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I knew it had the potential to be something special right away. It was like meeting somebody that I’ve just known where you just recognize one another. It was so disproportionate, the level of emotion we were experiencing to the time we had spent together  (Recognize Quotes) Later, however, I came to recognize the objective nature of these dreams or fantasies... Thus it was that I gradually came to acknowledge that such fantasies or dreams are neither meaningless nor purely arbitrary but rather convey a sort of second meaning of the terms applied  (Recognize Quotes) If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you  (Recognize Quotes) Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes  (Recognize Quotes) Experience is that marvelous thing that enable you to recognize a mistake when you make it again  (Recognize Quotes) The humorist has a good eye for the humbug; he does not always recognize the saint  (Recognize Quotes) Futurists get to a certain age and, as one does, they suddenly recognize their own mortality  (Recognize Quotes) If you have a high evaluation of yourself then your ability to recognize new facts is weakened  (Recognize Quotes) When we hear the other person’s feelings and needs, we recognize our common humanity  (Recognize Quotes) Recognize the skills and traits you don’t possess, and hire the people who have them  (Recognize Quotes) When we recognize that we don’t have all the time in the world, we see our priorities most clearly  (Recognize Quotes) Some people don’t even recognize real love when it comes without being called or sought  (Recognize Quotes) A man must know his destiny. if he does not recognize it, then he is lost  (Recognize Quotes) It’s the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us  (Recognize Quotes) Libertarians recognize the difference between adults and children, as well as differences between normal adults and adults who are insane or mentally hindered or retarded  (Recognize Quotes) Libertarians recognize the inevitable pluralism of the modern world and for that reason assert that individual liberty is at least part of the common good  (Recognize Quotes) I particularly recognize that reasonable people can disagree as to what that proper balance or blend is between privacy and security and safety  (Recognize Quotes) The survival of artistic modes in which we recognize ourselves, identify ourselves and place ourselves will survive as long as humanity survives  (Recognize Quotes) The Obama administration has consistently refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli territory, let alone as the capital of Israel  (Recognize Quotes) I’ve been really lucky. I think that you really get what you recognize is in the universe  (Recognize Quotes) I don’t recognize my people anymore. I feel Somalia is lost. There is no Somalia. It is just a name  (Recognize Quotes) You have to go through a mental and emotional process to recognize who you really are. I finally recognized that I cannot be defined by one country  (Recognize Quotes) I know a lot of people recognize me or know me from ‘Battlestar Galactica,’ but I only did a couple of episodes  (Recognize Quotes) We can scale the heights of mountains and see the world rayed out before us, but we fail to recognize that which is before us  (Recognize Quotes) In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn’t. Be wise and don’t let good things crowd out those that are essential  (Recognize Quotes) Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked  (Recognize Quotes) But there will come a time and a place to give back, and each individual will recognize that time and place  (Recognize Quotes) We debated long over the situation for it is a very difficult question and all of us recognize its difficulty  (Recognize Quotes) But one did not do feminist theory, as such, in those days, not only because male academic discourse did not recognize such a term, but especially because the womens movement did not either  (Recognize Quotes) In the long run, there is not much discrimination against superior talent. It constrains men to recognize it  (Recognize Quotes)
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