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Reese Quotes

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I want to do the romantic comedies. You know, the stuff that Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts or Reese Witherspoon would choose, of course  (Reese Quotes) Reese Witherspoon. She’s sophisticated enough that you just like her. You like her and she’s smart  (Reese Quotes) Brittany Murphy... Who knows if she’s going to be around. Kirsten Dunst, I think she’s really boring. Reese Witherspoon? She can open a movie  (Reese Quotes) Her unusual dark hair and sultry eyes made her stand out--- Anne Boleyn was Tudor England’s Angelina Jolie amid a sea of Reese Witherspoons.  (Reese Quotes) When we played the Dodgers in St. Louis, they had to come through our dugout, and our bat rack was right there where they had to walk. My bats kept disappearing, and I couldn’t figure it out. Turns out, Pee Wee Reese was stealing my bats. I found that out later, after we got out of baseball. He and Rube Walker stole my bats.  (Reese Quotes) Cable made the Food Network possible. It was invented in 1993 by Reese Schoenfeld, a co-founder of CNN, who was convinced that its natural audience was women - millions of them.  (Reese Quotes)