Reflects Quotes

Text Quotes
I speak about universal evolution and teleological evolution; because I think the process of evolution reflects the wisdom of nature. I see the need for wisdom to become operative. We need to try to put all of these things together in what I call an evolutionary philosophy of our time (Reflects Quotes)
I’m turning 22, so I want to start getting into work that reflects where I’m at in life now (Reflects Quotes)
I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player’s personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing (Reflects Quotes)
I think real life reflects your movies. In your life, you pick stuff that influences what movie roles you wanna pick. I think if you’ve got an interesting life, you wanna do interesting movies about interesting things (Reflects Quotes)
A premium in the oil price of somewhere between 10 to 15 dollars a barrel reflects this heightened anxiety (Reflects Quotes)
Train the body and develop stamina and endurance. But the spirit of competition and power that presides over them is not good, it reflects a distorted vision of life. The root of the martial arts is not there (Reflects Quotes)
One of the beauties of art is that it reflects an artist’s entire life. What I’ve learned over the past 30 years is really beginning to inform what I make. I hope that process continues until I die (Reflects Quotes)
The ceiling on taxation of capital gains reflects the national belief that speculation is a more worthwhile way to make a living than work (Reflects Quotes)
I think it’s beautiful to be able to cover yourself in metal. I love the color and the way it reflects. But it is also a protection (Reflects Quotes)
In my old age, my mind gets more open, and I listen to so many different types of music and I guess that all reflects in my work (Reflects Quotes)
Everything is connected. The wing of the corn beetle affects the direction of the wind, the way the sand drifts, the way the light reflects into the eye of man beholding his reality. All is part of totality, and in this totality man finds his hozro, his way of walking in harmony, with beauty all around him (Reflects Quotes)
Language helps develp life as surely as it reflects life. It is a most important part of our human condition (Reflects Quotes)
I think fantasy is best described as a kind of fiction that evokes wonder, mystery or magic, a sense of possibility beyond the ordinary world in which we live, and yet which reflects and comments upon that known world (Reflects Quotes)
There are things we don’t do. From this moment forth, let us all ensure our every action reflects well on us and our ancestors. Let us live to the highest standards, lest we win this war only to find ourselves staring in the mirror at the face of our late enemy (Reflects Quotes)
If the financial system has a defect, it is that it reflects and magnifies what we human beings are like. Money amplifies our tendency to overreact, to swing from exuberance when things are going well to deep depression when they go wrong. Booms and busts are products, at root, of our emotional volatility (Reflects Quotes)
The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are (Reflects Quotes)
When I see brokenness, poverty and crime in inner cities, I also see the enormous potential and readiness for transformation and rebirth. We are creating an art form that comes from the heart and reflects the pain and sorrow of people’s lives. It also expresses joy, beauty, and love. This process lays the foundation of building a genuine community in which people are reconnected with their families, sustained by meaningful work, nurtured by the care of each other and will together raise and educate their children. Then we witness social change in action (Reflects Quotes)
Look for where the sky is brightest along the horizon. That reflects the nearest river. Strike out for a river and you will find habitation (Reflects Quotes)
Essentially what you’re doing is collaborating with the photographer to create an image that reflects the fashion you’re trying to capture and also hold a mirror up to the zeitgeist at the moment (Reflects Quotes)
Changing the way we talk is not political correctness run amok. It reflects an admirable willingness to acknowledge others who once were barely visible to the dominant culture, and to recognize that something that may seem innocent to you may be painful to others (Reflects Quotes)
A stone that looks satisfied with its position reflects the sense of ease the waller felt when placing it there (Reflects Quotes)
Because humans, in effect, created dogs through domestication, the canine mind reflects back to us how we see ourselves through the eyes, ears, and noses of another species (Reflects Quotes)
Correlation across replicated environments adds a whole new dimension of complexity of the environment,... You would expect most application groups to have the same set of policies. In reality, you have differences in policies. That reflects back to that whole process of manual storing in the environment (Reflects Quotes)
Perceptions are portraits, not photographs, and their form reveals the artist’s hand every bit as much as it reflects the things portrayed (Reflects Quotes)
Fixing is the illness model; acceptance is the identity model; which way any family goes reflects their assumptions and resources (Reflects Quotes)
Even if a poet writes about sitting in a glass house drinking tea, it reflects politics (Reflects Quotes)
I’m not anti conceptual art. I don’t think painting must be revived, exactly. Art reflects life, and our lives are full of algorithms, so a lot of people are going to want to make art that’s like an algorithm. But my language is painting, and painting is the opposite of that. There’s something primal about it. It’s innate, the need to make marks. That’s why, when you’re a child, you scribble (Reflects Quotes)
Movement, change, light, growth and decay are the lifeblood of nature, the energies that I I try to tap through my work. I need the shock of touch, the resistance of place, materials and weather, the earth as my source. Nature is in a state of change and that change is the key to understanding. I want my art to be sensitive and alert to changes in material, season and weather. Each work grows, stays, decays. Process and decay are implicit. Transience in my work reflects what I find in nature (Reflects Quotes)
The transaction reflects our disciplined strategy of investing capital in core businesses where we can leverage scale and expertise for competitive advantage. In addition to being a great strategic fit, the deal is compelling financially (Reflects Quotes)
All success in life, whether material or spiritual, starts with the thoughts that you put into your mind every second of every minute of every day. Your outer world reflects the state of your inner world. By controlling the thoughts that you think and the way you respond to the events of your life, you begin to control your destiny (Reflects Quotes)