Rebecca West Quotes

Text Quotes
Motherhood is neither a duty nor a privilege, but simply the way that humanity can satisfy the desire for physical immortality and triumph over the fear of death (Rebecca West Quotes)
Women know the damnation of charity because the habit of civilization has always been to throw them cheap alms rather than give them good wages (Rebecca West Quotes)
Getting a divorce is nearly always as cheerful and useful an occupation as breaking valuable china (Rebecca West Quotes)
Those who foresee the future and recognize it as tragic are often seized upon by a madness which forced them to commit the very acts which make it certain that what they dread will happen (Rebecca West Quotes)
For the sake of my country, and perhaps a little for the sake of my soul, I have given up the deep peace of being in opposition (Rebecca West Quotes)
Birds sat on the telegraph wires that spanned the river as the black notes sit on a staff of music (Rebecca West Quotes)
There is a point, and it is reached more easily than is supposed, where interference with freedom of the arts and literature becomes an attack on the life of society (Rebecca West Quotes)
I find to my astonishment that an unhappy marriage goes on being unhappy when it is over (Rebecca West Quotes)
The Portrait of a Lady is entirely successful in giving one the sense of having met somebody far too radiantly good for this world (Rebecca West Quotes)
It appears that even the different parts of the same person do not converse among themselves, do not succeed in learning from each other what are their desires and their intentions (Rebecca West Quotes)
Time spent in a casino is time given to death, a foretaste of the hour when one's flesh will be diverted to the purposes of the worm and not of the will (Rebecca West Quotes)
Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity (Rebecca West Quotes)
Men must be capable of imagining and executing and insisting on social change if they are to reform or even maintain civilization, and capable too of furnishing the rebellion which is sometimes necessary if society is not to perish of immobility (Rebecca West Quotes)
Now different races and nationalities cherish different ideals of society that stink in each other’s nostrils with an offensiveness beyond the power of any but the most monstrous private deed (Rebecca West Quotes)
Works of art feel towards human beings exactly as we do towards ghosts. The transparency of spectres, the diffuseness in space which lets them drift through doors and walls, and their smell of death, disgust us not more than we disgust works of art by our meaninglessness, our diffuseness in time which lets us drift through three score years and ten without a quarter as much significance as a picture establishes instantaneously (Rebecca West Quotes)
Embraces do not matter; they merely indicate the will to love and may as well be followed by defeat as victory. But disregard means that now there needs to be no straining of the eyes, no stretching forth of the hands, no pressing of the lips, because theirs is such a union that they are no longer aware of the division of their flesh (Rebecca West Quotes)
Behind it was that vast suspension bridge which always troubles me because it reminds me that in this mechanized age I am as little able to understand my environment as any primitive woman who thinks that a waterfall is inhabited by a spirit, and indeed less so, for her opinion might from a poetical point of view be correct (Rebecca West Quotes)
We think in youth that our bodies are identical to ourselves and have the same interests, but discover later in life that they are heartless companions who have been accidentally yoked with us, and who are as likely as not, in our extreme sickness or old age, to treat us with less mercy than we would have received at the hands of the worst bandits (Rebecca West Quotes)
Any writer worth his salt knows that only a small proportion of literature does nore than partly compensate people for the damage they have suffered in learning to read (Rebecca West Quotes)
I’ve never been able to do just one draft. That seems a wonderful thing. Do you know anyone who can? (Rebecca West Quotes)
Were it possible for us to wait for ourselves to come into the room, not many of us would find our hearts breaking into flower as we heard the door handle turn (Rebecca West Quotes)
Why must you always try to be omnipotent, and shove things about? Tragic things happen sometimes that we just have to submit to (Rebecca West Quotes)
The reward for total abstinence from alcohol seems, illogically enough, to be the capacity for becoming intoxicated without it (Rebecca West Quotes)
The delight we find in art amounts to recognition of a saving grace, to an acknowledgment that the problem of life has a solution implicit in its own nature, though not yet formulated by the intellect (Rebecca West Quotes)
Art is not a plaything, but a necessity, and its essence, form, is not a decorative adjustment, but a cup into which life can be poured and lifted to the lips and be tasted (Rebecca West Quotes)
Whatever a work of art may be, the artist certainly cannot dare to be simple. He must have a nature as complicated and as violent, as totally unsuggestive of the word innocence, as a modern war (Rebecca West Quotes)
Bad art is maintained by the neurotic, who is deadly afraid of authentic art because it inspires him to go on living, and he is terrified of life (Rebecca West Quotes)
Art and propaganda have this much connection, that if a propaganda makes art impossible, it is clearly damned (Rebecca West Quotes)
I have no faith in the sense of comforting beliefs which persuade me that all my troubles are blessings in disguise (Rebecca West Quotes)
Nobody ever wrote a good book simply by collecting a number of accurate facts and valid ideas (Rebecca West Quotes)