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What the Court really has refused to recognize is the fundamental interest all individuals have in controlling the nature of their intimate associations  (Recognize Quotes) It also seems that the Afghans themselves want to avail themselves of this opportunity and all recognize that the UN is uniquely qualified to help bring them together  (Recognize Quotes) I’m really awkward when people recognize me. I’m not good at it, and for the most part it hadn’t happened to me until ‘True Blood,’ and then, all of a sudden, it started happening all the time  (Recognize Quotes) I have this typical Ukrainian face. Even people who know my music don’t recognize me most of the time, thank God  (Recognize Quotes) Currently, most States do not recognize within their borders concealed carry permits issued in other States  (Recognize Quotes) It’s useful to be able to recognize whether you’re on track or not. To have that belief, but also paranoia about am I tracking against my investment thesis  (Recognize Quotes) You’re a goddess? Then make it rain. A superhero? Deflect a comet. Otherwise, recognize that happiness is available to mere mortals with no rituals or pretending required  (Recognize Quotes) The sordid qualities imputed to the enemy are always those which we recognize as our own and therefore rise to slay, because only through projection do we realize the enormity and horror of them  (Recognize Quotes) I’m actually kind of more adventurous. I like to go out on the floors and try to be incognito. Because it’s more fun to be out there. So - when people do recognize you it’s a little bit scarier  (Recognize Quotes) People recognize me all the time. I think it’s really nice. I don’t mind it at all. It feels kind of surreal when people know who you are and I think that it’s really cool  (Recognize Quotes) The only people that recognize me are the hardcore fans, and I always find that really flattering. I think it is super cool  (Recognize Quotes) This was the purpose of the whole creation, that man should recognize and know Him and give praise to His Name  (Recognize Quotes) As a historian I refuse to recognize an epochal boundary before the fact  (Recognize Quotes) Every songwriter lives to have at least one song that a cab driver who asks ‘You write anything I know?’ will recognize  (Recognize Quotes) Life is like a grain of wheat: to plant it is to recognize its value; to keep it is to destroy its value. The ‘planted’ Christian counts life dear not unto himself but unto God  (Recognize Quotes) True, the free market ignores the poor precisely as it does not recognize the wealthy - it is ‘no respecter of persons’  (Recognize Quotes) The ordinary is ultimately what moves us most deeply. It’s what touches us, and it’s what we most recognize, in great moments of art  (Recognize Quotes) If we mix only a moderate minority share of turds with the raisins each year, probably no one will recognize what will ultimately become a very large collection of turds  (Recognize Quotes) When you use sleep mask, no one’s gonna recognize you. You’re gonna look like an idiot, but it’s so worth it  (Recognize Quotes) Mark Zuckerberg was named Time’s Person of the Year. I’m sorry if you don’t recognize the name. A magazine is something people used to read  (Recognize Quotes) People don’t recognize me from gig to gig. They have no idea. But, that’s really what I strive to do. I strive to stip myself down completely and build another human and become them  (Recognize Quotes) It’s important for me to make sure that the men see and recognize that that woman is their equal  (Recognize Quotes) You don’t have to be a Christian to recognize that materialism does not match reality. Materialism is not true to universal human experience - what we all know about ourselves  (Recognize Quotes) It was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003. We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it  (Recognize Quotes) As I get older, I’m finding that I recognize certain celebrities only because they frequently grace the pages of US Weekly, but beyond that, I have no idea what they do  (Recognize Quotes) Like books, the Internet has saved my life. It helped me recognize that so many people I adore suffer from the same things I do  (Recognize Quotes) The mind is complicated and you can’t trace the roots of its processes, but there is something about mathematical and algorithmic patterns that I like to recognize in things  (Recognize Quotes) When you have kids, I think it makes them feel safer and be in a space to grow more and recognize patterns when routines exist  (Recognize Quotes) Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another  (Recognize Quotes) First we need to rethink the terms and recognize that we’ve imported this language from the technocratic class, from Silicon Valley, that talks about openness and transparency  (Recognize Quotes)
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