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Record Quotes

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There is a brief moment when all there is in a man’s mind and soul and spirit is reflected through his eyes, his hands, his attitude. This is the moment to record.  (Record Quotes) We are a business, and you do a little of what you think’s right, pay your bills, and attract... a single record attracts attention to your concerts and your albums.  (Record Quotes) It’s easy to forget, given her scandal-tinged life and tragic death, how incredibly talented Whitney Houston was. She holds the world record as the most-awarded female act of all time, with over 415 major recognitions during her career. She is the only artist to chart seven consecutive number one songs.  (Record Quotes) You can’t judge a man by watching him live. . . . I personally watched Babe Ruth at bat three times, and he struck out every time. But at the very time that I was watching him strike out, the record said that he was the greatest home-run king who ever lived.  (Record Quotes) At a book festival in Fort Lauderdale, I met David Eisenhower, Ike’s grandson, who was promoting his book ‘Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower,’ in which he describes attending the Yankees’ 154th game in 1961. The whole family had been following Mantle and Maris chase Babe Ruth’s home run record across the country.  (Record Quotes) Oscar Charleston was the Willie Mays of his day. Nobody ever played center field better than Willie Mays. Suppose they had never given Willie a chance, and we said that, would anybody believe there was a kid in Alabama who was that good? Or there was a black guy in Atlanta who might break Babe Ruth’s home run record? No.  (Record Quotes) I don’t know where Hank Aaron will break (Babe) Ruth’s record but I can tell you one thing - ten years from the day he hits it three million people will say they were there.  (Record Quotes) But I was very disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to go overseas with that group, might not have gotten back but I wanted very much to go because there’s not much of a record of the exploits of the first Negro fighter group.  (Record Quotes) Back in the day, I used to be in the studio recording 20 hours a day. And that was all of the time. I still record a lot of hours, but I don’t go as long as I used to.  (Record Quotes) When we look out into space, we’re looking back in time; the light from a galaxy a billion light-years away, for instance, will take a billion years to reach us. It’s an amazing thing. The history is there for us to see. It’s not mushed up like the geologic record of Earth. You can just see it exactly as it was.  (Record Quotes) I love to deer hunt and fish and drive down the back roads in my truck. All those things basically equal freedom to me - and not having to return that message or call from my record company or management.  (Record Quotes) I like everything in this iPhone, iPod world where you can do everything all the time. Back in my time, you bought a vinyl record when you were a kid and took it home, and it took a bit of effort to actually get it out of the thing and not scratch it.  (Record Quotes) I was a huge David Letterman fan, even going back to when he was on NBC. My parents would only let me watch a half hour of television a day, so I would record Letterman the night before and then watch it when I came home from school. That’s what made me want to do a T.V. show.  (Record Quotes) We’re on record. We’re part of the crusade. We’re not backing down.  (Record Quotes) The first record I made when I was 17. Labels merged and plans didn’t work out, but plans never work out as planned. But I never stopped making music. I never had a backup plan. I never thought, ‘Maybe I should just write, or maybe I should...’ I just kept going.  (Record Quotes) I think Joe Biden made correct decision for him and his family. Personally,I would rather run agianst Hillary [Clinton] because her record is so bad.  (Record Quotes) Actually, I have another record I made with them in 1976, but I’ve had such a bad experience with record companies, because I keep my head so much in music and not in business.  (Record Quotes) I don’t keep a record of the parts I’ve played, and I don’t compare characters, but maybe I should? I could construct a graphic that grades badness and madness levels? Interesting idea.  (Record Quotes) I get really excited about collaborating because by the end of the day you have something that you never thought you’d have. I was really happy about writing Bad News and a bunch of other stuff on the record that came out so well.  (Record Quotes) I’m not the best at choosing what’s good and what’s bad. I wouldn’t even know what’s a good pop song and what’s a bad one. With that said, I wanted to say what’s true to me. Some people might say that the Skrillex record was pop, but that was just about the chemistry between me and my boy.  (Record Quotes) History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.  (Record Quotes) Self-reflection is so healthy. Journaling works for me - when I record the details of what I’m going through, whether it’s a relationship issue or negative thoughts, I can look back and see how far I’ve come. It makes me proud to see my progress and how I got through a bad situation.  (Record Quotes) I served at a time when we had a strong economy, when we had deficits that we would die for today. I was able to propose a balanced budget, not over ten years, but over five years. I’m proud of that record.  (Record Quotes) When I was growing up, you would put on a KISS record or a UFO or Aerosmith record and listen to it from the first song through the last song. It’s been so long since a band has put out a record like that.  (Record Quotes) When I had a record deal in the 90s, that was my dream - to make an album like Barbra Streisand’s Broadway album - and they laughed me out of the room. Broadway wasn’t cool. But artists like Michael Buble and Josh Groban have brought the classic genre back to the forefront, so I’m trying to find my way inside that market.  (Record Quotes) Baseball is America’s pastime, and that record is absolutely huge in the States  (Record Quotes) Of course, I believe that Mike Piazza is probably the greatest offensive catcher in the history of baseball, only got over 50%. Johnny Bench is the best catcher in the history of baseball, but Piazza has all the record for catchers as far as offensively.  (Record Quotes) Baseball’s rich in wonderful statistics, but it’s hard to find one more beautiful than Stan Musial’s hitting record. He didn’t care where he was, he just hit.  (Record Quotes) When I listen to a record, or when I’m making a record, I listen to everything. I listen to the drums, the bass, the voice, the arrangement. I listen to the whole piece as an ensemble. I don’t only listen to the guitar player.  (Record Quotes) When I produce a record, I roll up my sleeves; I’m not one of those passive guys. I really get in there and make sure every note is measured. I tell the bass player, ‘You have to play it like this,’ or I tell the drummer, ‘It’s got to be like this.’  (Record Quotes)
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