Regarded Quotes

Text Quotes
Because in classical music cello is not regarded as a popular choice, it’s always playing the long, boring notes. (Regarded Quotes)
Nationalism of the Irish type is often regarded as reactionary. With the World Revolution and the Classless Society waiting for the midwife, why take a torch to the stable to assist at the birth of a puppy? Even if the puppy is pedigree. On this question I am unable to make up my mind. (Regarded Quotes)
People who criticize power in the Jewish community are regarded the way Ahab treated Elijah: You’re a traitor. (Regarded Quotes)
Pakistan is not a unified country. In large parts of the country, the state is regarded as a Punjabi state, not their (the people’s) state. (Regarded Quotes)
Courage becomes a worthwhile and meaningful virtue when it is regarded not so much as a willingness to die manfully but as a determination to live decently. (Regarded Quotes)
Halt regarded him. He loved Horace like a younger brother. Even like a second son, after will. He admired his skill with a sword and his courage in battle. But sometimes, just sometimes, he felt an overwhelming desire to ram the young warrior’s head against a convenient tree. (Regarded Quotes)
I’m so incredibly tired of giving respect to a lot of delusions and crazy ideas just because they are regarded as religions. (Regarded Quotes)
Cutting corners no doubt makes the job easier for the government, but making the government’s job easier is rarely a priority. Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is. (Regarded Quotes)
Intruding upon a dimension rightfully ours, modern medicine robs us of the dignity of what people in the past regarded as most precious: that final moment of death. (Regarded Quotes)
Whenever she walked along the streets of Manhattan, she looked at all the different faces coming toward her and, despite their different features and colors, she regarded them all as Americans. (Regarded Quotes)
As disabled people, we are taught from a young age that those who are attracted to us are to be regarded with suspicion. (Regarded Quotes)
Australia - not western in geography, of course, but in every other respect for sure (it certainly doesn’t want to be regarded as Asian, God forbid) - loves nothing more than to throw its weight around in South-East Asia by playing peacekeeper, carrying out its role as the United States’ regional policeman. (Regarded Quotes)
Today the vacuum [of space] is not regarded as empty. It is a sea of dynamic energy, like the spray of foam near a turbulent waterfall. (Regarded Quotes)
Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment. (Regarded Quotes)
A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do we know that his future will not be equal to our present? (Regarded Quotes)
Under no stretch of imagination can war be regarded as an ethical process; yet war, force, terror, and propaganda were the evolutionary means employed to weld the German people into a tribal whole. (Regarded Quotes)
I grew up in a family that despised displays of strong emotion, rage in particular. We stewed. We sulked. When arguments did occur, they were full-scale conniptions, and we regarded them as family failings. Afterward, we withdrew from one another and tried our best to strike the event from our memories. (Regarded Quotes)
There is a finite group of major financial players... and overall, the best thing for all of us is to be in an industry that’s well respected, well regarded, and well thought of. (Regarded Quotes)
Today’s recording techniques would have been regarded as science fiction forty years ago (Regarded Quotes)
Nuclear power, once regarded as petroleum’s natural heir, has become less and less attractive as its numerous drawbacks come to light. Coal, the other fossil fuel, is ultimately as exhaustible as oil. (Regarded Quotes)
The definition of the right of suffrage is very justly regarded as a fundamental article of republican government. (Regarded Quotes)
I regarded drugs as somewhat like rattlesnakes - it’s possible to pick one up without getting bit, but why bother? (Regarded Quotes)
The rhema is regarded as a more immediate word from God which we do not find in the 66 books of the Bible. (Regarded Quotes)
In terms of the Japanese royal family, they were considered the direct descendants of a God. They are regarded as all-powerful and possessors of unimaginable wealth, and yet they are, more often than not, literally prisoners of tradition. (Regarded Quotes)
The smartest people in Indianapolis became teachers [during the Great Depression]. And, for once, there was something for women to do because teaching was regarded as a woman’s profession, like nursing. So the smartest women in town - Jesus, my women teachers were so exciting. (Regarded Quotes)
I’m regarded outside New York University as a looney tunes leftie, self-hating Jewish communist; inside the university, I’m regarded as a typical, old-fashioned, white male liberal elitist. I like that. I’m on the edge of both; it makes me feel comfortable. (Regarded Quotes)
You think I’m a fool? demanded Harry.No, I think you’re like James, said Lupin, who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends. (Regarded Quotes)
In July 2011, U.S. Soccer announced that they’d fired Bob Bradley and hired Jurgen Klinsmann as head coach. Jurgen had once been a world-class German striker; now he was regarded as a successful, if controversial, coach. (Regarded Quotes)
In France, Paul explained, good cooking was regarded as a combination of national sport and high art, and wine was always served with lunch and dinner. The trick is moderation, he said. (Regarded Quotes)