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Record Quotes

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I still get butterflies. It’s because there’s a certain level of responsibility you carry when doing a concert. You’ve got to sound at least as good as the record.  (Record Quotes) What’s interesting is often people think life changes when you have a record deal and you do all kinds of stuff. Obviously your life changes, but nothing changes your life like getting married and having kids.  (Record Quotes) My record shows that I’m not the kind of player who wants to change clubs every season, and I would have no problem playing in England for many more years.  (Record Quotes) My process is always the same. Maybe that’s why I stay so consistent, it really doesn’t change. I only know one way to record and do things.  (Record Quotes) A lot of times when you’re making a record, you put your head down and charge forward until you’re done. You just hope that the ideas hold up, because you’re kind of lost in your own storm.  (Record Quotes) For the record, I have long suspected that my favorite book is actually ‘Charlotte’s Web.’  (Record Quotes) In Gujarat, we had the world record of largest number of chess games in a single venue - 20,500 - and in Tamil Nadu, I have been emphasizing on the positives of chess to the authorities.  (Record Quotes) Pro football was taking off when I became commissioner, and when a sport’s successful and you’re its chief executive officer, much of the credit flows to you and you develop a good track record.  (Record Quotes) I am extremely proud and honoured to have beaten Pete’s record as he was my childhood hero and I have always looked up to him.  (Record Quotes) As a child growing up among artists I learned to think of a picture not as a finished product exposed for the admiration of the virtuosi, but as the visible record, lying about the house, of an attempt to solve a definite problem in painting.  (Record Quotes) I’m very lazy when it comes to making the original sound. I don’t go through amplifiers and different compressors and signal parts. I just grab something, whether its an old guitar or a children’s toy that happens to be lying around, and record it straight into the computer.  (Record Quotes) You choose to be happy, and in life we have as many good days as bad days. I try to find and record those songs that pull you through the bad days, and keep you believing that the good days are just around the corner.  (Record Quotes) Well, I was making a record, and I had to choose a name, because they said, you know, you can’t make a record under the name of Reg Dwight, because it’s never going to - you know, it’s not attractive enough.  (Record Quotes) Well, I never made a record to be in the Christian market. So when I made my record it was to exist in all of the markets. I grew up not really listening to tons of Christian music and if I did it was in the context of all the other music I listened to. So when I made the record I definitely had plans and visions and dreams.  (Record Quotes) Ever since the Crusades, when Christians from western Europe were fighting holy wars against Muslims in the near east, western people have often perceived Islam as a violent and intolerant faith - even though when this prejudice took root Islam had a better record of tolerance than Christianity.  (Record Quotes) I wanted to have more songs with religious backgrounds. The Christmas record has strong, traditional hymns, but it also has a song called ‘Christmas in Heaven’ about missing someone that you love that’s passed on, and wondering what’s going on up there on Christmas.  (Record Quotes) I tried to emulate my favourite guitar players, the old bluesmen like Blind Willie McTell and Big Bill Broonzy. I used to sit by the record player and copy Chuck Berry and the Beatles. You can never copy someone completely, so you end up developing your own style.  (Record Quotes) Turn over the pages of history and read the damning record of the church’s opposition to every advance in every field of science. . . .  (Record Quotes) Church History is the record of God’s gracious, wonderful and mighty deeds, showing how by his Spirit and Word he rules his Church and conquers the world.  (Record Quotes) History will record that the Citizens United decision is one of the worst in the history of our country.  (Record Quotes) I grew up in Minnesota, where we treasure our tradition of civic engagement - and our record of having the nation’s highest voter participation.  (Record Quotes) Andres Segovia, the great name for guitar, he put classical guitar on the map. He was the proponent of it, the best in the world. So I was listening to a record that he had made, and a little bauble happened in the middle of the record. A finger slipped, and I said, ‘Wait a minute. He’s not allowed to make mistakes,’ - my mind.  (Record Quotes) When you hear the melodic structures of what classical musicians put together and you compare it to that of a rock and roll record, there’s a hell of a long way rock and roll has to go.  (Record Quotes) The human rights record within China seems to rise and fall over time, but it’s very clear that in the run up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics and since then, there’s been a greater intolerance of dissent and the human rights record of China has been going in the wrong direction.  (Record Quotes) It is quite clear that history will record that Margaret Thatcher was the greatest Prime Minister this country has had since Churchill.  (Record Quotes) When I released my first record, I was really in the middle of having made the decision to follow the clinical psychology path, which is competitive, rigorous, and fairly conservative.  (Record Quotes) I pay such close attention of the record making process that most people would assume are very little and wouldn’t be that big of a deal; the packaging, the title, and the harmonies, I think, are arguably as important as the lead vocals.  (Record Quotes) Sometimes when you’re trying to do a record too close to home, you can get really distracted  (Record Quotes) I love being domestic: making coffee, just putting on a record, and just sitting, not doing anything. It’s so great.  (Record Quotes) Friends of friends had bands in college or in their early 20s and had a moment where they had some kind of interest from a record label or manager. It’s always interesting how people handle those decisions and those moments.  (Record Quotes)
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