Reflected Quotes

Text Quotes
Oftentimes have we reflected on a similar abuse In the choice of men for office, and of coins for common use; for your old and standard pieces, valued and approved and tried, here among the Grecian nations, and in all the world beside, recognized in every realm for trusty stamp and pure assay, are rejected and abandoned for the trash of yesterday; for a vile, adulterate issue, drossy, counterfeit and base, which the traffic of the city passes current in their place! (Reflected Quotes)
Truth should not be forced; it should simply manifest itself, like a woman who has in her privacy reflected and coolly decided to bestow herself upon a certain man (Reflected Quotes)
A state that denies its citizens their basic rights becomes a danger to its neighbors as well: internal arbitrary rule will be reflected in arbitrary external relations. The suppression of public opinion, the abolition of public competition for power and its public exercise opens the way for the state power to arm itself in any way it sees fit. A state that does not hesitate to lie to its own people will not hesitate to lie to other states (Reflected Quotes)
Perhaps, after all, Susy reflected, it was the world she was meant for, since the other, the brief Paradise of her dreams, had already shut its golden doors upon her (Reflected Quotes)
Possession of anything new or expensive only reflected a person's lack of theology and geometry; it could even cast doubts upon one's soul (Reflected Quotes)
Nature is the glass reflecting God, as by the sea reflected is the sun, too glorious to be gazed on in his sphere (Reflected Quotes)
I reflected on the fact that no matter how good I aspired to be, I was never going to achieve perfection (Reflected Quotes)
I am earth, earth my heart's love bursts with hay and flowers. I am a lake of blue air in which my own appointed place field and valley stand reflected (Reflected Quotes)
It was the insoluble problems - the false leads and the cold cases - that reflected the true nature of things (Reflected Quotes)
The power of fictitious writing, for good as well as for evil, is a thing which ought most seriously to be reflected upon (Reflected Quotes)
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years (Reflected Quotes)
A mother's happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories (Reflected Quotes)
One does not see his thought distinctly till it is reflected in the image of another's (Reflected Quotes)
The list of the slain was topped by the High Septon, ripped apart as he squealed to his gods for mercy. Starving men take a hard view of priests too fat to walk, tyrion reflected (Reflected Quotes)
I want you to remember when our White House reflected the best of who we are, not the worst of what Europe has become (Reflected Quotes)
The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day, but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife (Reflected Quotes)
Mary's light is like that of the moon, totally reflected from the sun, the Son of God (Reflected Quotes)
There is an Easter sense in which all things are made new in the risen Christ. A tiny gleam of this is reflected in all true art (Reflected Quotes)
It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons (Reflected Quotes)
Their swaying bodies reflected the agitation of their minds, and they suffered the worst agony of all, ever just within the reach of safety or just on the point of destruction (Reflected Quotes)
Guyal reined his horse and reflected that flowers were rarely cherished by persons of hostile disposition (Reflected Quotes)
Becoming a mother cannot help but change things. An author’s life is reflected in their writing, whether they want it to be or not, and parenthood is one of the biggest life changes there is (Reflected Quotes)
Companies that pollute should be taxed so that a product’s cost to society is reflected in the price of that product (Reflected Quotes)
I did not think that I was angry, but clearly anger was reflected in my writing. I did not think that I had been affected emotionally, but it was clear from my writing that I was still very emotional about the trial some six months after it ended (Reflected Quotes)
I have personal beliefs and they are sometimes reflected in the movies I make, but I also reflect other points of view (Reflected Quotes)
The classic rule of thumb is that if you are an intellectual ideological magazine, you do better in opposition than you do if your views are reflected by people in power (Reflected Quotes)
The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling (Reflected Quotes)
The financial implode is bound to be reflected in the movies that are being made, there’s no question (Reflected Quotes)
A racial community provides not only a sense of identity, that luxury of looking into another’s face and seeing yourself reflected back, but a sense of security and support (Reflected Quotes)
Reading, like writing, is a creative act. If readers only bring a narrow range of themselves to the book, then they’ll only see their narrow range reflected in it (Reflected Quotes)