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The media has become more forceful, has begun to recognize its traditional historic role and act on it, and truth is infectious  (Recognize Quotes) Once you have a child, you change so much along the way, you don’t even recognize yourself by the time they’re ready to move out!  (Recognize Quotes) Why is it we don’t always recognize the moment when love begins, but we always know when it ends?  (Recognize Quotes) Society is not homogeneous, and those who do not deliberately close their eyes have to recognize that men differ greatly from one another from the physical, moral, and intellectual viewpoints  (Recognize Quotes) The outstanding feature of behavior is that it is often quite easy to recognize but extremely difficult or impossible to describe with precision  (Recognize Quotes) The most important step in getting a job done is the recognition of the problem. Once I recognize a problem I usually can think of someone who can work it out better than I could  (Recognize Quotes) It is often better for a person to recognize a sin than to do a good deed. Recognizing a sin makes a person humble. Doing a good deed often can feed a person’s pride  (Recognize Quotes) They’ve really got to recognize that all of us bring some of our family issues to work and our work home  (Recognize Quotes) Man, I have had so much plastic surgery, I don’t even recognize myself, sometimes. If I catch a glimpse in a window or something, I think it is someone else  (Recognize Quotes) For the most part, I have a very manageable celebrity. People recognize me from time to time, and they usually say very appreciative things. It affords me a great deal of pleasure  (Recognize Quotes) The test is to recognize the mistake, admit it and correct it. To have tried to do something and failed is vastly better than to have tried to do nothing and succeeded  (Recognize Quotes) It is time to recognize a simple fact of life. Contrary to what some of my colleagues seem to believe, tax cuts do not pay for themselves  (Recognize Quotes) I had never doubted my own abilities, but I was quite prepared to believe that the world would decline to recognize them  (Recognize Quotes) Not to recognize the effect of the aura is the greatest tragedy. Your radiant power has more power to repel negativity than anything your brain can think of  (Recognize Quotes) Education is the guardian genius of democracy. It is the only dictator that free men recognize, and the only ruler that free men require  (Recognize Quotes) You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can’t sit back and wait  (Recognize Quotes) As a psychopathic creature, the corporation can neither recognize nor act upon moral reasons to refrain from harming others  (Recognize Quotes) Neither I nor anyone else knows what a standard is. We all recognize a dishonorable act, but have no idea what honor is  (Recognize Quotes) Now, I recognize that these are very real possibilities. I said. But let’s pretend for a second that they aren’t  (Recognize Quotes) It is impossible to recognize a wrong way without knowing the right way. This means that it is no use troubling oneself how to recognize a wrong way. One must think of how to find the right way  (Recognize Quotes) Often the true causes of our discomfort are so integral to our environment that we fail to recognize them  (Recognize Quotes) Truth is indivisible, hence it cannot recognize itself; anyone who wants to recognize it has to be a lie  (Recognize Quotes) Are you then unable to recognize a sob unless it has the same sound as yours?  (Recognize Quotes) Rich men are resolved to be astonished at nothing. When they see a masterpiece, they must needs at one glance recognize some flaw to dispense them from admiration, a vulgar emotion  (Recognize Quotes) Kindness steers no easy course. Attributing it to character, we seldom recognize the secret efforts of a noble heart, whereas we reward really wicked people for the evil they refrain from committing  (Recognize Quotes) When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it. That is knowledge  (Recognize Quotes) Let us recognize the beauty and power of true enthusiasm; and whatever we may do to enlighten ourselves and others, guard against checking or chilling a single earnest sentiment  (Recognize Quotes) True religion teaches us to reverence what is under us, to recognize humility and poverty, and, despite mockery and disgrace, wretchedness, suffering, and death, as things divine  (Recognize Quotes) I never saw a beggar yet who would recognize guilt if it bit him on his unwashed ass  (Recognize Quotes) Not one drop of blood is left inside my veins that does not throb: I recognize signs of the ancient flame  (Recognize Quotes)
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