Recognize Quotes

Text Quotes
To know the history of science is to recognize the mortality of any claim to universal truth (Recognize Quotes)
Architects, painters, and sculptors must recognize anew and learn to grasp the composite character of a building both as an entity and in its separate parts. Only then will their work be imbued with the architectonic spirit which it has lost as salon art. Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith (Recognize Quotes)
One of the very important things that have to be learned around the time dying becomes a real prospect is to recognize those occasions when we have been useful in the world (Recognize Quotes)
The professionals resemble and recognize each other by virtue of the stigmata that their trade has left upon them. They are like the dog in the fable, whose collar has made an indelible mark around his neck. The amateur is the shaggy wolf whom no dog had better trust too far (Recognize Quotes)
The important thing to recognize is that it takes a team, and the team ought to get credit for the wins and the losses. Successes have many fathers, failures have none (Recognize Quotes)
Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle. We come awake to such a realization when we recognize our connection to a spiritual dimension (Recognize Quotes)
Considering the importance of resentment in our lives, and the damage it does, it receives scant attention from psychiatrists and psychologists. Resentment is a great rationalizer: it presents us with selected versions of our own past, so that we do not recognize our own mistakes and avoid the necessity to make painful choices (Recognize Quotes)
Business is just about enabling human beings, nothing more, nothing less. Businesses need to recognize this fundamental fact (Recognize Quotes)
I recognize that on paper, you can’t really tell that I’m a fan or a nerd (Recognize Quotes)
It’s a great thing when you feel that you recognize yourself, deeply and movingly, in a work of literature (Recognize Quotes)
I think fashion is a lot of fun. I love clothes. More than fashion or brand labels, I love design. I love the thought that people put into clothes. I love when clothes make cultural statements and I think personal style is really cool. I also freely recognize that fashion should be a hobby (Recognize Quotes)
I’ve still kind of maintained a low profile but people still kind of recognize you and will come up to you, and that’s taken a bit of getting used to (Recognize Quotes)
There’s a moment when love makes you believe in death for the first time. You recognize the one whose loss, even contemplated, you’ll carry forever, like a sleeping child. All grief, anyone’s grief... is the weight of a sleeping child (Recognize Quotes)
Therefore, as always, make of this voice what you choose to make of it. Make of me what you choose to make of me, but recognize within yourselves the vitality of your being. And look to no man or no idea or no woman or no dogma, but the vitality of your own being, and trust it. And that which offends your soul, turn away from, but trust yourself (Recognize Quotes)
Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic: she has her own, which we do not recognize and do not acknowledge until we are crushed under its wheel (Recognize Quotes)
God! how is it that we fail to recognize that the mask of pleasure, stripped of all hypocrisy, is that of anguish? (Recognize Quotes)
Our world was created with a sense of order. For every loss, there is a gain. Sometimes we are so blinded by the loss that we don’t see the gain, don’t recognize the gift (Recognize Quotes)
Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete (Recognize Quotes)
It is not by great acts but by small failures that freedom dies. The sense of justice dies slowly in a people. They grow used to the unthinkable, and sometimes they may look back and even wonder when things changed. They will not find a day or a time or a place. Justice and liberty die quietly, because men first learn to ignore injustice and then no longer recognize it (Recognize Quotes)
Talent must be a fanatical mistress. She’s beautiful; when you’re with her, people watch you, they notice. But she bangs on your door at odd hours, and she disappears for long stretches, and she has no patience for the rest of your existence; your wife, your children, your friends. She is the most thrilling evening of your week, but some day she will leave you for good. One night, after she’s been gone for years, you will see her on the arm of a younger man, and she will pretend not to recognize you (Recognize Quotes)
When people first discover beauty, they tend to linger. Even if they don’t at first recognize it for what it is (Recognize Quotes)
Nobody knows you as well as our spouse. And that means no one will be quicker to recognize a change when you deliberately start sacrificing your wants and wishes to make sure his or her needs are met (Recognize Quotes)
What’s love? Something that lasts a week or a month and that’s all you can except? Or is it just that some loves have a short shelf life? You know, like yogurt: after a week or two they go bad. And how do you recognize the other kind of love, the kind that isn’t like yogurt? The kind that’s more like... I don’t know, like peanut butter, that lasts forever and always tastes good? (Recognize Quotes)
You have a valid complaint, and I do recognize it... but you are reading into things a little bit. Just the same, I will do my best to make horrible things happen to a bunch of white people before something else so graphic hits a minority character (Recognize Quotes)
... This is the first time I have met someone who seeks out people and who sees beyond... We never look beyond our assumptions and, what’s worse, we have given up trying to meet others; we just meet ourselves. We don’t recognize each other because other people have become our permanent mirrors. If we actually realized this, if we were to become aware of the fact that we are alone in the wilderness, we would go crazy... As for me, I implore fate to give me the chance to see beyond myself and truly meet someone (Recognize Quotes)
You never know the biggest day of your life is your biggest day, not until it’s happening. You don’t recognize the biggest day of your life, not until you’re right in the middle of it. The day you commit to something or someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate. The day you realize there’s not enough time because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. The perfect days (Recognize Quotes)
Well, some people say I’m pessimistic because I recognize the eternal cycle of evil. All I say is, look at the history of mankind right up to this moment and what do you find? (Recognize Quotes)
You get older and you are a whole mess of things, new thoughts, sorry feelings, big plans, enormous doubts, goling along hoping and getting disappointed, over and over again, no wonder I don’t recognize my little crayon picture. It appears to be me and it is and it is not (Recognize Quotes)
To recognize that the greatest error is not to have tried and failed, but that in trying, we did not give it our best effort (Recognize Quotes)
It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest (Recognize Quotes)