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She was the third beer. Not the first one, which the throat receives with almost tearful gratitude; nor the second, that confirms and extends the pleasure of the first. But the third, the one you drink because it’s there, because it can’t hurt, and because what difference does it make? (Receives Quotes)
Violence harms the one who does it as much as the one who receives it. You could cut down a tree with an axe. The axe does violence to the tree, and escapes unharmed. Is that how you see it? Wood is soft compared to steel, but the sharp steel is dulled as it chops, and the sap of the tree will rust and pit it. The mighty axe does violence to the helpless tree, and is harmed by it. So it is with men, though the harm is in the spirit (Receives Quotes)
The urbane activity with which a man receives money is really marvelous, considering that we so earnestly believe money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a monied man enter heaven. Ah! how cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition! (Receives Quotes)
Often, during combat, the warrior of light receives blows that he was not expecting. And he realizes that, during a war, his enemy is bound to win some of the battles. When this happens, the warrior of light weeps bitter tears and rests in order to recover his energies a little. But he immediately resumes the battle for his dreams (Receives Quotes)
In proportion to the mental energy he spent, the man who creates a new invention receives but a small percentage of his value in terms of material payment, no matter what fortune he makes, no matter what millions he earns. But the man who works as a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him. And the same is true of all men between, on all levels of ambition and ability (Receives Quotes)
Unless each man produces more than he receives, increases his output, there will be less for him than all the others (Receives Quotes)
I think that an artist is a bit like a computer. He receives information from the world around him and from his past and from his own experiences. And it all goes into the brain (Receives Quotes)
No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc (Receives Quotes)
You can tell the character of every man when you see how he gives and receives praise (Receives Quotes)
The world is chiefly a mental fact. From mind it receives the forms of time and space, the principle of casuality, color, warmth, and beauty. Were there no mind, there would be no world (Receives Quotes)
Mercenary is whoever thinks less of his work than of the money he receives for doing it; and social conditions which impose tasks that make this inevitable are barbarous (Receives Quotes)
When the thing taken into union is perfectly adapted to that which receives it, the result is delight and pleasure and satisfaction (Receives Quotes)
It’s our job as economic developers in the state to make sure any prospect receives all available incentives (Receives Quotes)
He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestow should never remember it (Receives Quotes)
I consider that interest is determined by the increment of produce which it enables a labourer to obtain, and is altogether independent of the total return which he receives for this labour (Receives Quotes)
In any case of the budget deficit the private sector of the economy receives more from government expenditure than it pays in taxes (Receives Quotes)
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures; costs nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and ; him who receives, and thus, like mercy, it is twice blessed (Receives Quotes)
The public have more interest in the punishment of an injury than he who receives it (Receives Quotes)
Books are the negative pictures of thought, and the more sensitive the mind that receives their images, the more nicely the finest lines are reproduced (Receives Quotes)
He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember it (Receives Quotes)
As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, receives the lurking principle of death, the younger disease, that must subdue at length, grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength (Receives Quotes)
Back of the sound broods the silence, back of the gift stands the giving; back of the hand that receives thrill the sensitive nerves of receiving (Receives Quotes)
Where woman is held in honor, there the gods are well pleased; where she receives no honor, all holy acts are void and fruitless (Receives Quotes)
Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in the blood of his followers and the sacrifices of his friends (Receives Quotes)
More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality (Receives Quotes)
The vicious result of privilege is that the creature who receives it becomes incapacitated by it as by a disease (Receives Quotes)
Sanctification is the outcome and inseparable consequence of regeneration. He who is born again and made a new creature receives a new nature and a new principle and always lives a new life (Receives Quotes)
Violent behavior exists in one’s psychological makeup much deeper than the level that receives information from television or movies (Receives Quotes)
Without a doubt, at the center of the New Testament there stands the Cross, which receives its interpretation from the Resurrection (Receives Quotes)
I will put my heart and soul into making sure that the care your son or daughter or mum or dad receives is the same I would want for my own family (Receives Quotes)