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Record Quotes

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You can think of a number of bands where the first record is by far their biggest record. And that must be hard for people to recapture. Hard for people to live with  (Record Quotes) When I record music I like to be in one place and kind of have a base to keep going back to  (Record Quotes) People expect us to be a straight up dance band but there are many more elements to our sound that you really get to see during our live show and hear on our record ‘See The Light’  (Record Quotes) I definitely didn’t have a lot of money. I had been fired from a record store. I was just trying to get by. I was on unemployment. I didn’t have anything going full-time  (Record Quotes) When you make a record, your own record, and you don’t even recognize it yourself, it’s hard to think if anybody else is going to recognize  (Record Quotes) If a record label will sign you in order for you to be moulded into something that can make more money for them, then you should get out of there if you’re that artist  (Record Quotes) After I broke the Australian record in 2014, Audi Centre in Canberra gave me a beautiful black A1 with the number plates AI 1111, because the record I broke was 11.11 in the 100  (Record Quotes) Intimacy is really good. But then again, the first disk on the record is not intimate in the least. It’s a really good CD  (Record Quotes) I always have my own music on my iPod, especially songs that I am going to record. Besides that, I have lots of others ranging from Chris Brown to Beyonce’, Michael Jackson, Rascal Flatts and Adele  (Record Quotes) Albums aren’t even selling anymore and there’s a reason for that. Record companies are just signing single and ring tone deals and it doesn’t seem like they’re focusing on albums  (Record Quotes) I had to have the record literally taken away from me. I am such a perfectionist  (Record Quotes) I think that when people download the record they’re kind of missing out on part of the experience, because it’s really meant to be an immersive experience  (Record Quotes) You just have to follow your own heart. I listen to so many different kinds of music and at the end of the day you want to make a record that you’re super proud of  (Record Quotes) People are getting record deals and they can barely sing. We have these new terms for artists that can dance, but they can’t sing  (Record Quotes) As a writer, I never paid much attention to the length of titles. I’ve just wanted them to communicate the emotional overtones of the content of a record or song that they are describin  (Record Quotes) I couldn’t make a real drum’n’bass or dubstep record to save my life. But I can be influenced by them in small ways  (Record Quotes) I’ve always loved music, and I’ve always sought out the stranger things, even in a record you could buy at the mall  (Record Quotes) Sometimes, reissues can be revelatory, or put the original record in a different light, but those are rare  (Record Quotes) There are people who’ve prepared their whole lives for real heavy success and bask in it. They’re so good at it and they obviously love it. I’m just happy to be making a record  (Record Quotes) I never willfully want to write the same record twice, which is probably why I jump from project to project. But I can’t ignore that there are things that inspire me, and I love celebrating those  (Record Quotes) What excites me is the idea of doing a record that’s pretty clean and focused on songs. I’ve rushed a lot with previous albums and there’s not a rush now - it’s not a race  (Record Quotes) There’s nothing harder than making a mellow, clean record. It’s really scary. I can see why people would never want to do it  (Record Quotes) Everyone uses noise as a crutch sometimes - I’ve totally done it. But when you make a good-sounding record there’s nothing there but you  (Record Quotes) I think it’s safe to say that 50% of the record buying metal community is people between the ages of 16 and 25 - people still in their teenage-angsty, early young-adult years  (Record Quotes) Demos are something you do in the early stages of your career, but when you get going, you just go in and record the song  (Record Quotes) I’m 45 and I don’t have time to spend two years of my life bringing in producers and dragging the record around the planet  (Record Quotes) I am a true believer that a record should not be a bunch of songs that sound exactly the same  (Record Quotes) My favorite record of all time is Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk. It’s made up of a bunch of songs that don’t really sound the same, but they all go really well together  (Record Quotes) I was really obsessed with age. I kept saying it was a record about trying to age gracefully  (Record Quotes) Take dance music: I like enough of it and its history to be able to say a word or two about this or that record, but I’m nobody’s authority  (Record Quotes)
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