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Record Quotes

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We have a record for Nawaz Sharif but not the others. And judging by the record, it’s pretty hard to be optimistic. His [Sharif’s] previous governments were very corrupt and regressive in the policies pursued.  (Record Quotes) The record company really pissed me off when they told me to lose weight. I couldn’t be bothered with looking a certain way. So I left the business. I don’t regret it.  (Record Quotes) The record industry is still pissed off that other people are making money off their business, even if it promotes their products and increases their sales. I think they’re still mad about radio.  (Record Quotes) Don’t squander beautiful moments by always trying to snap the perfect picture or record the event on film. Sometimes it’s better to watch things as they happen with your own eyes, knowing that the memory of the experience will always be with you.  (Record Quotes) We liked the Beach Boys. There was kind of that friendly East Coast, West Coast thing between us. We were always fans. ‘God Only Knows’ is a brilliant record.  (Record Quotes) If you saw my musical collection it’s absolutely horrendous, I’ve got everything from Stockhausen to The Beach Boys to Gina G, all sorts of terrible things and other people come here and look at my record collection and go, Ah, you can’t possibly like that - how embarrassing!  (Record Quotes) I’m so proud to be on a Kate Bush record; she’s always marched to the beat of her own drum  (Record Quotes) I can’t tell you how many things I’ve worked on where I sat on it for a few years, and then somebody else did something very similar. Whether it’s some weird vocal effect you hear on another record, or a drum beat, or even a song title, a subject matter, or a mixture of different kinds of music.  (Record Quotes) I want to beat the world record for the number of beats per second on a drum pad  (Record Quotes) The fans like the idea we do what we want. It’s not an act. Screw the record company and the beaten path. Without MTV or radio, we still have a huge underground following.  (Record Quotes) Danny and I wrote 10 songs in seven days, which I thought might be close to the record until you probably look at some of the Beatles statistics.  (Record Quotes) I kind of rely on my artist friends to make my physical music worth buying by having them all come together and create beautiful artwork that everyone is gonna want to own to support my record.  (Record Quotes) Birds were created to record everything. They were not designed just to be beautiful jewels in the sky, but to serve as the eyes of heaven.  (Record Quotes) I have a very long and beautiful love affair with Elvis Presley. I own every record he ever made, so I have about 150, almost 200 records of his. So much that I haven’t even listened to all of them. I see an Elvis record that I don’t have, and I’ll buy it and put it in my collection.  (Record Quotes) Often the tension that exists between the pictorial content of a photograph and its record of reality is the picture’s true beauty.  (Record Quotes) My arm is paralyzed; my voice that once could be heard all along the line, is gone; I can scarcely speak above a whisper; my hearing is very much impaired, and sometimes I feel as if I wished the end would come; but I have some misrepresentations of my battles that I wish to correct, so as to have my record correct before I die.  (Record Quotes) Cause when you’re sequencing a record, you want the listener to stick with it from beginning to end, and in order to do that, you really have to map out the journey from the first song to the last.  (Record Quotes) At the beginning, at my shows, there were a lot of press and people from record companies. Now there are people who are there to just listen to the music and are genuine fans.  (Record Quotes) I feel like I’m still learning a lot with writing lyrics. In the beginning, like the first record, I wasn’t so aware.  (Record Quotes) Millions of us track ourselves all the time. We step on a scale and record our weight. We balance a checkbook. We count calories. But when the familiar pen-and-paper methods of self-analysis are enhanced by sensors that monitor our behavior automatically, the process of self-tracking becomes both more alluring and more meaningful.  (Record Quotes) The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.  (Record Quotes) I’m on record as being understood to be a supporter of a reformed establishment, in which other Christian denominations, and other faiths, play a major part.  (Record Quotes) I love the idea that the person that signs you makes the record, because you get that sense of guidance, of being there at that close point.  (Record Quotes) I’m quite a confident person in many ways, but there’s only so much you can hear about being compared to Hattie Jacques. For the record, she was a comedy goddess, but she was 25 stone. I hope I’m right in saying I’m not in any way nearly 25 stone.  (Record Quotes) Americans do not have a good track record when it comes to preparing for disasters, unless they see a clear possibility of personally being in harms way.  (Record Quotes) I used to record but just in my own studio or in my friend’s back when I toyed with the idea of being a rapper.  (Record Quotes) If you have good songs and a real desire to make music, the next thing to do, instead of approach record companies, is to get yourself a really good manager because then it allows you to focus on your profession of being a musician. Then they can focus on the darker art of the record label and the music industry.  (Record Quotes) Religion: ‘My identity is built on being a good person.’ Gospel: ‘My identity is not built on my record or my performance but on Christ’s.’  (Record Quotes) I made a point when I made the Ugly Casanova record to not write a song and then say, ‘This is a Modest Mouse song’ or ‘This is an Ugly Casanova song.’ The people who were open to it not being a Modest Mouse record liked it.  (Record Quotes) Being a teacher is like being in jail; once it’s on your record, you can never get rid of it  (Record Quotes)
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