Regard Quotes

Text Quotes
If he wants their labor, let them go to work, without regard to politics (Regard Quotes)
Progress is the injustice each generation commits with regard to its predecessors (Regard Quotes)
Follow your inclinations with due regard to the policeman round the corner (Regard Quotes)
Personally I regard idling as a virtue, but civilized society holds otherwise (Regard Quotes)
I do not regard capital to be the enemy of labour (Regard Quotes)
I want to be better informed with regard to ichthyology (Regard Quotes)
Regard mistakes as teachers, not judges (Regard Quotes)
Regard a king as someone unconcerned with kingship (Regard Quotes)
Love each other. Regard each other as members of one family. (Regard Quotes)
Love Katharine Hepburn. Her selfless love to Spencer, with little or no regard for her own needs, wants or care, bothers me. The book while interesting, was not what I expected, yet, the last chapter was the most disturbing, love knows no bounds, she had unconditional love for Spencer, it is a shame it was not reciprocated. she deserved so much more. but she did it out of love. how can you argue with that? I hope her free spirit is still surrounding all of us (Regard Quotes)
There may be people who like centipedes... Personally, I would regard such an individual with deep suspicion. I have just petted my cat: "And how is this good little cat beast?" Now what sort of man or woman or monster would stroke a centipede on his underbelly? "And here is my good big centipede!" If such a man exists, I say kill him without more ado. He is a traitor to the human race (Regard Quotes)
So, were every man on earth to become atheist, it could not affect God in any way. He is what He is in Himself without regard to any other. To believe in Him adds nothing to His perfections; to doubt Him takes nothing away. Almighty God, just because He is almighty, needs no support (Regard Quotes)
Our national drug is alcohol. We tend to regard the use of any other drug with special horror (Regard Quotes)
There is non who is unfriendly, even the person we may regard as unfriendly has a friend. Our mind is the only limitation and barrier to people (Regard Quotes)
Until we see the 'this- advantage' in the disadvantage we shall always be looking at the disadvantages in life. life does not present us with disadvantages, it gives us 'this- advantages' to take. It is only because of excuses and low courage that we regard 'this advantages' as disadvantages (Regard Quotes)
The settler makes history and is conscious of making it. And because he constantly refers to the history of his mother country, he clearly indicates that he himself is the extension of that mother-country. Thus the history which he writes is not the history of the country which he plunders but the history of his own nation in regard to all that she skims off, all that she violates and starves (Regard Quotes)
But the long tunnels of art through which I walked in Rome that day had no ragged edges, cowardly colors, or shades of pastel that didn't know what to do with themselves. The wisdom, perfection, and beauty of the colors and forms I passed were more than enough, in their collectivity, to hint at the principles which govern the hereafter, whatever that may be. Indeed, even a detail of one painting can offer solid direction in this regard if one knows how to look (Regard Quotes)
We cannot be sure that we ought not to regard the most criminal country as that which in some aspects possesses the highest civilization (Regard Quotes)
I believe we can turn around our country's current, wrong-headed course, if we start basing our actions on ideas, shared values, and a commitment to solve problems without regard for party (Regard Quotes)
Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral (Regard Quotes)
Those who are served by the present limit-situation regard the untested feasibility as a threatening limit-situation which must not be allowed to materialize, and act to maintain the status quo (Regard Quotes)
The very same reason which one man may regard as a motive for taking care to prolong his life may be regarded by another man as a motive for shooting himself (Regard Quotes)
I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being (Regard Quotes)
Wonder, or radical amazement, is a way of going beyond what is given in thing and thought, refusing to take anything for granted, to regard anything as final. It is our honest response to the grandeur and mystery of reality our confrontation with that which transcends the given (Regard Quotes)
I've been lucky enough - well, maybe unlucky enough - to have had a lot of friends who have had their ups and downs. And for an actor, that's good. Life experience in any regard is good. So I've seen a lot and I've had my own experiences (Regard Quotes)
Praise in the beginning is agreeable enough, and we receive it as a favor; but when it comes in great quantities, we regard it only as a debt, which nothing but our merit could extort (Regard Quotes)
We can't rely on anything. Except ourselves. Ludicrous responsibility devolves on us, overwhelms us. In every regard, right up the present, people always have relied on each other - or God (Regard Quotes)
How you treat the one reveals how you regard the many, because everyone is ultimately a one (Regard Quotes)
Your passion must come from the things that fuel you from the inside. Honors and awards are nice things, but only to the extent that they regard the real respect from your peers (Regard Quotes)
Human love has little regard for the truth. It makes the truth relative, since nothing, not even the truth, must come between it and the beloved person (Regard Quotes)