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If I now recognize evil in other people, is it not because I have become evil too?  (Recognize Quotes) I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life  (Recognize Quotes) They knew each other. He knew her and so himself, for in truth he had never known himself. And she knew him and so herself, for although she had always known herself she had never been able to recognize it until now  (Recognize Quotes) You mentioned your name as if I should recognize it, but beyond the obvious facts that you are a bachelor, a solicitor, a freemason, and an asthmatic, I know nothing whatever about you  (Recognize Quotes) Only someone who had experienced such bitter despair would be able to recognize it in another  (Recognize Quotes) Philosophers, for example, often fail to recognize that their remarks about the universe apply also to themselves and their remarks. If the universe is meaningless, so is the statement that it is so  (Recognize Quotes) We recognize that there are no trivial occurrences in life if we get the right focus on them  (Recognize Quotes) To study and constantly, is this not a pleasure? To have friends come from far away places, is this not a joy? If people do not recognize your worth, but this does not worry you, are you not a true gentleman?  (Recognize Quotes) Ah, monsieur, to live in the bosom of the sea! Only there can independence be found! There I recognize no master! There I am free!  (Recognize Quotes) And the council doesn’t recognize any kind of temporary insanity defense. Which was a real shame, because most of the councilmen had considered me crazy for most of my life  (Recognize Quotes) Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests  (Recognize Quotes) It is such a letdown to rise from the dead and have your friends not recognize you  (Recognize Quotes) Seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space  (Recognize Quotes) There is a resemblance between men and women, not a contrast. When a man begins to recognize his feeling, the two unite. When men accept the sensitive side of themselves, they come alive  (Recognize Quotes) Everyday was another day spent waiting. Every night was another night when she might meet someone who would recognize her true worth  (Recognize Quotes) There is one thing, and only one thing, in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth  (Recognize Quotes) You ask me what I’m looking for, and I outline you. you don’t recognize the shape, offer other names. you say my time will come, and I hope  (Recognize Quotes) Having a fling with you doesn’t appeal to me. You’re handsome, but you’re too inexperienced to be good in bed. Having ridden many horses doesn’t make you a good rider; it just proves that you can’t recognize a good one or don’t know how to keep her  (Recognize Quotes) Every generation must recognize and embrace the task it is peculiarly designed by history and by providence to perform  (Recognize Quotes) Look carefully around you and recognize the luminosity of souls. Sit beside those who draw you to that  (Recognize Quotes) Being a victim is more palatable than having to recognize the intrinsic contradictions of one’s own governing philosophy  (Recognize Quotes) When a freedom is taken away from you, I suppose, you recognize it as a privilege, not a right  (Recognize Quotes) One man’s insanity is another man’s genius; someday the world will recognize the genius in my insanity  (Recognize Quotes) The first step to loving someone else is to recognize the evil in ourselves, so we can forgive them  (Recognize Quotes) What we don’t recognize is that holding onto resentment is like holding onto your breath. You’ll soon start to suffocate  (Recognize Quotes) If we are free from attachment, we can easily recognize ourselves in other people, in different forms of manifestation, and then we don’t have to suffer  (Recognize Quotes) It’s important to recognize that expanding the circle of opportunity and increasing the democratic potential of our own society, as well as those across the world, is a continuing process of inclusion  (Recognize Quotes) The more you recognize the immense good within you, the more you magnetize immense good around you  (Recognize Quotes) If there is one thing that has helped me as a coach, it’s my ability to recognize winners, or good people who can become winners by paying the price  (Recognize Quotes) The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more you will have to express gratitude for  (Recognize Quotes)
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