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Record Quotes

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I don’t really feel like you’re making a record unless you pay attention to it  (Record Quotes) There’s always another record, then there’s always another person to catch up with or to pass  (Record Quotes) I grew up working at a record store and listening to vinyl. Even if it’s side A and B, there’s always this continuity that really turned me on about music  (Record Quotes) If you’re trying to do what’s popular now, you’re way behind already. By the time you record it and do it and try to copy it, it’s moved on  (Record Quotes) Any strikeout record worth having is in a Texas pitcher’s pocket. I might come join them one day  (Record Quotes) It feels real good to look at some of the guys who have played before me, then come in and break a record. But records are made to be broken  (Record Quotes) Sourav Ganguly has been an excellent captain, his record speaks for himself. I found him to be a tough competitor and every Indian should feel proud of Sourav  (Record Quotes) The worthiness of any cause is not measured by its clean record, but by its readiness to see the blots when they are pointed out, and to change its mind  (Record Quotes) I want incremental improvements. There’s the record of all the revolutionary and violent change and extremism in general - it’s dreadful  (Record Quotes) Whether I’m making my own record, or playing a guitar part, I want what I do to have an impact  (Record Quotes) I believe that I have the executive experience and the ideas and the proven record to fix things  (Record Quotes) I think that is why we’re seeing conservatives uniting behind our campaign, because I have a proven record as a consistent conservative of standing up to Washington and fighting for the constitution  (Record Quotes) Everybody can perform, there are so many outlets. Musicians are no longer limited. In the past, the record companies made most of the money. I for one am not sorry to see them fade away  (Record Quotes) I’m really happy to have set the world record for the fastest disabled woman, but I think I can go much faster  (Record Quotes) Cartoons, often, that you do for the New Yorker don’t appear for months afterwards, and the record for that is a cartoon that was bought by James Stevenson in 1987 and didn’t appear until 2000  (Record Quotes) It is quite clear that history will record that Margaret Thatcher was the greatest Prime Minister this country has had since Churchill  (Record Quotes) The big labels have less of a stranglehold on artists and how they record and where they go  (Record Quotes) Just saw an orthodox Jewish kid do 3 pull-ups on the scaffolding. Shattering the previous record  (Record Quotes) I know how it feels to go into a studio to start a record, and eight weeks later it’s finished. I know how an intense schedule feels  (Record Quotes) We don’t build a record. We’re taking a picture of it. We’re not building an image; we’re capturing an image  (Record Quotes) I hate it when you buy a record for the single and find out that is the only good song on the album  (Record Quotes) Some record labels want to package you in a certain way and we didn’t want that. Once the record company saw we had some substance and were not a one hit wonder. They got 100% behind us  (Record Quotes) People are so... seem so chaotic internally, but being filtered through some form, like making a record, sort of filters it down into something that can be understood  (Record Quotes) Sometimes I just experiment quite a lot. I’ve always got my computer set up to record so I’ll just record a sort of library of ideas [that] I’ll either come back to or use as they stand  (Record Quotes) For me, creating music is a completely natural thing. I’ve been doing so, and I will continue doing so. I record almost everything I play at home  (Record Quotes) The British invasion certainly made a lot of noise in the record industry  (Record Quotes) I love the idea that the person that signs you makes the record, because you get that sense of guidance, of being there at that close point  (Record Quotes) When someone walks into my room and goes ‘wow’ at my record collection, at that moment I could actually hate music and just want to go sit in the garden  (Record Quotes) I grew up listening to everything, and when I got signed to a record deal out of Nashville, that was my introduction to what was happening in country music  (Record Quotes) Even if we want to eradicate our ghosts, our dead, our murdered, even if you erase a name and the record of the existence of a person, somebody remembers  (Record Quotes)
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