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Record Quotes

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The music I heard growing up, since there was no TV or cinema or record covers, I didn’t know if it was black, white, hip, square, male, female... whatever. I’d hear melodies and things and got intrigued on that level  (Record Quotes) I think the record industry has gotten to be more about labels wondering what the new single is rather than labels nurturing artists. It’s gotten away from making a full album of music that someone would want to listen to all the way through  (Record Quotes) At midnight every night, I would methodically leave the house for a couple hours’ walk, come back in, and record. And then the sun came up. If I had done something good, then I’d be happy and go to sleep  (Record Quotes) Music and philanthropy have a long, benevolent relationship with one another. Record bins are rife with charity singles, and concert history is filled with benefit shows for every imaginable cause. Musicians like to give back  (Record Quotes) Throughout the 50s, tons of unknown locals came through Sun to record their demos. Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis all made their first recordings at the former Memphis Recording Service  (Record Quotes) When I was a little kid I loved the Marx brothers and discovered Monty Python when I was 10 or 11-years-old. I used to take a tape recorder and hold it up in front of the TV to record entire episodes to play over and over again, so that I could memorise it  (Record Quotes) I don’t listen to music throughout the day very often. I don’t own a record player. I don’t really have a stereo system. Most of the music I listen to these days is on the web or on MySpace pages, stuff like that  (Record Quotes) Bentley and Lamborghini have been achieving record sales for years. This doesn’t support the notion that these models are suddenly social pariahs. There will always be a place for these kinds of cars  (Record Quotes) We usually start by asking the collaborators to submit a couple of ideas. Then, Larry and I will sort through all the submissions and choose the ones based on what we think will add most to the collection. Once the scripts are written, the stages are: rehearse, record, edit, sound design, foley and finally, the mix  (Record Quotes) I’m gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I’m gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It’ll be an acoustic version of K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Then maybe I’ll design a line of clothes like Puff Daddy, but all in synthetic fur  (Record Quotes) It is a fact that, up to seven million people a year are dying from fossil fuel pollution. It is a fact that we are already dealing with the catastrophe of climate change in places like California, where people have been burnt out of their homes and where they are dealing with record droughts  (Record Quotes) During the 1999 debate over Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China President Bill Clinton said, ‘In opening the economy of China, the agreement will create unprecedented opportunities for American farmers, workers and companies to compete successfully in China’s market. WRONG: Our trade deficit with China has increased from $83 billion in 2001 to a record breaking $342 billion in 2014  (Record Quotes) I want to be who I am now. I rock my gray hair because it is a blessing. I colored mine for many years, but I’ve gotten compliments from so many men and women about being brave enough to sport the gray. I even wear it on the cover of my record. I am comfortable in my skin and I want listeners to feel that as well  (Record Quotes) On my Instagram, I’m always keeping a record of things being pulled down in Soho and shutters being closed. Every city - and London more than anywhere - has got to be a vibrant mix of all different things. We can’t allow it to become a monoculture  (Record Quotes) One last thing on objectives - I like to make things, create things, so that’s probably been the primary objective all along, even before the ego objective - to make. To record. But why record... [that] gets back to the ego, a little. Oh, well. Making is good. I like to make things  (Record Quotes) There’s not a lot of precedent for weird, bald musicians in the Lower East Side making records in their bedrooms and going on to sell a lot of copies of the record. Especially if you look at the pop climate  (Record Quotes) Indeed one streak in our economy, we’re missing the big oil companies. We’re missing other big energy companies. We’re missing the big picture, and I have a record of trying to go at the problems that actually exist, and I will continue to do that  (Record Quotes) If you listen to Bryson Tiller’s record, there’s some real music. There’s some trap stuff, but if you listen to what’s on top of that stuff, that’s real music. I look at that and I know it’s real. I respect it immensely  (Record Quotes) What really changed my life was watching the movie Juice and the opening scene - just hearing that record rotate. When I heard that I started getting serious about DJing and making beats and recording myself on the four-track  (Record Quotes) Make a record in your bedroom on a cheap computer, play it on pirate radio, and that’s what’s it’s all about. You can do something really exciting and you don’t need any record companies. The way I do everything comes from that, the impact of those two things  (Record Quotes) My record was so bad that I was first rejected by the Peace Corps as a poor risk and possible troublemaker and was accepted as a volunteer only after a great deal of explaining and arguing  (Record Quotes) I’m very proud of all the bluegrass-oriented albums. It just reminded me and my fans that I should always record acoustic music and country records, along with anything else that I might want to do  (Record Quotes) Every word Martone sets down, finally, a choice that limits the universe, their trail across the page a fossil record of some life’s life-story  (Record Quotes) Paul has more, I think, of a feel for the stage. Whereas I have it more for the notes themselves. I love record making and mixing, arranging, producing. That I love. I love to make beautiful things, but I don’t like to perform.  (Record Quotes) I’ve got a life, you know, take me in the totality of my actions and I’ll tell you, I will stand with my record  (Record Quotes) I admire someone like Beyonce. She has amazing commitment. I needed to accept that I probably did not fit into that forum. Doing that ‘The Cherry Thing’ record was a big part of finding that place where I belong, where I may shine, but I never doubted it was there.  (Record Quotes) If something doesn’t work, you have to admit it. Always try to find what’s going right and what’s going wrong with your music. If you can, pool your resources and record yourself; do that frequently.  (Record Quotes) After all those days in the cotton fields, the dreams came true on a gold record on a piece of wood. It’s in my den where I can look at it every day. I wear it out lookin’ at it.  (Record Quotes) I used to run record companies, and I went to the advertising business at 29 years old  (Record Quotes) The record labels used to spend money on advertising, and social media has replaced that entirely - it’s putting magazines out of business. It’s put big companies into completely reinventing their strategies.  (Record Quotes)
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