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My people are at the core of everything I do, and I recognize the importance of giving them the flexibility to balance work around their personal lives.  (Recognize Quotes) When there are no gas chambers, no barbed wire, and no concentration camps, many don’t recognize the perpetration of new genocides and other targeted mass atrocity crimes because they may not look the same.  (Recognize Quotes) When Steny Hoyer brings up a resolution to support and recognize the University of Maryland men’s basketball team - I’m not making this up - before we even had March madness, then you just know that it’s just political favoritism.  (Recognize Quotes) People recognize me. Most people are really nice. Sometimes people say, ‘Hi, Chelsea.’  (Recognize Quotes) What’s exciting about watching a movie, when it’s finished, is you sometimes you don’t recognize yourself, and that’s when I’m really proud.  (Recognize Quotes) The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.  (Recognize Quotes) I think that each woman, whatever age, needs to recognize something good in her body. Someone has beautiful legs, someone has beautiful hair, someone else has beautiful decolletage or a beautiful waist or beautiful hands. Everyone has something great.  (Recognize Quotes) When you have a kid and people go, ‘What a beautiful child,’ it’s the same kind of reaction when you play a song that people recognize and love.  (Recognize Quotes) Can I just tell you, I think it’s the most beautiful thing about young people today, it gives me so much hope for the future, that they don’t really recognize race the way my generation does.  (Recognize Quotes) I’ve spent my life capturing beautiful images. And whether in wilderness or in the downtown of a giant city, I find connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty that I recognize as a part of me, a part of all of us that celebrates life. It’s my great pleasure to share with you that energy which inspires me; this great visual beauty of our world.  (Recognize Quotes) Daniel! Luce said. He looks-Different and also precisely the same? Bill asked.Yes.That’s his soul you recognize. Regardless of how you two may look on the outside, you’ll alwaysknow each other’s souls.It hadn’t occurred to Luce until now how remarkable it was that she recognized Daniel in every life.Her soul found his. That’s ... beautiful.  (Recognize Quotes) It’s the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us. The question is not what you look at but what you see.  (Recognize Quotes) When people first discover beauty, they tend to linger. Even if they don’t at first recognize it for what it is.  (Recognize Quotes) Women are so unforgiving of themselves. We don’t recognize our own beauty because we’re too busy comparing ourselves to other people.  (Recognize Quotes) I have never felt the need to worship someone or something, but I recognize the beauty of creation, the miraculosity of existence, and honor the genius behind the scene, who came up with all of this.  (Recognize Quotes) Twitter needs to continue being a good listener and recognize that the service has been redefined by lots of people, tweet by tweet, but also come up with its own priorities.  (Recognize Quotes) I think there’s a settled quality, there’s a gravitas that comes with aging and with being a parent because you certainly come to recognize that there’s nothing else that takes greater priority than raising your children.  (Recognize Quotes) He who cannot serve cannot lead. It is by being a servant that you recognize that followers also have needs. True leaders are service oriented!  (Recognize Quotes) The Internet community started forming right when ‘Buffy’ started airing, and the notion of a show creator being anything other than a name people recognize on the screen was completely new.  (Recognize Quotes) We recognize the chicken as another conscious being. It’s different from us, but it has a life, and if something is really important for that chicken, if it would work hard to try to get it, and if we can give it without sacrificing something that’s really important to us, then we should.  (Recognize Quotes) I miss my kids sometimes and that can get me down when I’ve been away working, but then I wake up and recognize how incredibly lucky I am. Spending time being down is less time out there achieving and enjoying.  (Recognize Quotes) We all recognize that in recent decades, many important achievements have helped create a cleaner, healthier environment, yet our national needs in environmental health are not being fully met.  (Recognize Quotes) I recognize myself to a lesser or greater extent in everything I read, good and bad, and that’s part of being a human being if you’re honest enough. And obviously the darker parts are the things you don’t let control you.  (Recognize Quotes) God sometimes allows us to feel anger so we’ll recognize when we’re being mistreated. But even when we experience true injustices in our lives, we must not vent our anger in an improper way.  (Recognize Quotes) Some, either from being glued to vice by a natural attachment, or from long habit, no longer recognize its ugliness.  (Recognize Quotes) Contrary to popular thinking, being worthy isn’t something you earn, it’s something you recognize.  (Recognize Quotes) No nude scenes. No sex-symbol parts. I want people to recognize me for my work, not just for being pretty.  (Recognize Quotes) Mothers - especially single mothers - are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation’s children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families’ well-being.  (Recognize Quotes) Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.  (Recognize Quotes) A company has a greater responsibility than making money for its stockholders. We have a responsibility to our employees to recognize their dignity as human beings.  (Recognize Quotes)
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