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I’m a lot less concerned with Bill Clinton’s escapades decades ago than I am with Hillary Clinton’s consistently wrong record when it comes to foreign policy, when it comes to domestic policy  (Record Quotes) My mother was an opera singer and my grandmother a concert pianist, and they only liked classical music. If I put on a pop record, they would tell me to turn it off, so I only listen to classical  (Record Quotes) There’s certain songs that you’re gonna record that you hope to touch people and change lives, and there’s certain songs that you know that are not going to be that serious  (Record Quotes) I started young. My first record came out when I was - what? 18? So I was in the studio when I was 15, 16  (Record Quotes) Heath Ledger was supposed to put our album on what would have been a new record label. I still feel a little dead after losing him  (Record Quotes) Every record, you’ve got more experiences to draw on as a writer and a musician  (Record Quotes) It’s a great meeting place, community center, art gallery, singles bar, music venue. The record store really covers a lot of ground  (Record Quotes) Journalists have misquoted people for so long - and quoted them out of context that for many people like to have their words on record  (Record Quotes) I don’t hide my being Israeli. I say it in every interview. I put out a record with songs in Hebrew. The people who signed me have no connection to Judaism or Israel  (Record Quotes) Everything needs to be public. The legitimacy of the courts comes from the fact that they reason openly, on the record, based on facts  (Record Quotes) I love working with producers, like doing the record with Laidback Luke on ‘Turbulence’ and working with Afrojack on ‘No Beef  (Record Quotes) We went for the best overall feel on each song. There are no musical overdubs at all. It’s a true live record; it’s one of the few true live records out there  (Record Quotes) You can either make it come around or you can’t. By the time we would be ready to record a song, we would know for sure that it was the best way we could do it  (Record Quotes) One of the ideas behind doing this acoustic record is that I didn’t want to have to produce it by committee  (Record Quotes) But as you said, there are going to be those that have no record and cannot be detected in that capacity so that is why you have to have other layers of security  (Record Quotes) Doing the instrumental thing, you’re really looking for the power of the melody to carry the record  (Record Quotes) If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known  (Record Quotes) Few speeches which have produced an electrical effect on an audience can bear the colorless photography of a printed record  (Record Quotes) In 2011, agricultural exports hit a record high and producers saw their best incomes in nearly 40 years  (Record Quotes) History being the record of human action is a richly variegated material, and it is not easy to give a true impression of the stuff by snipping off an inch or two for a pattern  (Record Quotes) Just as the human memory is not a passive recorder but a tool in the construction of the self, so history has never been a simple record of the past, but a means of shaping peoples  (Record Quotes) I wanted to make a record that people could put on year after year after year, and it would never feel dated  (Record Quotes) There is no record in the history of a nation that ever gained anything valuable by being unable to defend itself  (Record Quotes) But now, with the last two years of touring and being on the road, I’ve learned that a live show should never sound like a record; a record should sound like a live show  (Record Quotes) Neither marriage’s heart nor adventure are found in the banner days, those events we record and look back on. The glory is the ordinary  (Record Quotes) If a man’s public record be a clear one, if he has kept his pledges before the world, I do not inquire what his private life may have been  (Record Quotes) When a baseball player makes an error, it goes into the record and is published. How many of us could stand this sort of daily scrutiny?  (Record Quotes) ... Environmental groups are too often alarmists. They have an awful track record, so they’ve lost credibility with the public  (Record Quotes) Im one of those foolish people who believe the glory days of the record industry aren’t behind us. Theyre actually ahead of us  (Record Quotes) I don’t hear record companies coming up with any good ideas or suggestions. Historically, if it ain’t their idea, it ain’t no good, so you got that to contend with  (Record Quotes)
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