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Roads are necessary, but the fact that we don’t fully recognize that when you build a road you’re doing more than building a road - you’re building the future development of your city. And, that’s what’s never dawned on people. It still doesn’t, in a way.  (Recognize Quotes) I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.  (Recognize Quotes) You come to me for advice, but you can’t cope with anything you don’t recognize. Hmmm. So we’ll have to tell you something you already know but make it sound like news, eh Well, business as usual , I suppose.  (Recognize Quotes) Day by day, case by case, the Supreme Court is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize.  (Recognize Quotes) Once I started working as a professional actor, it was like, ‘Bye-bye waiting tables, bye-bye bartending, bye-bye all the cliched jobs actors do.’ But after a year of not getting work, there’s this really difficult conflict, like, ‘Do I have to go back to being a waiter when people recognize me from a show?’  (Recognize Quotes) Every songwriter lives to have at least one song that a cab driver who asks ‘You write anything I know?’ will recognize.  (Recognize Quotes) People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It’s really cool and weird as well.  (Recognize Quotes) There are many people who think we should have zero tax on capital gains, interest and dividends for everybody, as - the very, very wealthy. But recognize that means that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett would pay no income tax at all. And some people say, ‘Well, that’s a good thing for growth of the economy.’  (Recognize Quotes) Millennials regularly draw ire for their cell phone usage. They’re mobile natives, having come of age when landlines were well on their way out and payphones had gone the way of dinosaurs. Because of their native fluency, Millennials recognize mobile phones can do a whole lot more than make calls, enable texting between friends or tweeting.  (Recognize Quotes) Over the years, I’ve come to recognize that democratization in Ethiopia is not just a matter of choice. It’s a matter of national survival. I am deeply convinced that we either democratize and have a good chance of surviving, or if we fail to do so, we disintegrate.  (Recognize Quotes) I think luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it... The man who can smile at his breaks and grab his chances gets on.  (Recognize Quotes) I had hoped all of Congress would recognize that it is imperative for our health, economy, and national security that we address the effects of climate change before they get even worse.  (Recognize Quotes) People want to be happy, so they don’t want to feel as though they’re mired in this world of ugliness. I think that if people can recognize that you can actually help and change that ugliness, then you’ll feel a lot better about yourself as well, and that does create a certain amount of happiness.  (Recognize Quotes) It’s really important to recognize that family life in America has changed pretty dramatically  (Recognize Quotes) You changed my life. You changed my ways. I don’t even recognize myself these days. It must be a reflection of you, only you.  (Recognize Quotes) History keeps teaching us that we can’t recognize the important events that are going to trigger changes.  (Recognize Quotes) I can’t watch my first audition because it makes me too upset. I just think it is really sad. I look at myself and don’t recognize myself. I do think fame and fortune changes people.  (Recognize Quotes) We eat every day, and if we do it in a way that doesn’t recognize value, it’s contributing to the destruction of our culture and of agriculture. But if it’s done with a focus and care, it can be a wonderful thing. It changes the quality of your life.  (Recognize Quotes) In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children.  (Recognize Quotes) Education begins at home and I applaud the parents who recognize that they - not someone else - must take responsibility to assure that their children are well educated.  (Recognize Quotes) I grew up under the British system, which I think is horrific for children - very, very strict - a system that did not recognize children as being individuals. You were small animals earning the right to be human.  (Recognize Quotes) I think the worst part about a breakup sometimes, if one could choose a worst part, would possibly be if you get out of a relationship, and you don’t recognize yourself because you changed a lot about you.  (Recognize Quotes) For many of us, sadly, the spirit of Christmas is hurry. And yet, eventually, the hour comes when the rushing ends and the race against the calendar mercifully comes to a close. It is only now perhaps that we truly recognize the spirit of Christmas. (...) With all its temporal confusion, it may just help us to see that by contrast, Christmas itself is eternal.  (Recognize Quotes) The circulatory system of man and the vertebrate animals can be considered as made up of a small number of organs or subordinate systems, which are easy to recognize anatomically, and the functions of which are on the whole quite distinct.  (Recognize Quotes) It doesn’t matter if you come from the inner city. People who fail in life are people who find lots of excuses. It’s never too late for a person to recognize that they have potential in themselves.  (Recognize Quotes) The parts of the [Civil Right] Movement we recognize so well now were not born from a single decision, but were a complicated and messy evolution of ideas and spirits, coming together after a long, hard struggle to triumph in moments when the odds seemed the longest.  (Recognize Quotes) I believe you have constructive accidents en route through a novel only because you have mapped a clear way. If you have confidence that you have a clear direction to take, you always have confidence to explore other ways; if they prove to be mere digressions, you’ll recognize that and make the necessary revisions.  (Recognize Quotes) I wanted to translate from one flat surface to another. In fact, my learning disabilities controlled a lot of things. I don’t recognize faces, so I’m sure it’s what drove me to portraits in the first place.  (Recognize Quotes) We must recognize our own behavioral errors. To be blunt, you are not likely to become a cognitive Zen master anytime soon. But a little enlightenment could keep you from making some common investing errors.  (Recognize Quotes) Companies that recognize the need to be creative about their businesses are going to pursue this creative thinking with us or without us. It’s our collective responsibility, our collective future to make sure they choose to do it with us.  (Recognize Quotes)
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