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Record Quotes

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Records can ruin you. That’s why it’s important to be as intimately familiar as possible with the history of recorded music, I guess. In a way, it’s an argument for record collecting  (Record Quotes) You can’t ask someone who is not making that kind of money to go to the record store and buy an album when someone down the street has the same record with same sound quality for $5  (Record Quotes) You can always pound out demos and send them to record companies, but most of the successful bands I’ve seen are the ones that can sustain themselves  (Record Quotes) We have to wake up early and make songs everyday. I run my record label. You work at hours where your body isn’t designed to work. But it’s fun  (Record Quotes) How I measure success is getting to make another record and being able to the come back to the same town and play again cause you sold out the last time  (Record Quotes) I still write music, and I still have sessions, and I still record, but I have no plans  (Record Quotes) I would rather have 10 people working on a record that are really committed and believe in it and love it, than 50 people who have no idea who I am or what I’m for  (Record Quotes) Poems can’t help but be personal. Mine are certainly an accurate blueprint of the things I think about, if not a record of my daily life  (Record Quotes) You do a little more of a record album these days. See I just wanted to put a few songs in Beaches and we did very well. The album of Beaches went gold  (Record Quotes) I’m the only choice to make a record. And that’s the only way I would do it. We’d have to make some new music. The fans deserve it. Van Halen’s got some of the best fans on the planet  (Record Quotes) Just ask yourself what record you played over and over again when you were depressed or what record made you really happy? Those will never change and you should never be embarrassed by it  (Record Quotes) Ya’ll know what you need to do? Get together, make a We Are The World record  (Record Quotes) I’m at a point where I don’t have to wait for the income from the record to survive, so I’m in a comfortable zone, but I’ll make rap records as long as I feel I have something to rap about  (Record Quotes) For the record, if I were Superman, a pale, scrawny guy holding a guitar would be Kryptonite  (Record Quotes) To set the record straight, I’m not upset for me, but for all the girls out there that are struggling with their body image  (Record Quotes) Just for the record, the weather today is increasing turmoil with a possible physical and emotional breakdown  (Record Quotes) We can’t allow multinational oil companies boasting of record profits to gouge consumers... We must do what we can to fix this problem  (Record Quotes) May the record low temperatures help you justify wearing enough layers to hide your hideous holiday weight gain  (Record Quotes) We can tentatively credit capitalist civilization with a positive, if very geographically uneven, record in the struggle against disease  (Record Quotes) Let’s say goodbye to the hottest summer on record and to the people who kept reminding us it was the hottest summer on record  (Record Quotes) Not one change of species into another is on record... we cannot prove that a single species has been changed  (Record Quotes) Congratulations on setting a record for the longest time sitting on your ass watching a tennis match  (Record Quotes) It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them  (Record Quotes) I’m training myself to go back to the way I used to record before electronic programs  (Record Quotes) What is a historian, anyway? It is someone who uses facts to record the development of humanity  (Record Quotes) So often, the singer is the sound of the record. People think they can cover anything, but the whole voice is the thing that’s unrepeatable  (Record Quotes) Though just biographical record will touch the failings of the good and the eminent with tenderness  (Record Quotes) I tend to write and record things quite quickly. You can tamper with things for years, and it’s artistic laziness sometimes  (Record Quotes) I did not want to make the widow record. I still haven’t made the widow record  (Record Quotes) Radio is aimed at the 30-year-old market, so you have to have great music and appeal to get that age group. And you need a record company to believe in you. It’s like a bit of the perfect storm  (Record Quotes)
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