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Mr. Chairman, I think the record should show that for the first time since McKinley, we have a Republican president worth shooting, and I think that’s a good sign  (Record Quotes) I listen to older music a lot more than new singers. I listen to whatever’s on the radio, but when I want to listen to something that moves me I put on a Stevie Wonder record  (Record Quotes) I’ll know when a song’s really awesome, for sure, and I get super stoked and I’m so high when I’m hearing it back, but then you sit with the record forever. You’re mixing it and you can really just over-think everything. I’ll go back and forth all the time  (Record Quotes) My own journey in becoming a poet began with memory - with the need to record and hold on to what was being lost. One of my earliest poems, Give and Take, was about my Aunt Sugar, how I was losing her to her memory loss  (Record Quotes) President Obama, by the way, has set a Guinness World Record as the fastest person to get a million Twitter followers. Obama now has as many followers as the Republicans have presidential candidates  (Record Quotes) Saw Torres play their first New York show tonight at Cake Shop. SO good. Do yourself a favor and check out her record. Her voice is KILLER  (Record Quotes) In the studio you can auto tune vocals, and with drums, you can put them on a grid and make them perfect. I hate that sound. When someone hands me a record and the drums are perfectly gridded and the vocals are perfectly auto tuned, I throw it out the window. I have no interest in rock music being like that  (Record Quotes) The Democrats are all over this. Democratic strategists feel John Kerry’s war record means he can beat Bush. They say when it comes down to it voters will always vote for a war hero over someone who tried to get out of the war. I’ll be sure to mention that to Bob Dole when I see him  (Record Quotes) I never liked the whole thing about pictures with the artists. You look back at an Elvis Presley record, and you don’t see any producer credits, because the audience is not supposed to know about the producer credit  (Record Quotes) [Columbia House] magazines were how I found out about the punk world going on in New York. Because of what I read, at the age of 15, I hounded the local record store to order a copy of Horses [1975] for me by Patti Smith  (Record Quotes) With Iraq plunging into chaos and gas prices at record highs President Bush took time out this weekend for a ride on his bicycle, but unfortunately he fell off and sustained cuts to his face and hands. Apparently Bush was distracted by the enormous responsibilities of the presidency. I’m just kidding. He hit some gravel or something  (Record Quotes) I have no use whatsoever for projections or forecasts. They create an illusion of apparent precision. The more meticulous they are, the more concerned you should be. We never look at projections, but we care very much about, and look very deeply at, track records. If a company has a lousy track record, but a very bright future, we will miss the opportunity  (Record Quotes) Probably the most dramatic change in pitching I’ve observed in my years in baseball has been the disappearance of the knockdown or brushback pitch. This is why record numbers of home runs are flying out of ballparks, why earned run averages are soaring, and why there are so few twenty game winners in the majors  (Record Quotes) It’s not enough simply to record the way people actually talk. The dialogue must be concentrated, shaped, dramatically moving, in a way that real-life conversation seldom is  (Record Quotes) More material progress has been made during the past one hundred and fifty years under the American system of business enterprise than during all the preceding centuries in world history. This record of achievement is a challenge to those who would radically change that system  (Record Quotes) Today it was win or lose. But my victory yesterday and the downhill globe boosted my confidence. My record in Cortina was also a liberation  (Record Quotes) The first song I sent over was Up All Night. People say that sounds like Angels on a Blink record. Well, no - that’s just me!  (Record Quotes) My favorite record shop was called Recommended Records, in South London near where I lived - they did all the original Faust reissues that came out in 1979, and they also did a lot of Sun Ra stuff. They were a great record shop  (Record Quotes) I’ve got a record in Florida. I’m proud of my dad, and I’m certainly proud of my brother. In Florida, they called me Jeb, because I earned it  (Record Quotes) If I had the money, I would love to open up a movie theater that just played images and colors and beautiful music. For me, there’s nothing like listening to a beautiful opera sometimes - on a record or seeing it live - just to be sleepy and let those beautiful voices take me somewhere I’ve never been before  (Record Quotes) Music industry is so fickle, there’s so many politics. I think a lot of people don’t pay attention to the credits or the artistry no more. I think there’s so much concern about what’s going on right now instead of the actual artistry. But that’s how the record business is, but for acting, I got that covered  (Record Quotes) I’ve know Jeezy before he was Jeezy. I’ve been down with Cash Money from back in the day. So these are real relationships. I’m there for them and they’re there for me. And they know if I’m going to make a record with somebody, I’m gonna hit a home run  (Record Quotes) Starting a band is the easy part. Once you’ve formed the band, you have to tell a story, and that story requires songs. And not just good songs, but great songs. After a while, great songs won’t do - they have to be the best. Success doesn’t make it any easier. Each time I start a new record, it’s a brand-new search  (Record Quotes) I definitely love record stores. And worked in many over the years. Having said that, it’s not necessarily that I love vinyl per se. I mean, I’m happy to use CDs and MP3s: to me, it’s the music that’s top priority. I do have a good collection of vinyl, but I rarely actually pull it out  (Record Quotes) Certainly, R.E.M. grew out of the Wuxtry record store in Athens, where Peter Buck was working and Michael Stipe came in to visit. And even their later manager, Bertis Downs, they all met and congregated at that record store. So I’m sure we wouldn’t see those without the record store  (Record Quotes) I love iTunes as much as anybody. It’s very convenient and very easy. But there is nothing like the vibe that you get when you walk into a record store. And I think a lot of people are still thrilled to spend a half hour there and go through the bins and make some purchases  (Record Quotes) I’m always working on new songs. With the technology these days, any idiot can record on Pro Tools on your laptop. All you have to do is plug a microphone into the input jack and anybody can have their own recording studio. So I’m always down in my basement, singing along to riffs or whoever I’m collaborating with  (Record Quotes) I went from buying my own condominium and a car for myself when I was 17 on ‘The Facts of Life’ to not being able to pay my rent. I was at the unemployment office all the time. I had to sell my record collection just to make ends meet. And then I started getting these voice-over jobs  (Record Quotes) The nuclear industry has this amazing record, even equipment from generations one and two. But nuclear mishaps tend to come in these big events - Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and now Fukushima - so it’s more visible  (Record Quotes) I’m introverted, and I pay attention to my muse... Record companies used to go mad and say ‘We don’t know the deal with you. You have no continuity at all. You give us ‘Addicted to Love,’ and you’re a rock n’ roll star, then you give us ‘She Makes My Day,’ and what’s that?’ But that was a hit, too. It either gets across or it doesn’t  (Record Quotes)
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