Redemption Quotes

Text Quotes
Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel (Redemption Quotes)
Life is complex. You don’t have any person who is nice from the beginning until the end. You don’t always have the notion of redemption. The bad people don’t always pay (Redemption Quotes)
Everyone underestimates their own life. Funny thing is, in the end, all our stories... they’re the same. In fact, no matter where you go in the world, there is only one important story: of youth, loss and yearning for redemption. So we tell the same story, over and over. Only the details are different (Redemption Quotes)
This is the most immediate fruit of exile, of uprooting: the prevalence of the unreal over the real. Everyone dreamed past and future dreams, of slavery and redemption, of improbable paradises, of equally mythical and improbable enemies; cosmic enemies, perverse and subtle, who pervade everything like the air (Redemption Quotes)
There was a redemption of some kind, he believed, in such complete fulfillment of a desire so long deferred (Redemption Quotes)
A trapped soul waits for redemption. It waits. And waits. For her to take her last breath (Redemption Quotes)
Bad artists ignore the darkness of human existence. Good artists often get stuck there. Great artists embrace the full catastrophe of our condition and find beyond it an even deeper truth of peace, healing, and redemption (Redemption Quotes)
The day misspent, the love misplaced, has inside it the seed of redemption. Nothing is exempt from resurrection (Redemption Quotes)
Any story about revenge is ultimately a story about forgiveness, redemption, or the futility of revenge (Redemption Quotes)
Life is full of constant ups and downs, and all I ask for is redemption in the end (Redemption Quotes)
There will be no redemption because the men who run this place do not want redemption. They want to be as near to hell as they can (Redemption Quotes)
The current memoir craze has fostered the belief that confession is therapeutic, that therapy is redemptive and that redemption equals art, and it has encouraged the delusion that candor, daring and shamelessness are substitutes for craft, that the exposed life is the same thing as an examined one (Redemption Quotes)
Praise of blame in the moment means little: it is how their decisions play out over time that matters, and so the redemption they’re looking for is of a more lasting kind. They are one another’s peers; who else can really judge them? (Redemption Quotes)
Embedded in the larger story of redemption is a principle we must not miss: God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others (Redemption Quotes)
Is it a coincidence that stories from the private life became more popular just as the grand hope for public redemption through revolution was beginning to sour? I witnessed a similar shift in taste in my own time. In the 1960s, while a hopeful vision of a just society arose again, countless poems and plays concerning politics and public life were written, read, and performed. But after the hope diminished and public life seemed less and less trustworthy, this subject was less in style (Redemption Quotes)
The bigness of the world is redemption. Despair compresses you into a small space, and a depression is literally a hollow in the ground. To dig deeper into the self, to go underground, is sometimes necessary, but so is the other route of getting out of yourself, into the larger world, into the openness in which you need not clutch your story and your troubles so tightly to your chest (Redemption Quotes)
In life, redemption was walking up the down escalator: stop to congratulate yourself, and back you slid (Redemption Quotes)
I plead for leniency. I understand that the road to redemption is going to be long for me (Redemption Quotes)
Failure is an option. It’s what you do with the failure that makes you who you are. Our failures mold us. I have failed at several things in my life. What sets some of us apart, is that when we fail, we can’t sleep at night. It haunts us until we have our time at redemption (Redemption Quotes)
God is the ultimate musician. His music transforms your life. The notes of redemption rearrange your heart and restore your life. His songs of forgiveness, grace, reconciliation, truth, hope, sovereignty, and love give you back your humanity and restore your identity (Redemption Quotes)
We need to act for the sake of a redemption that will be a mystery until it unfolds before us (Redemption Quotes)
I cannot stand that whole game of confession, that is: Here I have sinned, now I’m confessing my sins, and describing my path of sin and then in the act of confession I beg for your forgiveness and redemption (Redemption Quotes)
And while some healing does happen, it isn’t a healing of redemption or epiphany. It’s more like the slow absorption of a bruise (Redemption Quotes)
There’s still time for redemption if I live long enough, don’t you think? (Redemption Quotes)
Theater isn’t there to provide answers. Only possibilities. I just ask the questions. But I believe hope comes from the fact that there is a potential for redemption. At the core, that’s what matters in the theater I’m attracted to. Do we dare to hope? Do we allow ourselves to hope? (Redemption Quotes)
There’s a purity to the struggle to reach a peak. You leave your world behind and take only what you need. For a creature like me there is nothing closer to redemption (Redemption Quotes)
From the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but treason (Redemption Quotes)
I don’t think it has to be one religious structure, one church. I think the issues of faith and redemption are much more universal than any one religion (Redemption Quotes)
The problem of restoring to the world original and eternal beauty is solved by redemption of the soul (Redemption Quotes)
Dogs love us unconditionally and cats are big on redemption. Our sins and shortcomings don’t bother them as long as we delight in their presence (Redemption Quotes)