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I recognize that I have the ability to be selfish, but I also recognize that you can’t be happy if you only care about yourself at the expense of other people.  (Recognize Quotes) As I said,I believe in fate.Things happen as they are meant to be.We just have to recognize our destiny.  (Recognize Quotes) A lot of folks believe their best years are behind them. But I want Americans to recognize that’s not true.  (Recognize Quotes) I’m living in Beverly Hills. I’m very, very lucky. I wake up every morning and I recognize that I’m blessed.  (Recognize Quotes) There are good people, who are in politics - in both parties - who hold this at arm’s length, because if they acknowledge it and recognize it, then the moral imperative to make big changes is inescapable.  (Recognize Quotes) Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change - from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger.  (Recognize Quotes) Big ideas are so hard to recognize, so fragile, so easy to kill. don’t forget that, all of you who don’t have them.  (Recognize Quotes) I can shoot off my big mouth and write my shows and run my shows, and I can recognize how lucky I am because my position is rare and my position is privileged.  (Recognize Quotes) The big story of 2013, a very distressing year, is that Americans continue not to be able to find the full-time jobs they need, and that’s something which the president has to recognize as the first priority of his administration.  (Recognize Quotes) No matter how much money we have or make, we will probably never consider ourselves rich. The biggest challenge facing rich people is that they’ve lost they’re ability to recognize that they’re rich.  (Recognize Quotes) I can recognize the calls of practically every bird in North America. There are some in Africa I don’t know, though.  (Recognize Quotes) We need dualities or opposites to appreciate, understandand recognize value and distinction in our lives. If we did not have bitter, we could not appreciate sweet....  (Recognize Quotes) I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.  (Recognize Quotes) It’s not very long ago that we were all singing country music. And country music is equally black as it is white and that’s important to recognize.  (Recognize Quotes) I recognize women are under a lot more stress today. The things you consider stress are also the blessings in your life.  (Recognize Quotes) One of the many misconceptions about the blind is that they have greater hearing, sense of smell and sense of touch than sighted people. This is not strictly true. Their blindness simply forces them to recognize gifts they always had but had heretofore largely ignored.  (Recognize Quotes) I don’t know what the strategy will be in Washington. The reality is, is, I have got to go down there, as my mentor, as people like Bill Bradley have told me to do, get to know your colleagues on both sides of the aisle, recognize that they, too, beat with the same heart and the same type of blood.  (Recognize Quotes) Feeling will get you closer to the truth of who you are than thinking. I cannot tell you anything that deep within you don’t already know. When you have reached a certain stage of inner connectedness, you recognize the truth when you hear it. If you haven’t reached that stage yet, the practice of body awareness will bring about the deepening that is necessary.  (Recognize Quotes) It does make a broader point which is the fight against Islamist terror is not just one that we can wage by the police and border control, it needs every school, every university, every college, every community to recognize they have a role to play, we all have a role to play in stopping people from having their minds poisoned by this appalling death cult.  (Recognize Quotes) Going forward, as we work to strengthen our border in the interests of homeland security, we must also recognize the economic importance of immigration reform.  (Recognize Quotes) Labels only confuse people. The smarter people recognize artists who transcend categories. But I always try to entertain. It’s in my nature; writers are born to entertain. If that means working ostensibly within a genre, fine.  (Recognize Quotes) God has ALREADY given you the strength you need, it’s up to you to recognize that you were BORN a conqueror!  (Recognize Quotes) I don’t recognize this new brand of Republicanism that’s afoot now, which I consider to be very reactionary, not conservative in many respects.  (Recognize Quotes) We also have to recognize, in addition to the challenges that we face with policing, there are so many good, brave police officers who equally want reform.  (Recognize Quotes) It takes bravery to recognize where in your life you are your own poison... it takes courage to do something about it.  (Recognize Quotes) Greatness is achieved when you recognize your own strength. You become unstoppable! Nothing can prevent you from breaking free and claiming the victory.  (Recognize Quotes) Lewis [Hamilton] is a hero in the UK. The British love Formula One. Sebastian (Vettel) is also not doing much for F1. People hardly recognize him on the street.  (Recognize Quotes) My first record had just broken, and these guys wanted my autograph. I thought, Oh, God, they recognize me. Turns out they thought I was Heidi Fleiss.  (Recognize Quotes) Allah made us all a different shade and colour. Nations and tribes recognize one another! ‘Cause every single person is your sister and brother.  (Recognize Quotes) The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity.  (Recognize Quotes)
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