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The top fighters spar hard. They’re really sparring for two reasons: One is to improve their technique, but the other, which is just as important, is to build endurance, toughness, and courage. They want to practice as realistically as possible so that when they go into a real fight, the transition isn’t as jarring  (Reasons Quotes) I think that a lot of people who like training with guns are probably drawn to it not only for practical reasons, but also in that same restless quest for physical excellence that draws people to a martial arts dojo  (Reasons Quotes) If I feel like I’m writing from an agenda, that’s when I throw something away. If I have a strategy I feel like I’m doing it for the wrong reasons  (Reasons Quotes) We read literature for a lot of reasons, but two of the most compelling ones are to get out of ourselves and our life stories and – equally important – to find ourselves by understanding our own life stories more clearly in the context of others  (Reasons Quotes) I dance as a political statement, because disabled bodies are inherently political, but I mostly dance for all the same reasons anyone else does: because it heals my spirit and fills me with joy  (Reasons Quotes) There are personal reasons, psychological reasons, but there could also be political reasons for becoming a terrorist  (Reasons Quotes) Sometimes good days are not always fun, sometimes they are good because of how hard they were and gratifying for those reasons  (Reasons Quotes) If you don’t keep giving customers reasons to buy from you, they won’t  (Reasons Quotes) I hated the idea that I would be like my father. Which is one of the reasons I decided I didn’t want to be a writer and wanted to be an actor instead. I wanted to go in a total different direction. But, of course, I ended up being a writer anyway  (Reasons Quotes) Christianity offers reasons for not fearing death or the universe, and in so doing it fails to teach adequately the virtue of courage  (Reasons Quotes) I love my enemies for two reasons: they inspire me to recognise my weakness. They also inspire me to perfect my imperfect nature  (Reasons Quotes) There are not unfrequently substantial reasons underneath for customs that appear to us absurd; and if I were ever again to find myself amongst strangers, I should be solicitous to examine before I condemned  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons that any person writes anything is to try and keep his own sanity together  (Reasons Quotes) The reasons we can’t sleep at night are usually the same reasons we don’t truly live during the day  (Reasons Quotes) It may be that there was no reason or purpose, for mankind must always be finding reasons where there are none, and comfort in a purpose that hardly exists  (Reasons Quotes) I think one of the reasons I pushed myself so hard and worked so hard is because I never felt special  (Reasons Quotes) There’s shames a man can never reason away, though he looks back and piles up reasons over them forty dozen deep. And maybe those are the shames a man never should reason away  (Reasons Quotes) To produce pure proletarian art the artist must be at one with the worker; this is impossible, not for political reasons, but because the artist never is at one with any public  (Reasons Quotes) Science is conservative and one of the reasons science is conservative is science is trying to play it safe  (Reasons Quotes) I believe one of the reasons we went through such a remarkable growth period was that we had this atmosphere of free discussion  (Reasons Quotes) We want better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them. Nor should we represent motherhood as something so common and easy that everyone can go through it without harm or suffering and rear her children competently and well  (Reasons Quotes) As women are empowered, violence can come down, for a number of reasons. By all measures, men are the more violent gender  (Reasons Quotes) I’ve got a temper if I need it. Nothing wrong with losing your temper, if it’s for the right reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Two reasons I come down here every year: the food and there are multiple guys here every year  (Reasons Quotes) I’m one of those people that think certain things happen at certain times for all the right reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Things have to hit for the moment. That’s one of the reasons I’m into video; the image has to hit immediately. I adore video and the whole cutting up of it  (Reasons Quotes) I spend more time in the kitchen than I have in the dining room, for obvious reasons, however, I just want to sit and indulge  (Reasons Quotes) That’s one of the reasons I’m successful, I do tend to do the right thing  (Reasons Quotes) .. to a poet, the human community is like the community of birds to a bird, singing to each other. Love is one of the reasons we are singing to one another, love of language itself, love of sound, love of singing itself, and love of the other birds  (Reasons Quotes) I don’t think we should judge celebrities for doing charity work. Period. Whatever their reasons for doing it, they are shedding light on issues that would otherwise go unnoticed  (Reasons Quotes)
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