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Record Quotes

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I don’t know how many off the record conversations I’ve had with African-American leaders who would not be quoted and refused to make their sentiments public.  (Record Quotes) So many times I’ve done a CD, and then the week after I record it, I’ve got this new tagline that’s killer. And it makes the whole bit better. It happens all the time. But that’s just the process of comedy.  (Record Quotes) I needed a way to have the platter continuously spinning while I’m moving the record back and forth. I went to a fabric store. When I touched this hairy stuff - felt - I found it. I rubbed spray starch on both sides and ironed it until it became a stiff wafer. After that, I was able to stop time.  (Record Quotes) After I came out of surgery - I was in the hospital for five weeks - I found that I gravitated toward very gentle sounds: chant music, solo bamboo flute sounds, a laid-back record of my own called ‘Inside.’ And the music became a very real part of my recovery process.  (Record Quotes) On each side of the war against war, hopes soar, hopes dive, hour by hour now. Resignations abound, timetables slip, and the world waits, mesmerised. I’m off to Melbourne to record an arts chat show.  (Record Quotes) I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it  (Record Quotes) People get to a certain age and success that they stop being curious. I’m still curious because I haven’t really had that success. I’ve never done a record to catch whatever the latest sound is. It’s my love of music, eclectic-ness, and the music that I heard my entire life that seeps in. That’s what you’re hearing.  (Record Quotes) I had on my team a girl who at age twelve just missed the world mile record for her age group. But at 20 she just couldn’t run.  (Record Quotes) When the poet Paul Valery once asked Albert Einstein if he kept a notebook to record his ideas, Einstein looked at him with mild but genuine surprise. Oh, that’s not necessary, he replied . It’s so seldom I have one.  (Record Quotes) Try this experiment: one day go in a record store and just try and guess what the music sounds like by looking at the album cover.  (Record Quotes) What I wanted was just to make music, and so, originally I just wanted to hide behind the album cover of the last record, and I wanted it to be almost anonymous.  (Record Quotes) I try to explain that to my kids - the experience of going to a record store, flipping through racks and finding that album cover that intrigues you - but my kids don’t want to know about it. They download the one song on the album they like, and pay their 99 cents.  (Record Quotes) I do a lot of curiosity buying; I buy it if I like the album cover, I buy it if I like the name of the band, anything that sparks my imagination. I still like to go to record stores, I like to just wander around and I’ll buy whatever catches my attention.  (Record Quotes) Some of my favourite record and album covers and stuff have all been the singer, and they create a character, and they dress up a little bit.  (Record Quotes) I’m a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I’m going to try to break his record.  (Record Quotes) I was trying to see if I could produce an episode - completely write it and research it and record it and edit it - all by myself in a week.  (Record Quotes) All I can promise myself and everyone else is that this record is a snapshot of thisperiod in my life. It will be that by default.  (Record Quotes) I think every artist strives for a record that crosses all energy, lines, boundaries or languages or barriers.  (Record Quotes) I record all night and sleep all day. It started because you’re excited about the music and you want to stay up longer, but over 15 years, it’s become a habit. In my circle, I think a lot of musicians operate like this. When the place is quiet, you’re more creative. I have plenty of people I can call at 4 A.M. and know they’ll be up.  (Record Quotes) I met Powel Crosley at an All-Star Game in 1935. He was familiar, of course, with our winning record at Rochester. We seemed to hit it off immediately, and the following year, when he was looking for a successor to Larry MacPhail, he thought of me.  (Record Quotes) In a social media age, it seems that everyone lives in their own reality and that when you give consideration to Newt Gingrich, he exists in an alternate reality, at some level, where the things he says are so diametrically opposed to the record.  (Record Quotes) It occurs to her that she should record this flash of insight in her journal - otherwise she is sure to forget, for she is someone who is always learning and forgetting and obliged to learn again...  (Record Quotes) I’ve always loved music, and I’ve always sought out the stranger things, even in a record you could buy at the mall.  (Record Quotes) I want the material I make to be mine; that’s always the goal of the record and of the show  (Record Quotes) I just feel so fortunate and so blessed to have been able to entertain people in the theatres and on record, it’s just an amazing life that I’ve experienced.  (Record Quotes) Ingrid Kristiansen then has smashed the world record, running the 5000 metres in 14:58.89. Truly amazing. Incidentally, this is a personal best for Ingrid Kristiansen.  (Record Quotes) Well, we were originally called Huey Lewis and the American Express. But on the eve of the release of our first record, our record label, Chrysalis Records was afraid that we’d be sued by American Express.  (Record Quotes) There are very interesting books about these events, for instance one by a very well-known American historian named William R. Polk called Violent Politics. It’s a record of what are basically guerrilla wars from the American Revolution right up through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  (Record Quotes) Marvin Gaye is an inspiration to me. He was one of the first Motown musicians that my mom and dad introduced me to, and I always thought it would be a good idea if I was ever an artist, and now I am, to make a record called ‘Marvin Gaye.’  (Record Quotes) I grew up listening to everything, and when I got signed to a record deal out of Nashville, that was my introduction to what was happening in country music.  (Record Quotes)
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