Reference Quotes

Text Quotes
I just don’t like talking about my relationships or anything like that, in any reference (Reference Quotes)
In reference to Persepolis and all palaces, cities and temples of the past: could these wonders have come into being without that suffering? without the overseer’s whip, the slave’s fear, the ruler’s vanity? was not the monumentality of past epochs created by that which is negative and evil in man? (Reference Quotes)
In general, librarians enjoyed special requests. A reference librarian is someone who likes the chase. When librarians read for pleasure, they often pick a good mystery (Reference Quotes)
Sometimes the briefest moments capture us, force us to take them in, and demand that we live the rest of our lives in reference to them (Reference Quotes)
What makes a nightmare nightmarish is the sense that something is happening that should not be. While nightmares are the most convenient reference point for this sense of the impossible, the unthinkable, as something that is actually happening, it is not restricted to our sleeping hours (Reference Quotes)
My being subsists only from a supreme point of view which is precisely incompatible with my point of view. The perspective in which I fade away for my eyes restores me as a complete image for the unreal eye to which I deny all images. A complete image with reference to a world devoid of image which imagines me in the absence of any imaginable figure. The being of a nonbeing of which I am the infinitely small negation which it instigates as its profound harmony. In the night shall I become the universe? (Reference Quotes)
Viewed systematically, religion can be differentiated from other culturally constituted institutions by virtue only of its reference to superhuman beings (Reference Quotes)
The real achievement in discoveries... is seeing an analogy where no one saw one before... The essence of discovery is that unlikely marriage of... previously unrelated forms of reference or universes of discourse, whose union will solve the previously insoluble problem (Reference Quotes)
When the province of physical theory was extended to encompass microscopic phenomena through the creation of quantum mechanics, the concept of consciousness came to the fore again. It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness (Reference Quotes)
Above all we need, particularly as children, the reassuring presence of a visible community, an intimate group that enfolds us with understanding and love, and that becomes an object of our spontaneous loyalty, as a criterion and point of reference for the rest of the human race (Reference Quotes)
Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me... Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons... At the very least I was going stark, raving mad (Reference Quotes)
It is good to come to a country you know practically nothing about. Your thoughts grow still, useless. Everything must be rebuilt. In a country you know nothing about, there is no reference point. You struggle to associate colors, smells, dim memories. You live a little like a child, or an animal. Objects and events may bring things to mind, but in the end they remain no more than what they are in fact. They begin only when you experience them, vanish when others follow (Reference Quotes)
The biggest mistake was that I didn’t hire all the right people. I should have done better reference checks. I should have defined the roles in a much more professional manner. I hired people who just couldn’t do the job (Reference Quotes)
The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings which pertain thereto as if one were the person (Reference Quotes)
Our culture will become like it was during the medieval times when there truly was a cultural elite. The rest of the people will just watch television, which will be their only frame of reference (Reference Quotes)
If the artist only reproduces superficial features as photography does, if he copies the lineaments of a face exactly, without reference to character, he deserves no admiration. The resemblance which he ought to obtain is that of the soul (Reference Quotes)
How do you explain to somebody who doesn’t understand that you don’t build a library to read. A library is a resource. Something you go to, for reference, as and when. But also something you simply look at, because it gives you succour, answers to some idea of who you are or, more to the point, who you would like to be, who you will be once you own every book you need to own (Reference Quotes)
I couldn’t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years (Reference Quotes)
How can you have this reference point, this stability, that is required to maintain the continuity of selves day after day? (Reference Quotes)
The seduction of evil is precisely in that it involves us in trying to eliminate it. When your consciousness is open, any action you take in reference to evil has no more significance than digging a ditch to channel floodwaters away from a house (Reference Quotes)
Perfume follows you; it chases you and lingers behind you. It’s a reference mark. Perfume makes silence talk (Reference Quotes)
Students of the heavens are separable into astronomers and astrologers as readily as the minor domestic ruminants into sheep and goats, but the separation of philosophers into sages and cranks seems to be more sensitive to frames of reference (Reference Quotes)
Whatever a poet writes with enthusiasm and a divine inspiration is very fine. Earliest reference to the madness or divine inspiration of poets (Reference Quotes)
To have a true investment, there must be a true margin of safety. And a true margin of safety is one that can be demonstrated by figures, by persuasive reasoning, and by reference to a body of actual experience (Reference Quotes)
I can be an artist a posteriori, not a priori. If my pictures tell the story, our story, human story, then in a hundred years, then they can be considered an art reference, but now they are not made as art. I’m a journalist. My life’s on the road, my studio is the planet (Reference Quotes)
I am a child of cinema, and I am a cineaste, so everything I do is a reference to something I’ve heard or experienced or seen. And we all do it, we all steal. The ones who claim they don’t, are obviously lying, because you do. You just have to make it your own (Reference Quotes)
Oh definitely. It’ll be in a hot tub, with my entire head squeezed into a jet. The photos are going to be hilarious. Man, I really hope the internet sticks around so people can reference this article in my obituaries and see that what sounds like a joke was actually amazingly prescient (Reference Quotes)
You have to have an international reference of competition. You have to go beyond your home (Reference Quotes)
Rome is a place almost worn out by being looked at, a city collapsing under the weight of reference (Reference Quotes)
You get a sense of reference there. You feel part of something that’s got order and balance and harmony to it. All the distraction and noise, all the confusion of misplaced, misdirected energy just don’t happen there (Reference Quotes)