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My record as a pro-life governor is not in dispute. I am completely pro-life, and I believe that we should have a culture of life. It’s informed by my faith from beginning to end. And this not just as it related to unborn babies - I did it at the end of life issues as well. This is something that goes way beyond politics.  (Record Quotes) Certainly it’s nice to have historic moments like this but eventually somebody will break this record. We’re aiming for the end result, otherwise the rest is useless.  (Record Quotes) I’ll always have a totally open mind to endless possibilities. I want to do a dance album. Not Techno, but a record that’s exclusively designed for people to dance to. That whole dance genre is kinda into its own world. I’d just like to get in there and mess around with that.  (Record Quotes) People buy my albums, and I love my albums when I do them because we try to record live with that same energy, but I can never get the energy that I have when I’m live.  (Record Quotes) Playing music for as long as I had been playing music and then getting a shot at making a record and at having an audience and stuff, it’s just like an untamed force... a different kind of energy.  (Record Quotes) I think that certainly, whenever you have a new band, the first record always has a certain energy to it before you know what you’re doing. I think some of the early Sonic Youth stuff was maybe like that.  (Record Quotes) If I don’t get enough sleep, my brain gets fatigued, and the voice suffers. If I’m doing some retail work and trying to read and record legal copy, I start sounding like I had a few too many the night before.  (Record Quotes) I don’t think that growing up in the entertainment industry is the healthiest place for kids. The track record kind of shows that.  (Record Quotes) Garage Magazine’ has a strong track record of promoting diversity and racial and gender equality in the worlds of art and fashion and will continue in our mission to stir positive debate on these and other issues.  (Record Quotes) I’ve praised Obama’s record on same-sex equality as enthusiastically as anyone: it’s one area where his record has been impressive. I understand, and have expressed, the emotional importance for LGBT Americans of his marriage announcement as well as its political significance.  (Record Quotes) I know he played on the last record but I don’t wake up in the middle of the night thinking of Eric Clapton.  (Record Quotes) With all the negativity going on in the world right now, people need an escape. When you give them a hit record or a great record, it allows them to escape for at least three to four minutes. They’re not thinking bills or economy or immigration or war when you create that kind of ambiance.  (Record Quotes) It took a long while for me to even put out a record because there were so many options of how to do a song, and in some respects, I’m never totally happy with the outcome.  (Record Quotes) Humans will eventually become extinct. People treat that as a radical thing to say. But the fossil record shows us that everything eventually becomes extinct.  (Record Quotes) The first record I bought myself could have been ‘Oh Lonesome Me’ by Don Gibson or ‘Wake Up Little Susie’ by the Everly Brothers.  (Record Quotes) We’re looking at catastrophic impacts in our lifetime, not only that every month now we’re setting a new World Almanac record.  (Record Quotes) I found the most difficult thing when you became successful - when I had the record album, it won Album of the Year - that you were cut off from the source of your material. Your material was everyday people, and you were kind of cut off from that, and you had to work at it.  (Record Quotes) I’ve always said winning’s the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record - everything stinks - and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart.  (Record Quotes) I’ve always said winning’s the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record, everything stinks, and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart.  (Record Quotes) If everything works out for me and if it’s my special day I’ll try to break AB de Villiers record for the fastest hundred.  (Record Quotes) I’ve always been impelled to say the truth. When I was 14, in 1954, I already wrote a gay novel, though I’d never read one. I felt that life handed me a great subject, gay life, that had scarcely been examined, and I was impelled to record it in all its strange detail.  (Record Quotes) Even if we want to eradicate our ghosts, our dead, our murdered, even if you erase a name and the record of the existence of a person, somebody remembers.  (Record Quotes) Now it will take a long time to scale biofuels, but I’m the only one in the world forecasting oil dropping in price to $35 a barrel by 2030. I’ll put it on the record: Oil will not be able to compete with cellulosic biofuels. If you do it from food, the food will get so expensive you can’t make fuel out of it.  (Record Quotes) Maybe one day I’ll make a record that’s really mysterious and no one knows where it came from or what I wrote it about. But thus far, I’ve just wanted to explain everything properly.  (Record Quotes) To me photography can be simultaneously a record and a mirror or window of self-expression  (Record Quotes) The report falsely asserts that global warming is causing more extreme weather events, more droughts, more record high temperatures, more wildfires, warmer winters, etc., when each and every one of these false assertions is contradicted by objective, verifiable evidence.  (Record Quotes) The gospel is not speculation but fact. It is truth, because it is the record of a person who is the Truth.  (Record Quotes) Even in a gleefully negative comic, there is optimism, although it’s slightly hidden: It comes out through a comic character’s sheer tenacity. He keeps going and trying to find some sort of fulfillment regardless of his perpetual failure record. That’s a form of hope, a form of optimism. Really hokey I know, but it’s true.  (Record Quotes) I like Modest Mouse. I’m our biggest fan. And enemy. I won’t waste people’s time by putting out a Modest Mouse record just because. That’s fair, right?  (Record Quotes) I think when you’ve been in office for a long time, you have a record, and that record is fair game.  (Record Quotes)
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