like to follow bad guys, because they do things that we want to do but just don’t do, for whatever reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I think one of the reasons with problems with conversation on race is that this is such a deeply personal conversation that it requires trust and someone you know  (Reasons Quotes) Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know. One often obtains a clue to a person’s nature by discovering the reasons for his or her imperviousness to certain impressions  (Reasons Quotes) Democrats don’t have reasons for people to vote for them. They’re just trying to gin up anger and resentment for their opposition. And it’s just not working anymore  (Reasons Quotes) Men and women both have an equal capacity to make money, but they want money for different reasons. Men want money for power and women want it for comfort, and usually not their own comfort, but the comfort of others in their lives  (Reasons Quotes) The biggest bursts of speciation that we know about in the history of the earth are soon after great cataclysms, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, which create new opportunities, and all sorts of new forms spring up... So, quite often, the reasons for creativity depend on accidents or disasters that prevent the normal habits being carried out  (Reasons Quotes) To learn from experience, we must remember it, and, for a variety of reasons, memory is a faithless friend  (Reasons Quotes) For people who cannot get to church for various reasons, this is a great option. But it will always be a poor substitute for joining the faith community in person. Surely, the church experience is about more than a message. We are always better off together than flying solo. Godcasting is a supplement, not a substitute for weekly worship  (Reasons Quotes) Very few people ever understand art. If you are lucky, they will buy it for the wrong reasons  (Reasons Quotes) An army must have but one line of operations. This must be maintained with care and abandoned only for major reasons  (Reasons Quotes) As we get older, we tend to become more risk averse because we tend to find reasons why things wont work. When you are a kid, you think everything is possible, and I think with creativity it is so important to keep that naivety  (Reasons Quotes) It follows that any commander in chief who undertakes to carry out a plan which he considers defective is at fault; he must put forth his reasons, insist on the plan being changed, and finally tender his resignation rather than be the instrument of h  (Reasons Quotes) You should never try and teach a pig to read for two reasons. First, it’s impossible; and secondly, it annoys the hell out of the pig!  (Reasons Quotes) If you’re feeling really sad, there is only one reason: it’s because you’re deleting all the reasons you could be feeling good. And if you’re feeling good, it’s because you’re deleting all the bad things you could be focusing on  (Reasons Quotes) When you do things for the right reasons, eventually no matter how long it takes, people will take notice of it and can’t help but respect it  (Reasons Quotes) The human race may be divided into people who love cats and people who hate them; the neutrals being few in numbers, and, for intellectual and moral reasons, not worth considering  (Reasons Quotes) I’ve had phases where the compass point seems lost. It can happen for various reasons, among them, that you’re trying to do something outside your skill set; your skills have to catch up with the things you see in your head. But it’s important to make all of those paintings, even the failed ones  (Reasons Quotes)
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