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The vulgar refuse or crouch beneath their load; the brave bear theirs without repining  (Refuse Quotes) Parents deserve reproof when they refuse to benefit their children by severe discipline  (Refuse Quotes) Social movements will not develop if they refuse to name and define alternative possibilities  (Refuse Quotes) People who soar, are those who refuse to sit back and wish things would change  (Refuse Quotes) I absolutely refuse to reveal my age. What am I - a car?  (Refuse Quotes) I refuse to age disgracefully in rock ‘n’ roll  (Refuse Quotes) We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English  (Refuse Quotes) I can never refuse anyone who addresses me as Mother  (Refuse Quotes) It is kindness to immediately refuse what you intend to deny  (Refuse Quotes) Refuse to be sad and you’ll be happier  (Refuse Quotes) I refuse to continue to waste my time  (Refuse Quotes) I refuse to be pushed around anymore  (Refuse Quotes) I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven  (Refuse Quotes) Decide justice is worthy and refuse to go away  (Refuse Quotes) I refuse to allow people to stop me from living and enjoying my life  (Refuse Quotes) Refuse to be an extraordinary person trapped in an ordinary life  (Refuse Quotes) I refuse to hold the coats of this generation  (Refuse Quotes) If we are caught by the obstacle of knowledge, even if truth comes knocking at our door, we will refuse to let it in  (Refuse Quotes) To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worth while. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter  (Refuse Quotes) To expose our hearts to truth and consistently refuse or neglect to obey the impulses it arouses is to stymie the motions of life within us and, if persisted in, to grieve the Holy Spirit into silence  (Refuse Quotes) The best way to keep something bad from happening is to see it ahead of time... and you can't see it if you refuse to face the possibility  (Refuse Quotes) A number of moralists condemn lotteries and refuse to see anything noble in the passion of the ordinary gambler. They judge gambling as some atheists judge religion, by its excesses  (Refuse Quotes) We've reached a point in American history when death has become almost the last obscenity. Have you noticed how many of us refuse to say ‘he or she died'? We're far more likely to say ‘she passed away, ' as though death were a sterile process of modest preparation, followed by shrink-wrapping, then rapid transit-where? Well, elsewhere. In short, it's the single thing we're loath to discuss in public  (Refuse Quotes) Prejudice is a disease. And when they come for you, or refuse your worth, I will be ready for their stones. I belong to you  (Refuse Quotes) When the wind is right and the cloud is gone, you can see down this road as far as Darjeeling, " I told her. "But it is a long and difficult road, full of perils, and if a traveller on foot were to look at the length of it, his spirit would be overcome and he would sit down and refuse to go any further. You must not look to the end of the road, Portia. Look only to the step in front of you. That you can do. Just one step. And you will not make the journey alone  (Refuse Quotes) The right to demand the best and refuse the worst and do so not by virtue of your wealth, but your equal status as citizen, thats precisely what the modern Labour Party should stand for  (Refuse Quotes) I may neither choose who I would, nor refuse who I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father  (Refuse Quotes) A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other  (Refuse Quotes) Even though New York is the safest big city in the nation, there are still far too many illegal guns on our streets. Nearly all of them arrive from out of state – and most are sold by a small group of rogue gun dealers who refuse to obey federal laws  (Refuse Quotes) A lot of the people who keep a gun at home for safety are the same ones who refuse to wear a seat belt  (Refuse Quotes)
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