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Regenerated Quotes

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Hey, look, I just regenerated a finger. Guess which one  (Regenerated Quotes) Man, before he is being regenerated, does not even know that any internal man exists, muchless is he acquainted with its nature and quality  (Regenerated Quotes) It is the man of science, eager to have his every opinion regenerated, his every idea rationalized, by drinking at the fountain of fact, and devoting all the energies of his life to the cult of truth, not as he understands it, but as he does not yet understand it, that ought properly to be called a philosopher  (Regenerated Quotes) In adult centers the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be regenerated  (Regenerated Quotes) The regenerated do not go to war, nor engage in strife. They are children of peace who have beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning forks, and know no war  (Regenerated Quotes) A child of five, if properly instructed, can, as truly believe, and be regenerated, as an adult  (Regenerated Quotes) Language may die at the hands of the schoolman: it is regenerated by the poets  (Regenerated Quotes) Faith in Christ makes one a regenerated believer; obedience to the Holy Spirit makes him a spiritual believer.  (Regenerated Quotes) Ever since the Industrial Revolution, investments in science and technology have proved to be reliable engines of economic growth. If homegrown interest in those fields is not regenerated soon, the comfortable lifestyle to which Americans have become accustomed will draw to a rapid close.  (Regenerated Quotes)