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Attitude is the ability to reframe the experience to empower you to future victories  (Reframe Quotes) Our key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it  (Reframe Quotes) One must exploit the asynchronies that have befallen one, link them to a promising issue or domain, reframe frustrations as opportunities, and, above all, persevere  (Reframe Quotes) I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share  (Reframe Quotes) I am not failing - I am growing! Do you have the ability to reframe failure as growth in order to achieve your goals?  (Reframe Quotes) True baptism allows us to reframe, and contain, the reality of evil, without needing to blame anyone else, without any need for shame or vengeance. We are all in this together, and our common wound shows itself in different ways.  (Reframe Quotes) The secret to happiness, at Thanksgiving or any time, is to reframe obligation as opportunity. You don’t have to spend Thanksgiving with your family. You get to.  (Reframe Quotes) I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share.  (Reframe Quotes) There is something powerful about singing to God as an act of worship, but it is time to reframe our perspective and our language to genuinely encompass all of life as worship.  (Reframe Quotes)