Refuse Quotes

Text Quotes
I am always surprised when I see several cameras, a gaggle on lenses, filters, meters, et cetera, rattling around in a soft bag with a complement of refuse and dust. Sometimes the professional is the worst offender! (Refuse Quotes)
Integrity is built by defeating the temptation to be dishonest; humility grows when we refuse to be prideful; and endurance develops every time you reject the temptation to give up (Refuse Quotes)
Now as before, women must refuse to be meek and guileful, for truth cannot be served by dissimulation. Women who fancy that they manipulate the world by pussy power and gentle cajolery are fools. It is slavery to have to adopt such tactics (Refuse Quotes)
Your story needs to move people’s spirits and build their goodwill, so that when you finally do ask them to buy from you, they feel like you’ve given them so much it would be almost rude to refuse (Refuse Quotes)
When you refuse to pay attention to what life is saying to you, life will make its point very clear. Life wants us to be aware of ourselves so we can make the necessary adjustments in order to live more harmoniously (Refuse Quotes)
If wisdom were offered me with this restriction, that I should keep it close and not communicate it, I would refuse the gift (Refuse Quotes)
Those who prefer their principles over their happiness, they refuse to be happy outside the conditions they seem to have attached to their happiness (Refuse Quotes)
Often we combat our evil thoughts most effectively if we absolutely refuse to allow them to be expressed in words (Refuse Quotes)
Happiness: there are a series of rules, and if you fail to follow them, your conscious mind will refuse to accept the idea that you’re happy (Refuse Quotes)
Since we do not take a man on his past history, we do not refuse him because of his past history. I never met a man who was thoroughly bad. There is always some good in him if he gets a chance (Refuse Quotes)
If you refuse to be happy until you have no problems or challenges, you will probably never be happy! (Refuse Quotes)
Each time a swarm of worries invades your mind, refuse to be affected; wait calmly, while seeking the remedy. Spray the worries with the powerful chemical of your peace (Refuse Quotes)
I have to ask you to resist, not comply, to destroy the power men have over women, to refuse to accept it, to abhor it, and to do whatever is necessary despite its cost to you to change it (Refuse Quotes)
Leaders who refuse to listen, will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing helpful to say (Refuse Quotes)
Every great movement in the world starts with a tiny group of people who simply refuse to accept a situation (Refuse Quotes)
Refuse to allow yourself to have low expectations about what you’re capable of creating (Refuse Quotes)
The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about, yet refuse to investigate (Refuse Quotes)
Hypocrites are those who apply to others the standards that they refuse to accept for themselves (Refuse Quotes)
If you grant asylum to so many refugees, your house may be sacked sooner by the soldiers; I see that clearly. The question is, however, whether, because of this danger, you should refuse to practice such a beautiful virtue as charity (Refuse Quotes)
Strengthen your mind and refuse to carry the burden of mental and moral weakness acquired in past years; burn them in the fires of your present divine resolutions and right activities. By this constructive attitude you will attain freedom (Refuse Quotes)
To refuse to accept the call of your best life is to insult the force that created you (Refuse Quotes)
Don’t pretend to be what you are not. Don’t refuse to be what you are (Refuse Quotes)
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word (Refuse Quotes)
If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way (Refuse Quotes)
No matter what these terrorists do, I refuse to be terrorized. All this requires is just a few alterations in our day to day lives. For example, my first instinct when I receive an envelope full of white powder... is to snort it! I just won’t do that this time! (Refuse Quotes)
In fact, I believe the first companies that make an effort to develop an authentic, transparent, and meaningful social contract with their fans and customers will turn out to be the ones that are the most successful in the future. While brands that refuse to make the effort will lose stature and customer loyalty (Refuse Quotes)
Behold the hands, how they promise, conjure, appeal, menace, pray, supplicate, refuse, beckon, interrogate, admire, confess, cringe, instruct, command, mock and what not besides, with a variation and multiplication of variation which makes the tongue envious (Refuse Quotes)
A woman knows very well that, though a wit sends her his poems, praises her judgment, solicits her criticism, and drinks her tea, this by no means signifies that he respects her opinions, admires her understanding, or will refuse, though the rapier is denied him, to run through the body with his pen (Refuse Quotes)
Yet, I didn’t understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you (Refuse Quotes)
Judges... are picked out from the most dextrous lawyers, who are grown old or lazy, and having been biased all their lives against truth or equity, are under such a fatal necessity of favoring fraud, perjury and oppression, that I have known several of them to refuse a large bribe from the side where justice lay, rather than injure the faculty by doing any thing unbecoming their nature in office (Refuse Quotes)