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Receptions Quotes

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My favorite time to dance is at, like, wedding receptions, when it’s all ages and everyone seems to be having fun  (Receptions Quotes) I wish that every player could feel what I’ve felt in visiting ballparks. The receptions I’ve received, it’s blown me away. It’s absolutely remarkable  (Receptions Quotes) This is rather different from the receptions I used to get fifty years ago. They threw things at me then but they were not roses  (Receptions Quotes) My favorite time to dance is at, like, wedding receptions, when it’s all ages and everyone seems to be having fun.  (Receptions Quotes) I wish that every player could feel what I’ve felt in visiting ballparks. The receptions I’ve received, it’s blown me away. It’s absolutely remarkable.  (Receptions Quotes) The job has left me with a healthy disregard for what you might call Public Life. I have no desire now to go to receptions, to be seen at gatherings of the great and the good, to stand and be bored to death by men in grey suits.  (Receptions Quotes) I was born in the city’s general hospital on November 15, 1930, and we lived at 31 Amherst Avenue in the western suburbs. It was a magical place. There were receptions at the French Club, race meetings at the Shanghai Racecourse, and various patriotic gatherings at the British Embassy on the Bund, the city’s glamorous waterfront area.  (Receptions Quotes) The energy you bring, positive or negative, dictates your perceptions, receptions and radiations  (Receptions Quotes)