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Misers, as death approaches, are heaping up a chest of reasons to stand in more awe of him  (Reasons Quotes) Now financial liberalization is just a catastrophe waiting to happen, and there are very well understood reasons for that  (Reasons Quotes) In our lives in a lot of ways it’s all about fake. You’ve got people wanting things for fake reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I think of stress as the creator of cancer and heart attacks, like a tiny little ball you feed. I believe that one of the reasons I’ve never got ill is that I’m not stressed  (Reasons Quotes) Individually the poor are not too tempting to thieves, for obvious reasons. Mug a banker and you might score a wallet containing a month’s rent. Mug a janitor and you will be lucky to get away with bus fare to flee the crime scene  (Reasons Quotes) My old coach used to say that if you were in it for the match, if you were in it for the trophies, you were in it for the wrong reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I do about 90 percent of my own stunts, and the things I can’t do for insurance reasons, like swinging out of a flying helicopter, I wouldn’t want to do anyway  (Reasons Quotes) Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence  (Reasons Quotes) One of the reasons why fundamentalists are so aggressive in trying to promote fundamentalism is because deep down they know it’s arbitrary. If you’re comfortable with your belief you don’t need to convince other people to agree with you  (Reasons Quotes) I think one of the basic reasons men make good friends is that they can make up their minds quickly  (Reasons Quotes) When I make a film, I’m not doing it purely for political reasons. If I just wanted to do that, I’d run for office  (Reasons Quotes) I learned early in my career, where you get so wrapped up and so excited, that all of a sudden you don’t think. So I worked very hard to keep myself suppressed. And that’s one of the reasons I wasn’t gregarious with the gallery  (Reasons Quotes) One of the very best reasons for having children is to be reminded of the incomparable joys of a snow day  (Reasons Quotes) If you look in general at people who live in anarchy, they have quite high rates of death from either homicide or warfare or both. Anarchy is one of the main reasons for violence, and it may be the most important  (Reasons Quotes) In black neighborhoods, everybody appreciated comedy about real life. In the white community, fantasy was funnier. I started looking for the jokes that were equally hilarious across the board, for totally different reasons  (Reasons Quotes) I have tons of regrets, but I think that’s one of the reasons that push people to create things. Out of their angst, their regret, comes the best from artists, painters and writers  (Reasons Quotes) I think that property is very important in this day and age. It defines you; you worked hard to get it. It’s meaningful to you, and when you divorce, a lot of people have a lot of battles over their property for good reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Sometimes we fall in love with somebody who will probably never love us, for reasons having nothing to do with us but with their own mindset, their chemistry  (Reasons Quotes) Wicked people never have time for reading. It’s one of the reasons for their wickedness  (Reasons Quotes) Just because you’re an atheist, that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t love for things to have reasons for why they are  (Reasons Quotes) Knowing too much about other people puts you in their power, they have a claim on you, you are forced to understand their reasons for doing things and then you are weakened  (Reasons Quotes) The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe  (Reasons Quotes) ... the state of rapture I experience when I read a wonderful book is one of the main reasons I read; but it doesn’t happen every time or even every other time, and when it does happen, I am truly beside myself  (Reasons Quotes) We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others  (Reasons Quotes) Men are never convinced of your reasons, of your sincerity, of the seriousness of your sufferings, except by your death. So long as you are alive, your case is doubtful; you have a right only to their skepticism  (Reasons Quotes) There’s nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons  (Reasons Quotes) Heaven forbid that we should believe in such a way as not to accept or seek reasons, since we could not even believe if we did not possess rational souls  (Reasons Quotes) I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious views of anyone  (Reasons Quotes) I hope you’re ready, because I’m about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you’re listening to these tapes, you’re one of the reasons why  (Reasons Quotes) As a species we’re fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?  (Reasons Quotes)
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